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Everything posted by dewey_witt

  1. This may help you then ==>http://us.php.net/ereg
  2. The best way to do this would probably be to post the data to the same page and use the echo to add the post data to the values in the form elements. set wrong values color to red with error.
  3. Check out the ereg() function.
  4. Im almost possitive.... that it is the exponant opperator. it is in java, vb, vb.net, and, c so ehe if it isnt then smear my face in jelly and tie me to an ant hill.
  5. if your hosting on the windows hosting at godaddy the php is run in strict safe mode. I know this much I made this mistake a while back. So if you are thats more than likley your isssue. I suggest you switch to their linux hosting unless your relying on .asp for some reason or another. In that case the joke is on you.
  6. It means that it is 2 to the power of 3 in most programing languges. Im almost certain it is the same with PHP altho not sure. Anyone else?
  7. Try this instead. <?php ("SELECT pdf_link FROM data WHERE roll_frame ='". $roll_frame ."'") ?>
  8. Ahhhhhhhhh...... thank you for the tip... Why is it that you cant rely on the auto_incremented field though? Just wondering.....
  9. I agree a loop is needed to loop through the results. It will also make the script alot faster... how long is it taking to load? LOL
  10. NVM Found it.... Just neede to add ORDER BY id desc lol duh! stewpid me. Do i get a score for solving my own question? lol
  11. if(!isset($_POST[''submit])) { <=== that means if there was no post made for the button submit. } else { <===this seys that if it has been posted do something else. } <====finaly this ends the whole if statment
  12. Never had to do this till now so I hope im explaing myself right.... I would realy like to know the syntax for ordering mysql output by last record to first record. Any Clues?
  13. Is this something like what your asking for? <?php $rs = query("SELECT DISTINCT fieldname, id FROM table"; ?>
  14. Try This..... <?php $data=file("https:\\www.someurl.com\htmlpage.html"); foreach ($data as $l => $r) { echo $r; } ?>
  15. yeah opps. Typing to fast for myself again.
  16. Anyone know where i cans core a good capasha code with lots of background noise?
  17. OK so how hard is it to film green screen and can i do edit it in FLASHMX.... if so can someone point me to a tutorial or something? No rush tho guys and TY
  18. www.ixwebhosting.com On this page you will notice that if you click on erica it plays the intro video. My question is a two part question A. how is this implemented onclick? B. how do you retain a "clear" backgound. If Im not being clear say so I will do my best to re-explain. Thank you in advance.
  19. Doesn't it matter tho what kind of server he is serving the app off of. What I mean is if it is a web, dns server shouldnt he be able to just navigate to it by typing in the url of the server followed by / then the doc name like: tomsserver.biz/add.php ? Im interested in the responce to this also.
  20. TY rab your awsome! And yes I guess i was a lil hasty toplay next time I'll be much more patient.... And thanks again!
  21. Does anyone see whats wrong with this? <?php $rand = "SELECT * FROM `magic_cards` ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,3;"; $card= mysql_query($rand, $connection) or die (mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($card) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($card)) { $card_name = stripslashes($row['card_name']); $edition = $row['edition']; $Rarity = $row['Rarity']; $cond = $row['cond']; $image = stripslashes($row['image_name']); $ed .= mysql_query ("INSERT INTO `qm_cards` (`Fname`, `Lname`, `Username`, `card_name`, `Rarity`, `Condition`, `Edition`) VALUES ( '".$_POST['Fname']."','".$_POST['Lname']."', '".$_POST['Username']."', '$card_name', '$Rarity', '$cond', '$edition')", $connection) or die(mysql_error()); } } ?> The error Im getting is: Any help greatly appriciated...
  22. Select sum(`feild_name`) from `where_ever`; the sum() function works good.
  23. You both were a great help tyvm This first is what i was looking for, but the second gave me more idea's. So thanks guys
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