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Everything posted by Lamez

  1. I have something like this <?php class Session { //other junk } ?> can I put a regular string under class Session? Like so: <?php class Session { $salt = "poopscooper1"; //other junk } ?> If not, where should I put it so it can be defined all through out the class?
  2. I do know this, but even if there is flaws in my scripts, and they discover the encryption they would less likely to decrypt it, if it contains random crap.
  3. Lamez

    Im bored.

    http://www.specialdefects.com/v2/ lol
  4. I want to make my user's passwords more secure, than just a one way encryption. My plan is to make a salt generator, then add it to the password, and encrypt it. Then add the salt to the database, so when the user types in their password, I can check the password with the random salt generated from the script which is in the DB. My question is; is this secure enough? Here is how I want to generate salt. have the script generate a letter from a-r, and a number from 1-10. Then add them so for example: a6, then I want to add 6 to the a, so I get g, and then add 10 to the generated number. So over all I get something like this a6g16. Would that help? -Thanks Guys!
  5. hmm, take a look at the cheat sheet, they have something posted about this.
  6. You mean €6.45 a month! Liar. no, I am American, with an American host.
  7. dropfaith, how did you become a customer to them?
  8. eh, I am not running anything hardcore, as you can see 10gb is more than enough! Plus I get 10gb in disk space every three months!
  9. Give more detail. An archive of what? Posted Images, Posted Articles.
  10. I am allowed up to 5010gb in Bandwidth from my webhost. http://uploads.lamezz.com/w00t.bmp
  11. personally I do not watch baseball, but it looks interesting so I might give it a go.
  12. Lamez


    I tried two things. I clicked no, and it came back with, a smart-ass who clicks no. Then I did me, and it came back with a Japanese guy!
  13. Lamez


    ya, it got it right!
  14. not really. You still have to pay for webhosting. So lets see $6.00 + $25.00 = $31.00, or unless you get a free domain with your webhost. Still, $25.00 is what I pay a month. That is cheap compared to some.
  15. Yes, that is the only way to conjure it. Sometime I put salt on it was well. So do you wear socks when you are cold?
  16. you can sound extremely intelligent when you tell a computer illiterate person, that you are certified in PHP, and MySql , they won't have a clue what you are talking about, and think you are extremely qualified for you to build their website. For my senior project, I am working on becoming A+ Certified. Even though I am barely learning PHP, and other languages such as Java, I am pretty handy with computers, as most of you are too. I have a long way to go!
  17. because he is just starting out, and it is always to go free, untill he\she gets more experiance\money.
  18. also go ahead and pick you up a domain at www.co.cc
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