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Everything posted by Lamez

  1. can you post the website? I would like to take a look at it
  2. Like I said, unless an Guru or an Expert came along.
  3. I like using DreamWeaver, it turns different syntax's into different colors. It does not debug it for you, but it lets you know how some functions should work. Like if you use the MD5 function, it will say in a box, string. Meaning type in the string and nothing else.
  4. Well we can only determined what is wrong, only by seeing the code. Unless a Guru come along, or an Expert.
  5. Lamez


    I am glad to see you using salt! do something like this: <?php $pass = "doggybag"; $salt = "!@#!@#!@#16657567116711455687**//"; $ck = $_POST['password']; if(md5($ck.$salt) === md5($pass.$salt){ echo "Correct Password"; }else{ echo "Incorrect Password"; } ?> That should do it, but I did not test that all, post any errors!
  6. if the topic is solved then press the Topic Solved button
  7. Warning: md5() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /mounted-storage/home48c/sub007/sc33591-LWQU/link_check/html_test.php on line 11 KrazyPick Link ok so it is in an array, but how do I take it out and form a string?
  8. so its like verticals/cars/ford.html
  9. nope, I get this error now Warning: hash() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in /mounted-storage/home48c/sub007/sc33591-LWQU/link_check/html_test.php on line 11 KrazyPick Link
  10. let me give it a go real quick!
  11. what is a REST service?
  12. lol, wow! one sentence and you solve my problems, well lets hope! Thanks for the suggestion!
  13. ya use xampp, I always have trouble with wamp, and xampp comes with a tiny install or something like that, where it only gives you the basic files, I like that install the best!
  14. @CroNiX This is good to know! I am sorta new, and learning every step of the way!
  15. echo $errors['name_of_data'];
  16. Well Zanus, that is a good idea! I have this script I have been working on for days, and almost a week now, and I am pretty sure if you did a search on this website with the keywords ELC, or External Link Checker, you would find numerous results with topics by me. That being said, I am encrypting the get url values, after they have been pinged, and they turn out valid, then I am adding them to the database, then checking to see if it blacklisted or not, well in order to check to see if the string is already encrypted I need to see if it is a url! Well if I go ahead and add http:// to the string I would get something like this http://f051adfaf5d5d0d1, so if a users puts in, lets say, phpfreaks.com, I need to determined that this is a valid link, but how?
  17. well now I am a bit lost, I used those keywords you suggested, and I found something like this: ^((ht|f)tp(s?)\:\/\/|~/|/)?([\w]+:\w+@)?([a-zA-Z]{1}([\w\-]+\.)+([\w]{2,5}))(:[\d]{1,5})?((/?\w+/)+|/?)(\w+\.[\w]{3,4})?((\?\w+=\w+)?(&\w+=\w+)*)? How do I use this to determined if a string is a url?
  18. Hmm, well could you give me an example on how to determined this?
  19. Yes, but without http:// or www.
  20. another problem solved with session variables! set each page with a session variable that is unique from the others, example page name. Then have a custom function or tons of if statements. You could do if this session var is = to page name then font color is red, else if and continue!
  21. I think a $_SESSION variable over rights a regular variable. I always add something to my session variables like $_SESSION['s_username']; then you can do something like $username = $_SESSION['s_username']
  22. is there a function in php that will return a string as a url or not?
  23. did your really use test@test.com as your email? Also it could be something with the mail server.
  24. Yes, I suggested a good idea!
  25. also www.php.net/ is a great resource to look up different functions! www.php.net/echo
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