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Everything posted by evillair

  1. Got it working. I rechecked all the files and I had a typo.
  2. No problem, I appreciate the help. This one is confusing me, it works fine locally but I get that error online. hmmm... Anyone has any ideas? The syntax is correct since it 'is' working locally. ???
  3. OK, the quote stuff is broken right now, I'll be reworking it soon...I've removed the image button. The rest should be ok now. Thanks!
  4. Oh, my mistake, you meant incorporate the error in the design. I thought you weren't seeing the messages. It's done now too. I added an agreement form to it also. Thanks again.
  5. Thanks for checking it out. It should display a error message though... Invalid Characters Sorry, you can only use: [a-z], [0-9], [-] and [ _ ]. Spaces are not allowed. Please try again. Can I asked what you entered that didn't give you a message?
  6. I just updated the registering inputs checking, if anyone wants to test that feel free. Thanks.
  7. Thank you very much, I'll check it out
  8. Ok thanks. I 'was' using sessions then I switched to cookies. I'll switch back.
  9. It doesn't, I'm just trying to learn php and javascript at the same time for this. But I'm only using JS for the style switcher and to paste text into the text area for bbc code...is that wrong? Ok, I've filtered it out the email now, thanks... Forgot to do that too. The 'admin' account or the account that has administration access? The 'admin' was just for testing, it has no rights. If you logged in with administration access then I have a problem. Thanks again for the help A quick question: - Should I go back to using sessions for passwords?
  10. source, I just started learning php a few weeks ago... give me a break. I'm still learning. I don't see where I'm using javascript to check "shit" though. I don't see any marquee'ing also, which page? I guess I should be using $_SESSIONs for passwords? Thanks, I've got most of the stuff mentioned fixed.
  11. Ok thanks, I fixed it temperarely. I'm drawing a blank on how to fix it so text just goes to the next line ???
  12. hmmm...ok, I thought I fixed that. Thanks edit, ahh the server setting differs from my localhost, fixed
  13. Thanks to those who helped me last time... I decided to re-write the whole thing. The core is all new. Here's the new one: http://www.sentry.dreamhosters.com/ I'm looking for security issues. I have a forum all set up for you to delete also. Notes: - Word filtering isn't added yet so don't bother testing it. - Email verification isn't done. - More options will be added but I wanted to test first. Any help is appreciated! Thanks
  14. BillyBoB: I just got AIM, I added it to my profile on the left.
  15. Great thanks! I added it to my functions which I include in pages and added it to the $_POST checks. Seems to work, I tried to register <marquee> and it didn't work.
  16. Hmm, I am using this when you register: // Get data that sent from form $username = filterBadWords(str_replace($invalidchars, "", $_POST['username'])); $password = md5($_POST['password']); $email = str_replace($invalidchars, "", $_POST['email']); $realname = filterBadWords(str_replace($invalidchars, "", $_POST['realname'])); $location = filterBadWords(str_replace($invalidchars, "", $_POST['location'])); wow, I'm not very good at this
  17. Thanks for the input! I'm trying too but I can't get it to work. :-\
  18. First off, I just started coding a few weeks ago (I'm an artist by trade), I have learned a lot but got a long way to go. I tried to do as much as I could reading tutorials, articles, code snippets and Google. It all started with a forum tutorial and went on from there. Now it's time to test it on some real people before I go on. As I am a newbie I'm sure I have made lots of mistakes. If you find problems it would be really helpful if you could help me a bit in hinting at a solution, if possible. There's a few small errors I know of, ghost messages on the portal page etc. Those are easily fixed. The css chooser is also a test, it just switches backgrounds for now. Here's the URL: http://www.evillair.net/sourcebb/ Thanks in advance. Be gentle
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