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Everything posted by burnside

  1. Ha ha i use them while im testing my sites cos its free i think i have had that error twice, i just press F5 and its fixed.
  2. Website is under construction page? Oh i have no idea then.... I have just literal been on it via the FF stumble add on :s ???
  3. http://www.itsawonderfulinternet.com/ That is funny too.
  4. sumit like this? $number1 = rand(1,10); $number2 = rand(1,10); $answer = $number1 + $number2; echo "<form action=\"?mod=cat\" method=\"POST\" /> what is {$number1} + {$number2}? <input type=\"text\" name=\"asn\" id=\"asn\" /> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" /> "; if($_GET['mod'] == "cat" ) { $myanswer = (int)$_POST['asn']; if($myanswer == $answer ) { echo " Right "; } else { echo " Wrong "; } } That is the idea i would use but im not the best in the world. BUT since computers are designed to do math that would be easily cracked thus doing nothing.
  5. ah well i didnt know that but thanx anyway
  6. done. didnt use the function you gave tho.
  7. Yeah i downloaded the log from the database and noticed a few ill do that in abit.
  8. thanx know wrong bored but is the design okay?
  9. Fixed. i called the wrong function to sanatize it ha ha next?
  10. Will you just test my site please, All there is working atm is Private messages. You just check you sql injection etc ... please. www.burnside.net46.net there is 3 accounts for testing. username > password account1 > password account2 > password account3 > password
  11. Notice you moved the topic. Sorry where would i add the cookie to? this is the code: <div id="countdown"></div> <div id="notifier"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> Number.prototype.toMinutesAndSeconds = function() { var m = Math.floor(this / 60); var s = this % 60; return (m+":"+(s<10?"0":"")+s); } function _TDisplay() {} _TDisplay.prototype.init = function(seconds, output, notify) { this.tot = seconds; this.out = output; this.not = notify; this.ii = setInterval(this.tick, 1000); }; _TDisplay.prototype._tick = function() { this.out.innerHTML = (--this.tot).toMinutesAndSeconds(); if(!this.tot) { this.not.innerHTML = '<?php echo " hi "; ?>'; clearInterval(this.ii); } } TDisplay = new _TDisplay(); _TDisplay.prototype.tick = function() { TDisplay._tick.call(TDisplay); } //otherwise pre = (window.onload) ? window.onload : function () {}; window.onload = function () { pre(); TDisplay.init(3, document.getElementById('countdown'), document.getElementById('notifier')); } </script>
  12. hi i have a query. i have a simple count down clock in javascript, counts down from 60min to 0min, but each time i leave the page and go back to it or refresh the page it starts from 60min again, how would i get it to remember the time and not start from 60min again? Sorry its not in java script topic, i couldnt decide it if was a java problem or ajax.
  13. burnside

    My new car.

    i drive a 2003 black Honda civic iv been in a accident with it i was parked and a female driver went in to ssde of me.
  14. I agree, pointless. Why not just Google this question? Because Google returns only this topic. why did that link return a post of mine? :S that mean im good?
  15. did brad pitt ever accept Obers offer? Brad Pitt can play me... it's an uncanny resemblance. HA!
  16. not the best way but i used this once worked: // selcet date etc ... $e_array = ('@'); $c_array = ('(at)'); $row['emai'l] = str_replace($e_array, $c_array, $row['email']); A;; that will do is replace @ with (at) so email will look like myemail(at)myemail.com there will be a ton of better ways to do it but i used that and didnt give me any problems.
  17. I think you have to change the extension in the php.int file. I could be wrong though.
  18. Wow!! I have just downloaded Firefox/3.0.4 (i think) and all i can say is its so much better than IE!! This is my first time at using Firefox its so easy to use & looks so much better as well
  19. why would you do that? your forcing them to stay on your site ... ?
  20. We don't really use the internet for much i don't think, IT just like to be up to date with things lol. Sounds more like your IT dept doesn't have much to do so they install new things every chance they get, in order to justify their jobs to people who don't know any better. Ha Ha i never thought of it like that Ha Ha.
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