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Northern Flame

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Everything posted by Northern Flame

  1. this has nothing to do with exit() if the current file running is upload,php, why do you include it again? i see the file included a lot include "upload.php"; thats causing the loop, remove all the includes that include upload.php and it will stop looping
  2. show line 66 because sometimes there will be an error in the line before that causes the next line to report an error.
  3. well i dont see any errors but you're gonna have to run the script and check it out for yourself to really find out.
  4. yea for each of the things that you echo, just put in the input tag, ex: echo "<tr><th>Title</th>"; echo "<td>"; echo '<input type="text" name="title" value="'. $row['title'] .'" size="20" />'; echo "</td>";
  5. somewhere I read too that using this when working with sensitive data such as passwords can lower the chances of the values being changed or something like that in a hack attempt, is this true? how would that work?
  6. you could run 2 queries like this: <?php $first = mysql_query("SELECT date FROM table ORDER BY date ASC LIMIT 1")or die(mysql_error()); $second = mysql_query("SELECT date FROM table ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1")or die(mysql_error()); $first_date = mysql_fetch_object($first); $second_date = mysql_fetch_object($second); $date_one = $first_date->date; $date_two = $second_date->date; echo "$date_one - $date_two"; ?> EDIT: oops, I left something out in the code, try it now
  7. I was reading about the sleep() function and if I understood it correctly, it just makes the script load a certain amount of seconds slower. My question is, when would this apply to real life coding? In other words, when would I use the sleep() function and what exactly would I use it for? thanks for any replies (i know this sounds like a noob question )
  8. do you mean you will need to use a function from your products class inside your shopping cart class? if so, yes, you will need to include the products class into the shopping cart function like so: <?php include('products-class.php'); class shopping{ function something(){ products::someFunction(); } } ?>
  9. try replacing RewriteRule ^archive/(.+)$ archive.php?id=$1 with RewriteRule ^archive/([^/\.]+)/?$ archive.php?id=$1 [L]
  10. the images under the words "content" do not load, and is "content" suppose to be there or are you planning on changing that because it seems kind of weird with it just like that.
  11. not bad, the only problem i had with this website is that on the template there were 3 places with google ads, and on the main content section you also had google ads. I get really annoyed when I see a whole bunch of ads on websites, ESPECIALLY in the main content section. I also find it that users like websites with as little ads as possible, my site has NO ads It might not be that bad if you kept the three in the template but try to get rid of the ads in the main content section.
  12. design looks pretty good, only thing i would recommend is trim the page down a bit from the sides so that the scroll bar on the bottom of my browser (firefox) is not there
  13. yup thats pretty much how you would do it, although $SESSION[userlevel] should be $_SESSION[userlevel] if you're using php, which im guessing you are.
  14. just click the topic solved button, thats there
  15. so what do you want it to echo?
  16. you dont need to have these two lines in both scripts: $_SESSION['student']['user']; $_SESSION['student']['pass']; if you're not doing anything with the variables, theres not reason to have them, and im not too sure, but having that might be removing their values.
  17. try: <tr><td class='tbl1'>Away: <?php $query3="SELECT sportsdb_teams.teamid, sportsdb_teams.teamname, sportsdb_divs.divname FROM sportsdb_teams, sportsdb_divs WHERE sportsdb_teams.active=1 AND sportsdb_teams.teamdiv = sportsdb_divs.divid AND sportsdb_divs.conference = $confid ORDER BY divorder ASC, teamname ASC"; $result3=mysql_query($query3); $teams = mysql_fetch_array($result3, MYSQL_ASSOC); print ">{$teams['teamname']}</option>\n"; print "</td><td bgcolor='#FFFF00'>Score: <input type=\"text\" name=\"ra\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" value=\"{$score['ra']}\" /></td></tr>\n"; ?>
  18. can you give a specific example of what you are trying to do? are you trying to have yourwebsite.com/word redirect to yourwebsite.com/script.php?data=word
  19. do you only want to display one result or all of them but not in a drop down?
  20. or with .htaccess you can do this: .htaccess <Limit GET POST> order allow,deny deny from {ip address} allow from all </Limit> replace {ip address} with the ip address you want to ban
  21. you can also do it via .htaccess
  22. well all the fonts look fine except the main text, like the header "Take 5 Minutes", that font is fine, but the main one is kind of boring. Try different ones out and see which one you like
  23. really? i think its easier reading short little lines than reading a big long thing.
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