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seb hughes

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  1. How can I have it so I can get the following: domain.tld. From a "a href" tag. This has been driving me crazy for DAYS.
  2. all I need it to do is get things in between <a href = "whatisinhere"> but it has to trim it to the domain name so www.doming.com hello.php.net or hwello.hello.php.net it can't have www.domain.com/what_ever_else_is_here.html If it doesnt have www. then its even better.
  3. I got it to work, but it shows page names like image.php?dfdf=dfsdkfdkfkd which it should'nt do.
  4. $status = preg_match_all(%href=[\'"]?(?:https?://)?([^\s/\'"]+)%, $html, $matches); I get a parse error.
  5. I'm written a script which grabs all URLs from a page and outputs them and also it takes out all duplicates. I need it to grab from a <a href ="www.domain.com>akhajha</a> just the www.domain.com or domain.net. If the link is www.domain.org/helllloooooo.html it needs to trim itto www.domain.org. I written the program, just this Regex is driving me nuts. $url = $_POST['url']; $banned = array($url); $handle = fopen($url, "r"); $html = file_get_contents($url); $matches = array(); $status = preg_match_all('@(https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)@', $html, $matches); $unique = array(); foreach($matches[1] as $match) { $found = false; if (in_array($match, $banned)) { $found = true; } foreach($unique as $u) { if($u == $match) { $found = true; break; } } if(!$found) { array_push($unique, $match); } } foreach ($unique as $link) { echo $link . "<br />"; } Please help me fix this problem. Thanks.
  6. I am able to get the folder name of where a file is in eg /folder/ but I don't knwo how to get the full folder path like: www.example.com/folder1/folder2/folder3/ I know how to get the file and the example.com but not to list all the folders, how can I do this.
  7. If i was you I wouldn't echo the "Connected To MySQL Successfully" & "Connected To Database Successfully"
  8. When i use this it makes you're become you\'re. When i pull the data from the database how do i get it to go back to you're?
  9. Most spam now use images, also they put V1agra and crap now. Also most fo these are done via ots so you should use CAPTCHA
  10. What your wanting to do, I would probs do it in PHP/MySQL and use relationships
  11. I didn't say that but it seems like you havnt look at the manual or anything. no offensive. Just create a activate code and in the email have this code and the email, so they have to match to ok it.
  12. Man this thread is causing so much hassle it is unreal, I say runnerjp goes reads up and we party .
  13. You need a new host if they don't let you use sha1 in php, why can't you use MD5?
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