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Everything posted by maxudaskin

  1. Is it possible to remove the scroll bars in a list box? I have it automatically size it to the amount of dynamic rows (PHP; counting the array rows), but it shows the disabled scroll bar. Your response is appreciated. Thank you.
  2. It's ok, you did not offend me, I was actually running short on time. I just found what GingerRobot said funny.
  3. kraen123, for someone who is new to PHP, don't you think this is kind of ambiguous?
  4. It should be pretty simple, but I don't have the time to write it down now as I should already be getting ready to go. Good luck.
  5. I want to create a news column in a website, but limit the number of characters to 500. Does anyone have a function (developed by PHP, yourself, or anyone) that can do this? I'd rather not make one just to realize that there is one that comes standard with the PHP framework.
  6. I am not putting in code to undo anything, but to gain access if needed, but you are right, if they need help, either grant me access or tough luck.
  7. Well, if that were the case - I'd have backups made, and charge by the hour to fix their mistakes. It'll teach them a lesson But I am doing this for volunteer hours... I hope (as long as my High School will accept it towards the 40 hours mandatory community service hours).
  8. Is there any case that it'd be acceptable? Is there any good use for it? Ect. They accidentally delete all of the database users?
  9. I have got a few questions for you. Do you code secret login entrances? If so, do you give it the same permissions as administrator accounts? Do you hardwire it into the code (code it DIRECTLY into the code or put it in the same place as all of the other accounts [eg. database])? Anything else you do with a secret backdoor entrance?
  10. I tried it, I didn't understand it though. The index.php/var displayed the HTML information of index.php
  11. How can I get the page name, type and all supplied arguments? index.php?p=home&anotherVar=value $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] only gives the page name and type (index.php). Is it possible to get the arguments?(index.php?p=home&anotherVar=value)
  12. What is the difference between pagename.php?var=val and pagename.php/val?
  13. Backup your code and change it to the following: <?php include("lib.php"); define("PAGENAME", "Bug List"); $player = check_user($secret_key, $db); echo "<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">alert(\"" . $player['staff'] . "\")</script>" include("templates/private_header.php"); if($player['staff'] <= 2) { header("Location: home.php"); } else { if (isset($_GET['fixed'])) { $query = $db->execute("select * from `bugs` where status='Fixed'"); while ($buglist= $query->fetchrow()) { $idstr = $buglist['id'] . ""; $usernamestr = $buglist['username'] . ""; $messagestr = $buglist['comment'] . ""; $statusstr = "<font color=green>" . $buglist['status'] . "</color>"; echo "<table>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Bug ID: </b>$idstr</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Username: </b>$usernamestr</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Bug Report: </b>$messagestr</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Status: </b>$statusstr</td></tr>"; echo "</table><p />"; } } if (isset($_GET['pending'])) { $query = $db->execute("select * from `bugs` where status='Pending'"); while ($buglist = $query->fetchrow()) { $idstr = $buglist['id'] . ""; $usernamestr = $buglist['username'] . ""; $messagestr = $buglist['comment'] . ""; $statusstr = "<font color=red>" . $buglist['status'] . "</color>"; echo "<table>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Bug ID: </b>$idstr</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Username: </b>$usernamestr</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Bug Report: </b>$messagestr</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>Status: </b>$statusstr</td></tr>"; echo "</table><p />"; } } } ?> <center> <form method="GET" action="bugslist.php"> <input type="submit" name="fixed" value="Fixed Bugs"> <input type="submit" name="pending" value="Pending Bugs"> <p /><b>Select which type of bugs you would like to check.</b><p /> </center> <?php include("templates/private_footer.php") ?>
  14. Yeah... Here is a commented version so you know what is happening. <?php $password = ''; // Declare the password so that you don't get an error $passLength = strlen($row["password"]); // Get the password length for($i = 0; $i <$passLength; $i++) // Loop to get the required amount of asterixes { $password .= '*'; } echo $password; // Output the masked password ?> Edit: Jackpf, your loop will run one too many times.
  15. Here you go: <?php $password = ''; $passLength = strlen($row["password"]); for($i = 0; $i <$passLength; $i++) { $password .= '*'; } echo $password; ?>
  16. Please add this before the if statement and tell us what it says. echo "<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">alert(\"" . $player['staff'] . "\")</script>"
  17. He means, change <? include 'db.php'; session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['LOGGEDIN'])==TRUE){ echo'You are already a member';} ?> to <? include 'db.php'; session_start(); $error = ''; if(isset($_SESSION['LOGGEDIN'])==TRUE){ echo'You are already a member';} ?>
  18. Is it possible to create a textbox that uses highlight_string() to output an HTML code into a textbox that appears to the user as coloured PHP text. When the user edits it, it is saved as plain text. This code: <?php $foo = 'bar'; echo $foo; ?> Would look like this in the textbox: <?php $foo = 'bar'; echo $foo; ?> But would still save as plain text. So even if they changed it, it would save as plain text, but after each text change, it would re-colour it so that any new text would be coloured.
  19. Doesn't happen to me... I don't know. Oh well. :/
  20. Shouldn't re-direct. You should check your browser for hijacking.
  21. It would validate if you actually checked my site instead of mybookvalue.com Click Here
  22. It now validates. I use the table for the rigid structure (Head, body, footer), and divs elsewhere. I will ponder over the image.
  23. Here is an initial website web mockup. Take note that the menu has a 90% opacity. Please excuse the text holder. It has no relation to the website. http://bbyo.byethost9.com/
  24. Please excuse me if I said something that has already been said, as I have not bothered to read the responses, but here is what I think. First Response: Vibrant yet subtle. Modern and readable. Main point is to search for (a) game(s). I noticed that you are missing the Personal Computer catagory. I would put a medium grey (CCCCCC) border around the flash tutorial as it first appears to be empty space. When you don't enter any terms in the search bar, the output, "You didn't search for anything silly" seems childish. I like your 'search term not found' message, "Sorry no results for "search term"" I went to search for BF2 (BattleField 2), but I got the message, "Your search is either too long too short", I would suggest that you allow for game aliases to be searched too. Eg. COD, BF2, DDR In the game list, I'd differentiate each row from each other (White, Grey, White, Grey) I do not like the hover images for the main menu. It looks like it is from early in this decade. Overall: I like it, a few tweaks will make it perfect.
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