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Everything posted by burnside

  1. @ CORBIN some nice comments there made me giggle
  2. people will be able to insert mysql and java in your strings if un protected. $search = trim(htmlspecialchars($_POST['search'], ENT_QUOTES)); May not be 100% safe but its better than not being safe at all.
  3. i would also sanatize your search? $search=$_POST["search"];
  4. I normaly dont use them lol but i woke up other day and poof its like second nature to add them lol. If that makes any sense ???
  5. mysql_query("INSERT INTO `interactive`` (`name`, `theme`) VALUES ('$name', '$theme' ") or die(mysql_error());
  6. Thank you. i owe you both a beer
  7. Thank you TLG, Just a slight problem though if there in no radio boc CHECKED you get the broken image image, i have tried to set one of the radio boxed to CHECKED in hope it would load the checked image but no such luck, Any ideas? Thank you again.
  8. Tried that but got loads of confusing scripts lol. ill try your link
  9. Hey, I am trying to make a form where if you click a value via a radio button how would i get it to change a image?
  10. Ha Ha. I was addicted to that game at one point. I even cried when aries died!!
  11. i want to master how to make the perfect cookie mmmmmmmmmmm
  12. Bah i just got " Sorry this video is no longer available "
  13. You my friend are a genius haha thank you.
  14. if($_GET['mod'] == "view" ) { if (!mysql_select_db("blog")) { echo "Unable to select mydbname: " . mysql_error(); exit; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `access` = 1 "; $result = mysql_query($sql); if (!$result) { echo "Could not successfully run query ($sql) from DB: " . mysql_error(); exit; } if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { echo "<h1>Sorry there is no accounts to see. </h1><br />"; } $record = mysql_num_rows($result); echo " <h1>There is a total of <strong>{$record}</strong> accounts you may see.</h1>"; echo " <table> <tr><td width=\"25%\">Account ID </td> <td width=\"25%\"> Account Name </td> </tr> "; while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo " <tr><td width=\"25%\">{$a['id']} </td> <td width=\"25%\"> {$a['name']} </td></tr>"; } echo " </table> "; }
  15. that means ill have to add a new record the the database though.
  16. Howdy!! I can't really decide if this is a PHP Problem or HTML ??? ??? So i just posted it in here. I have a mysql array that returns results from a data base. I want to put thm in a table i can do this bit. But how would i get the table <td> colors to show two (2) diffrent colors? Like the replies on here. They go White then Blue then White etc ... ... Any way sorry if its in wrong bored
  17. Thore told you you can't do it: Looks like you may need to re think it or do three sperate querys.
  18. try: $sql = ("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = $id"); $result = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) or die(mysql_error()); echo "<form action=\"insert.php\" method=\"post\">"; echo "Date: <input type=\"text\" name=\"date\" value=\"{$row['date']}\" /><br /><br>"; echo "Title: <input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" value=\"{$row['title']}\" /><br /><br />"; echo "Article:<br /><textarea cols=\"50\" rows=\"10\" name=\"article\" value=\"{$row['article']}\" onkeyup=\"textLimit(this, 500)\"</textarea><br />"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" />"; echo "</form>";
  19. how can you use this <?=$row['date'];?> in a php tag that is open ??? wouldnt you have to close the open tag first?
  20. Hell of a lot better than ms paint lol
  21. http://www.sumo.fi/products/sumopaint/ Just a cool web site i have been messing on with.
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