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Everything posted by Lamez

  1. I have something like this <?php class Session { //other junk } ?> can I put a regular string under class Session? Like so: <?php class Session { $salt = "poopscooper1"; //other junk } ?> If not, where should I put it so it can be defined all through out the class?
  2. I do know this, but even if there is flaws in my scripts, and they discover the encryption they would less likely to decrypt it, if it contains random crap.
  3. http://www.specialdefects.com/v2/ lol
  4. so is my method secure?
  5. I want to make my user's passwords more secure, than just a one way encryption. My plan is to make a salt generator, then add it to the password, and encrypt it. Then add the salt to the database, so when the user types in their password, I can check the password with the random salt generated from the script which is in the DB. My question is; is this secure enough? Here is how I want to generate salt. have the script generate a letter from a-r, and a number from 1-10. Then add them so for example: a6, then I want to add 6 to the a, so I get g, and then add 10 to the generated number. So over all I get something like this a6g16. Would that help? -Thanks Guys!
  6. hmm, take a look at the cheat sheet, they have something posted about this.
  7. You mean €6.45 a month! Liar. no, I am American, with an American host.
  8. dropfaith, how did you become a customer to them?
  9. eh, I am not running anything hardcore, as you can see 10gb is more than enough! Plus I get 10gb in disk space every three months!
  10. Servage for $6.45 a month. who is your host?
  11. Give more detail. An archive of what? Posted Images, Posted Articles.
  12. I am allowed up to 5010gb in Bandwidth from my webhost. http://uploads.lamezz.com/w00t.bmp
  13. personally I do not watch baseball, but it looks interesting so I might give it a go.
  14. Lamez


    I tried two things. I clicked no, and it came back with, a smart-ass who clicks no. Then I did me, and it came back with a Japanese guy!
  15. Lamez


    ya, it got it right!
  16. not really. You still have to pay for webhosting. So lets see $6.00 + $25.00 = $31.00, or unless you get a free domain with your webhost. Still, $25.00 is what I pay a month. That is cheap compared to some.
  17. Yes, that is the only way to conjure it. Sometime I put salt on it was well. So do you wear socks when you are cold?
  18. you can sound extremely intelligent when you tell a computer illiterate person, that you are certified in PHP, and MySql , they won't have a clue what you are talking about, and think you are extremely qualified for you to build their website. For my senior project, I am working on becoming A+ Certified. Even though I am barely learning PHP, and other languages such as Java, I am pretty handy with computers, as most of you are too. I have a long way to go!
  19. $10, psh I bought mine for $6.00
  20. because he is just starting out, and it is always to go free, untill he\she gets more experiance\money.
  21. also go ahead and pick you up a domain at www.co.cc
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