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Posts posted by d22552000

  1. also





    now show up in the main folder...


    I just made all of the paths realpath *using an expression regular replacement*


    current code is:

    function convert_media($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, $width, $height, $bitrate, $samplingrate)
    $outfile = "";
    $rPath = $rootpath."/ffmpeg";
    $size = $width."x".$height;
    $outfile =$filename;
    $size = $width & "x" & $height;
    $outfile = 'out_file.flv';
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."/".$filename. " -acodec mp3 -ar " .$samplingrate." -ab ".$bitrate." -f flv -s ".$size." ".$outputpath."/".$outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;
    function set_buffering($filename,$rootpath,$path)
    $_rootPath = $rootpath."/flvtool";
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "flvtool2 -U ".$path."/".$filename;
    $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1);
    function grab_image($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath,$outputpath, $no_of_thumbs, $frame_number, $image_format, $width, $height)
    $_rootpath = $rootpath."/ffmpeg";
    $size = $width."x".$height;
    $outfile = "sample.png"; 
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."/".$filename." -vframes ".$no_of_thumbs." -ss 00:00:03 -an -vcodec ". $image_format." -f rawvideo -s ".$size. " ". $outputpath."/".$outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;
    $rootpath = realpath(".");$rootpath.="/";
    echo $rootpath;
    $inputpath = realpath($rootpath."/Default");
    $outputpath = realpath($rootpath. "/FLV");
    $thumbpath = realpath($rootpath. "/Thumbs");
    $source = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['tmp_name'];
    $name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['name'];
    $fileSize = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['size']; 
    $filetype = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['type']; 
    $dest = realpath('.'); 
    copy($source, $inputpath.$name);
    $outfile = convert_media($name,$rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, 320, 240, 32, 22050);
    echo "$outfile<br>";
    $image_name = grab_image($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath, $thumbpath, 1, 2, "png", 110, 90);
    echo $image_name;
    Set_Buffering($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath);


    current output is:



    DefaultLineTexture.mov is in the main folder again.

  2. *********** IM AN IDIOT


    In this form, for some idiotic reason, I forgot to put: "enctype="multipart/form-data"" in the form request...


    (Trying with a 5mb mov file)

    Now That I add that into it I get:




    I am an idiot and have looked at the code and fixed most undefined constants  NOW I get...


    (waiting for it to load...)

    Notice: Undefined variable: Width in * on line 13
    Notice: Undefined variable: Height in * on line 13
    Notice: Undefined variable: thumbpath in * on line 63
    Notice: Use of undefined constant rootpath - assumed 'rootpath' in * on line 34
    Notice: Undefined variable: Path in * on line 27



    I went over the code again to fix these undefined variables and now I get


    **PROPER contents of the $_FILES array**


    The folders now have:


    Folder: Default
    Files: None
    Folder: Flv
    Files: None new
    Folder: Thumb
    Files: None
    Folder: flvtool
    Files: None new
    Folder: ffmpeg
    Files: None new


    So now there are no errors (OR EVEN NOTICES), but now the script doestn seem to make any file...


    Current Code is:

    function convert_media($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, $width, $height, $bitrate, $samplingrate)
    $outfile = "";
    $rPath = $rootpath."\\ffmpeg";
    $size = $width."x".$height;
    $outfile =$filename;
    $size = $width & "x" & $height;
    $outfile = 'out_file.flv';
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".$filename. " -acodec mp3 -ar " .$samplingrate." -ab ".$bitrate." -f flv -s ".$size." ".$outputpath."\\".$outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($rPath."\\".$ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;
    function set_buffering($filename,$rootpath,$path)
    $_rootPath = $rootpath."\\flvtool";
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "flvtool2 -U ".$path."\\".$filename;
    $ret = shell_exec($_rootPath."\\".$ffmpegcmd1);
    function grab_image($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath,$outputpath, $no_of_thumbs, $frame_number, $image_format, $width, $height)
    $_rootpath = $rootpath."\\ffmpeg";
    $size = $width."x".$height;
    $outfile = "sample.png"; 
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".$filename." -vframes ".$no_of_thumbs." -ss 00:00:03 -an -vcodec ". $image_format." -f rawvideo -s ".$size. " ". $outputpath."\\".$outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($_rootpath."\\".$ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;
    $rootpath = realpath(".\\");$rootpath.="\\";
    $rootpath = str_replace('/','\\',$rootpath);
    echo $rootpath;
    $inputpath = $rootpath."\\Default";
    $outputpath = $rootpath. "\\FLV";
    $thumbpath = $rootpath. "\\Thumbs";
    $source = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['tmp_name'];
    $name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['name'];
    $fileSize = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['size']; 
    $filetype = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['type']; 
    $dest = ''; 
    copy($source, $inputpath.$name);
    $outfile = convert_media($name,$rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, 320, 240, 32, 22050);
    echo "$outfile<br>";
    $image_name = grab_image($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath, $thumbpath, 1, 2, "png", 110, 90);
    echo $image_name;
    Set_Buffering($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath);

  3. you mean you didn't post/upload the file ?


    I did, but it doesnt seem to think I did...


    the form that uploads is:



    <form action="videos.php" method="POST">
    <input type="file" name="file1" size="50" />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload!" />



    function convert_media($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, $width, $height, $bitrate, $samplingrate)
    $outfile = "";
    $rPath = $rootpath."\\ffmpeg";
    $size = $width."x".$height;
    $outfile =$filename;
    $size = Width & "x" & Height;
    $outfile = 'out_file.flv';
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".$filename. " -acodec mp3 -ar " .$samplingrate." -ab ".$bitrate." -f flv -s ".$size." ".$outputpath."\\".$outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($rPath."\\".$ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;
    function set_buffering($filename,$rootpath,$path)
    $_rootPath = rootpath."\\flvtool";
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "flvtool2 -U ".Path."\\".$filename;
    $ret = shell_exec($_rootPath."\\".$ffmpegcmd1);
    function grab_image($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath,$outputpath, $no_of_thumbs, $frame_number, $image_format, $width, $height)
    $_rootpath = rootpath."\\ffmpeg";
    $size = width."x".height;
    $outfile = "sample.png"; 
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".filename." -vframes ".$no_of_thumbs." -ss 00:00:03 -an -vcodec ". $image_format." -f rawvideo -s ".$size. " ". $outputpath."\\".$outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($_rootpath."\\".$ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;
    $rootpath = realpath(".\\");$rootpath.="\\";
    $rootpath = str_replace('/','\\',$rootpath);
    echo $rootpath;
    $nputpath = $rootpath."\\Default";
    $outputpath = $rootpath. "\\FLV";
    $ThumbPath = $rootpath. "\\Thumbs";
    $source = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['tmp_name'];
    $name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['name'];
    $fileSize = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['size']; 
    $filetype = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['type']; 
    $dest = ''; 
    copy($source, $inputpath.$name);
    $outfile = convert_media($name,$rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, 320, 240, 32, 22050);
    echo "$outfile<br>";
    $image_name = grab_image($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath, $thumbpath, 1, 2, "png", 110, 90);
    echo $image_name;
    Set_Buffering($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath);


    Related php.ini settings:

    ; Resource Limits ;
    max_execution_time = 180     ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
    max_input_time = 120	; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
    memory_limit = 128M      ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (8MB)
    ; Data Handling ;
    ; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
    post_max_size = 128M
    ; File Uploads ;
    ; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads.
    file_uploads = On
    ; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not
    ; specified).
    upload_tmp_dir = "C:/*/tmp"
    ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
    upload_max_filesize = 128M

  4. the form that submits the file to this has the following code:


    <form action="videos.php" method="POST">
    <input type="file" name="file1" size="50" />
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload!" />


    Soo IDK why file1 is undefined.


    print_r($_FILES); returns:




    so files is empty!?!?!?!?!?


    I tried resending the form using a 5mb mov file and got:




    Why wouldn't files being sent properly?  I dont get it.


    PHP_MAX_FILE_SIZE is over 50mb

    PHP_MAX_MEM_SIZE is over 64mb

    PHP_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE is over 128mb

  5. Well this explains it:


    Notice: Undefined index: file1 in * on line 52
    Notice: Undefined index: file1 in * on line 53
    Notice: Undefined index: file1 in * on line 54
    Notice: Undefined index: file1 in * on line 55
    Notice: Undefined variable: inputpath in * on line 58
    Notice: Undefined variable: inputpath in * on line 60
    Notice: Use of undefined constant Width - assumed 'Width' in  * on line 12
    Notice: Use of undefined constant Height - assumed 'Height' in * on line 12
    Notice: Undefined variable: thumbpath in * on line 62
    Notice: Use of undefined constant rootpath - assumed 'rootpath' in * on line 33
    Notice: Use of undefined constant width - assumed 'width' in * on line 34
    Notice: Use of undefined constant height - assumed 'height' in * on line 34
    Notice: Use of undefined constant filename - assumed 'filename' in * on line 38
    Notice: Use of undefined constant rootpath - assumed 'rootpath' in * on line 24
    Notice: Use of undefined constant Path - assumed 'Path' in * on line 26

  6. ok I took your above code and used that;


    my current code is:


    function convert_media($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, $width, $height, $bitrate, $samplingrate)
    $outfile = "";
    $rPath = $rootpath."\\ffmpeg";
    $size = $width."x".$height;
    $outfile =$filename;
    $size = Width & "x" & Height;
    $outfile = 'out_file.flv';
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".$filename. " -acodec mp3 -ar " .$samplingrate." -ab ".$bitrate." -f flv -s ".$size." ".$outputpath."\\".$outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($rPath."\\".$ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;
    function set_buffering($filename,$rootpath,$path)
    $_rootPath = rootpath."\\flvtool";
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "flvtool2 -U ".Path."\\".$filename;
    $ret = shell_exec($_rootPath."\\".$ffmpegcmd1);
    function grab_image($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath,$outputpath, $no_of_thumbs, $frame_number, $image_format, $width, $height)
    $_rootpath = rootpath."\\ffmpeg";
    $size = width."x".height;
    $outfile = "sample.png"; 
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".filename." -vframes ".$no_of_thumbs." -ss 00:00:03 -an -vcodec ". $image_format." -f rawvideo -s ".$size. " ". $outputpath."\\".$outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($_rootpath."\\".$ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;
    $rootpath = realpath(".\\");$rootpath.="\\";
    $rootpath = str_replace('/','\\',$rootpath);
    echo $rootpath;
    $nputpath = $rootpath."\\Default";
    $outputpath = $rootpath. "\\FLV";
    $ThumbPath = $rootpath. "\\Thumbs";
    $source = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['tmp_name'];
    $name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['name'];
    $fileSize = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['size']; 
    $filetype = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['type']; 
    $dest = ''; 
    copy($source, $inputpath.$name);
    $outfile = convert_media($name,$rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, 320, 240, 32, 22050);
    echo "$outfile<br>";
    $image_name = grab_image($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath, $thumbpath, 1, 2, "png", 110, 90);
    echo $image_name;
    Set_Buffering($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath);


    I added a thing to show the real path instead of just a relative path, now it outputs:




    Again, nothing is in any folder.  No errors, hmm Im gonna set error reporting to notices and see if anything comes up...

  7. kk I am now using:


    function convert_media($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, $width, $height, $bitrate, $samplingrate)
    $outfile = "";
    $rPath = $rootpath."\\ffmpeg";
    $size = $width."x".$height;
    $outfile =$filename;
    $size = Width & "x" & Height;
    $outfile = 'out_file.flv';
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".$filename. " -acodec mp3 -ar " .$samplingrate." -ab ".$bitrate." -f flv -s ".$size." ".$outputpath."\\".outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($rPath."\\".$ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;
    function set_buffering($filename,$rootpath,$path)
    $_rootPath = rootpath."\\flvtool";
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "flvtool2 -U ".Path."\\".$filename;
    $ret = shell_exec($_rootPath."\\".$ffmpegcmd1);
    function grab_image($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath,$outputpath, $no_of_thumbs, $frame_number, $image_format, $width, $height)
    $_rootpath = rootpath."\\ffmpeg";
    $size = width."x".height;
    $outfile = "sample.png"; 
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".filename." -vframes ".$no_of_thumbs." -ss 00:00:03 -an -vcodec ". $image_format." -f rawvideo -s ".$size. " ". $outputpath."\\".$outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($_rootpath."\\".$ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;
    $rootpath =".\\";
    $nputpath = $rootpath."\\Default";
    $outputpath = $rootpath. "\\FLV";
    $ThumbPath = $rootpath. "\\Thumbs";
    $source = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['tmp_name'];
    $name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['name'];
    $fileSize = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['size']; 
    $filetype = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['type']; 
    $dest = ''; 
    copy($source, $inputpath.$name);
    $outfile = convert_media($name,$rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, 320, 240, 32, 22050);
    echo "$outfile<br>";
    $image_name = grab_image($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath, $thumbpath, 1, 2, "png", 110, 90);
    echo $image_name;
    Set_Buffering($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath);

    (I replaced all the slashes and shell_execs)


    This outputs:


    (waiting caues as I said above, its a 390 file im testing with)




    The default, flv, and thumb folders are:



  8. hmm I noticed:


    $outfile = "";
    $rPath = $rootpath."\ffmpeg";
    $size = $width."x".$height;
    $outfile =$filename;
    $size = Width & "x" & Height;
    $outfile = 'out_file.flv';
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".$filename. " -acodec mp3 -ar " .$samplingrate." -ab ".$bitrate." -f flv -s ".$size." ".$outputpath."\\".outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;


    That there...  hmm shouldnt shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1); be shell_exec($rPath."\\".$ffmpegcmd1);

  9. since this is all in one file could you please tell me how to get it out of a class??


    "class media_handler

    {" remove that.. and "}"


    and then remove what else to make it without a class?


    ok I think its not a class no mroe:


    function convert_media($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, $width, $height, $bitrate, $samplingrate)
    $outfile = "";
    $rPath = $rootpath."\ffmpeg";
    $size = $width."x".$height;
    $outfile =$filename;
    $size = Width & "x" & Height;
    $outfile = 'out_file.flv';
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".$filename. " -acodec mp3 -ar " .$samplingrate." -ab ".$bitrate." -f flv -s ".$size." ".$outputpath."\\".outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;
    function set_buffering($filename,$rootpath,$path)
    $_rootPath = rootpath."\\flvtool";
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "flvtool2 -U ".Path."\\".$filename;
    $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1);
    function grab_image($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath,$outputpath, $no_of_thumbs, $frame_number, $image_format, $width, $height)
    $_rootpath = rootpath."\\ffmpeg";
    $size = width. "x".height;
    $outfile = "sample.png"; 
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".filename." -vframes ".$no_of_thumbs." -ss 00:00:03 -an -vcodec ". $image_format." -f rawvideo -s ".$size. " ". $outputpath."\\".$outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;
    $rootpath ="./";
    $nputpath = $rootpath."/Default";
    $outputpath = $rootpath. "/FLV";
    $ThumbPath = $rootpath. "/Thumbs";
    $source = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['tmp_name'];
    $name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['name'];
    $fileSize = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['size']; 
    $filetype = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['type']; 
    $dest = ''; 
    copy($source, $inputpath.$name);
    $outfile = convert_media($name,$rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, 320, 240, 32, 22050);
    $image_name = grab_image($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath, $thumbpath, 1, 2, "png", 110, 90);
    Set_Buffering($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath);


    I run it and get:


    (lol..... 390mb file.... Waiting...) (I think it might time out)


    oo I got:


    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
    <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"></HEAD>


    And I look in the three folders, "DEFAULT" "FLV" and "THUMB" they have:


    They Are EMPTY!

  10. OMFG WOOT 400th post.


    Ya sry, I bumped it cause it was halfway down the page when I posted "bump".


    I used your code and:


    (lol im testing it with a 390mb file cause I have no smaller movies)


    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in C:\wamp\www\videoshare\videos.php on line 48


    I fixed this...

    $outputpath = $rootpath. "/FLV";
    $ThumbPath = $rootpath. "/Thumbs";


    Then I ran it again and got:


    Fatal error: Call to undefined function convert_media() in C:\wamp\www\videoshare\videos.php on line 58

  11. This script is the only I have ever seen to properly convert files to FLV, I am doing everything else and will rewrite this code once I see what it does and how it works.  I still ahve to make the entire portal and wbepages, including the hit counters and rating system.  Not to mention the code I posted doesnt even do a thing with the file after making it lol.


    I tried yoiur code and,...:


    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in C:\wamp\www\videoshare\videos.php on line 44


    It doesn't like your extra bracket... what I do now?

  12. A nice file alternative is:


    FOR PHP 5:

    $site = $_GET["site"];
    $hits = file_get_contents('.\\hits\\'.$site);
    if (empty($hits)) {$hits=0;} $hits += 1;
    header('Location: ' . $site);


    FOR PHP 4:

    $site = $_GET["site"];
    $hit = fopen('.\\hits\\'.$site,'r');
    $hits = fread($hit,64);
    if (empty($hits)) {$hits=0;} $hits += 1;
    fwrite($hits); fclose();
    header('Location: ' . $site);

  13. BUMP (Please help me out, im making a thing like youtube and I hate youtube cause its slow as **** and it uploads rlly slow)  So I decided to make my OWN video sharing services (I already made a picture and photo sharing service, and a program sharing service) now just to make a video sharing service...

  14. Hmm how do I include a class:


    $_mediahandler AS NEW media_handler;


    that is the line it doesnt like (line 45).  Here is the whole code:


    class media_handler
    function convert_media($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, $width, $height, $bitrate, $samplingrate)
    $outfile = "";
    $rPath = $rootpath."\ffmpeg";
    $size = $width."x".$height;
    $outfile =$filename;
    $size = Width & "x" & Height;
    $outfile = 'out_file.flv';
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".$filename. " -acodec mp3 -ar " .$samplingrate." -ab ".$bitrate."
    -f flv -s ".$size." ".$outputpath."\\".outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;
    function set_buffering($filename,$rootpath,$path)
    $_rootPath = rootpath."\\flvtool";
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "flvtool2 -U ".Path."\\".$filename;
    $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1);
    function grab_image($filename, $rootpath, $inputpath,$outputpath, $no_of_thumbs, $frame_number, $image_format, $width, $height)
    $_rootpath = rootpath."\\ffmpeg";
    $size = width. "x".height;
    $outfile = "sample.png"; 
    $ffmpegcmd1 = "ffmpeg -i ".$inputpath."\\".filename." -vframes ".$no_of_thumbs." -ss 00:00:03 -an -vcodec ". $image_format." -f rawvideo -s ".$size. " ". $outputpath."\\".$outfile;
    $ret = shell_exec($ffmpegcmd1);
    return $outfile;
    $_mediahandler AS NEW media_handler;
    $rootpath ="./";
    $nputpath = $rootpath."/Default";
    $outputpath = $rootpath. "/FLV"
    $ThumbPath = $rootpath. "/Thumbs"
    $source = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['tmp_name'];
    $name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['name'];
    $fileSize = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['size']; 
    $filetype = $HTTP_POST_FILES['file1']['type']; 
    $dest = ''; 
    copy($source, $inputpath . $name);
    $outfile = $_mediahandler.convert_media($name,$rootpath, $inputpath, $outputpath, 320, 240, 32, 22050);
    $image_name = $_mediahandler.grab_image($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath, $thumbpath, 1, 2, "png", 110, 90)
    $_mediahandler.Set_Buffering($outfile, $rootpath, $outputpath)


    I did not make the code, and it had a few errors I had to fix (stupid things like not doing \\ and ;)  I need to use this code though, nothing on the entire intraweb was even close to this.


    Please tell me why I cant use AS NEW? (PHP 5.2.4 *NEWEST*)

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