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Northern Flame

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Everything posted by Northern Flame

  1. me using ajax a lot on my website? I still havnt released my website, but I am almost done with it and realized that I used A LOT of ajax on my website. Would you recommend that I cut down on the use of ajax or is it not that big of a deal? and how many browsers out there do NOT accept the use of ajax?
  2. this line: $ladders=mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM ladders game=".$ladderg['game']." ORDER BY name"); makes no sense, you are suppose to have the word "WHERE" between ladders and game
  3. take a look at one of his pages and see how he included the template, then just do that.
  4. it depends on what kind of information, if its just normal stuff maybe like an email address or something like that, yes, if its a credit card number or something more private like that, then you should get and SSL certificate to be more secure.
  5. I want to create a script that will upload an image via ajax. I know how to do this regularly with PHP, but my question is if I can upload the file without the user having to click a "Submit" button. So my question is if i can do something like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="upload_ajax.js"></script> <!-- the above file will be a simple ajax script that will pass the data to a php script via $_GET --> <input type="file" name="image" size="25" /><br /> <button onClick="uploadImage()"> Upload Image </button> with the uploadImage() function I can pass the path of the image on the users computer, but can I then upload it as I normally would with PHP using $_FILES?
  6. the only complaints i have is that it does not fit on my screen, other than that I like it. As for the whole tables thing, dont change that if you dont want to, many people say that divs are better, but when it comes down to it, the person coding the website should be allowed to choose from tables and divs
  7. from what i know, it wont, but just to be safe you can create a robots.txt file that will at least prevent google from looking at it. But if you have absolutely no link to the actual a.php b.php c.php pages, then there should be no reason for the robots to find it. and while the robots are on www.example.com/dir/images/ they will not know that they are actually seeing a.php or b.php or c.php
  8. or you can have a cron job at the end of each day that will select a random image, rand(1, 10) and insert the value into a database where you can then grab the value and display the image
  9. are you looking for us to do all the work for you? if so, try the freelance section, but, if you want to learn, try taking a look at some tutorials and if you run into any specific problems, feel free to ask us
  10. this forum automatically puts </url> instead of </a>, nothing to do with his code.... As for your code, im looking but I dont see a problem, ill keep on trying to come up with a solution though
  11. wait i got a little confused at the end, what exactly is your question?
  12. you're welcome, remember to put "Topic Solved"
  13. well first off you might need to learn PHP if you dont already know it, or hire a PHP programmer, next, if you will be accepting credit cards you will need an SSL certificate, or you can use something else to accept the credit cards such as paypal. now as for the actual tickets, I dont know much that, sorry, and good luck
  14. for the sql, try: $two = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['col_2']); $three = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['col_3']); $five = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['col_5']); $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE col_2 = '$two' && col_3 = '$three' && col_5 = '$five'"; // make sure column names are correct! then just put that into $result....
  15. i dont know if theres a way of doing that without actually uploading the file and then checking the size with a language like PHP, ASP, or ASP.NET
  16. try this: function setBase(getBase){ var sub = "no"; } function isSub(getSub){ theSub = getSub.value; document.write(theSub); } setBase(); isSub(sub);
  17. what you do is store the names in your database and then use a mysql_query() to get the names from your database then just echo something like this: $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM images"); while($image = mysql_fetch_object($query)){ echo "<img src='/folder/". $image->name ."' />"; }
  18. try: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/?$ /f.php?u=$1 [L] RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/([^/\.]+)/?$ /s.php?u=$1&p=$2 [L] RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/([^/\.]+)/([^/\.]+)/?$ /t.php?u=$1&p=$2&a=$3 [L]
  19. try $result = mysql_query("SELECT col_4 FROM {$table} ORDER BY submission_date DESC"); if (!$result) { die("Query to show fields from table failed:".mysql_error()); } while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<a href="ResumeDisplay.php?id='.$row['col_2'] . $row['col_3'] . $row['col_5'].'">'.$row['col_4'].'</a>'; echo "<br />"; } mysql_free_result($result);
  20. i think salebanon.com will be a good choice
  21. why not have one form with a radio button asking the user what they wanna search, and in your script search the tables depending on what they select.
  22. you can set a cookie after the user registers using one form, and if they attempt to register again, just check for the cookie, and if its set, that means they've registered, if not, then let them register. Hope that makes sense. Good Luck
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