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Everything posted by phpretard

  1. TIGHT!!! So if I have a date in the DB as: 2009-08-01 07:27:40 I am not sure how to use it like this... GET_FORMAT(DATE,'USA') '%m.%d.%Y' select date from table ???
  2. I am trying to display the date like - 08-01-2009 by calling a function with a var. I know the code below is wrong but it's what I'm working with. <?php function myDate($startdate){ echo "The date is ". $startdate; $startdate="2009-08-01 07:27:40"; $predate=explode(' ', $startdate); $splitdate=explode('-', $predate[0]); $redeemDate="$splitdate[1]-$splitdate[2]-$splitdate[0]"; $new_date="$startdate"; } myDate($new_date); ?> Thank you!
  3. I tried echo $title['sub_cat']; It echos the 0 but not the 1 ????
  4. One loop is $title the other is $stitle I have narrowed it down and this doesn't even work... - I am checking a row in the DB for zero or one. - if it's 0 it should display a div. - else it should display the other div. I am sure the tables are setup right because if I change: $title['sub_cat'] == 0 - TO - $title['sub_cat'] == 1 It displays the TEST but not the other... $page_title = mysql_query("select * from category where id='".intval($_GET['c'])."' "); while($title = mysql_fetch_assoc($page_title)) { if ($title['sub_cat'] == 0){ // ZERO CHECK echo"<div>".$title['long_name']."</div>"; }else{echo"<div>TEST</div>";} } mysql_free_result($page_title);
  5. Why doesn't tis work??? connect(); $page_title = mysql_query("select * from category where id='".intval($_GET['c'])."' "); while($title = mysql_fetch_assoc($page_title)) { if ($title['sub_cat'] == 0){ echo"<div style=\"color:#A00201; font-style:italic; padding-top:5px;; font-size:22px; font-weight:bold;\">".$title['long_name']."<hr /></div>"; }else{ $sub_title = mysql_query("select * from category_sub where cat_id='".$title['id']."' ") or die(mysql_error()); while($stitle = mysql_fetch_assoc($sub_title)); { echo"<div style=\"color:#A00201; font-style:italic; padding-top:5px;; font-size:22px; font-weight:bold;\">".$stitle['sub_name']."TEST<hr /></div>"; } mysql_free_result($sub_title); } } mysql_free_result($page_title); Its driving me mad!!!
  6. I need to print out the time but I cant figure??? $calls['stamp']="2009-07-26 12:02:53"; $startdate=$calls['stamp']; $predate=explode(' ', $startdate); $splitdate=explode('-', $predate[0]); $Date="$splitdate[1]-$splitdate[2]-$splitdate[0]"; This prints out "07-26-2009"; I need the time as well. Any help?
  7. Not tested but should give you an idea... <?php if (isset($_POST['submit'])){ //connect to the DB $get_ip=mysql_query("select * from ip_table where ip='".$_POST['clicker']."' "); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($get_ip); if ($num_rows > 19){ $disable="disabled"; $alert="<script>alert('You are hurting my clicker')</script>"; }else { // $count_a=query the db for the ip and the count $count=$count_a + 1; $insert=mysql_unbuffered_query("update ip_table set count='$count' where ip='".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."' "); } mysql_free_result($get_ip); } ?> <form> <input type="hidden" name="clicker" value="<? echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?>" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" <? echo $disable; ?> /> </form> <? echo $alert; ?>
  8. I am validating a form with PHP and it contains check boxes, text, radios etc... The short logic is: -At least one check box has to be checked -At least one radio has to be ticked -And one text box has to be filled If I check a box and tick a radio but do not fill in the text box it validates fine but the check box becomes "un-checked" afterwards. So my question is what is the recommended way keep check boxes checked and radios ticked while validating the rest of the form? I know the hard way to do it but I was hoping for some advise on it. <input type="checkbox" name="referred[]" value="Internet" /> Internet <input type="checkbox" name="referred[]" value="Radio" /> Radio <input type="checkbox" name="referred[]" value="Television" /> Television <input type="checkbox" name="referred[]" value="Billboard" /> Law Talk <input type="checkbox" name="referred[]" value="" /> Billboard <input type="checkbox" name="referred[]" value="Newspaper" /> Newspaper <input type="checkbox" name="referred[]" value="Phone Book" /> Phone Book <input type="checkbox" name="referred[]" value="Attorney Referral" /> Attorney Referral <input type="checkbox" name="referred[]" value="Friend" /> Friend Thanks.
  9. I send newsletters through a service and they provide a report of how many people opened the email. I was perplexed as to how they could tell until I discovered a 1X1 blank gif at the bottom of the newsletter. <img src="http://app.streamsend.com/v/1477632/pqBnIm6/d5Fs"/> any ideas as to how that picture could ("insert into...? I would like to track who opens email as well. Thank you!
  10. When I click "modules >> payment" instead showing me the different modules it just prints: Module Directory: DIR_FS_CATALOGincludes/modules/payment/ I see all the moldules in that folder but it doesn't show them. Any suggestions?
  11. Thank you very much. echo $first_day = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", strtotime("1 ". date("F Y"))); echo '<br />'; echo $last_day = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", strtotime(date("t F Y "))); above outputs: 2009-06-01 12:00:00 2009-06-30 12:00:00 I dont quite understand: "strtotime(date("t F Y ")));" Where can I adjust to output?: 2009-06-01 12:00:00 2009-06-30 11:59:59 Thanks again
  12. I would like to display the current month's 1st and last day. It has to be simple I just cant figure it out based on php.net's site $First=date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $Last=date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); echo $First should be "2009-6-1 12:01" echo $Last should be "2009-6-30 11:59" Thank you for looking.
  13. Look what I found: <? function convertNumber($num) { list($num, $dec) = explode(".", $num); $output = ""; if($num{0} == "-") { $output = "negative "; $num = ltrim($num, "-"); } else if($num{0} == "+") { $output = "positive "; $num = ltrim($num, "+"); } if($num{0} == "0") { $output .= "zero"; } else { $num = str_pad($num, 36, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $group = rtrim(chunk_split($num, 3, " "), " "); $groups = explode(" ", $group); $groups2 = array(); foreach($groups as $g) $groups2[] = convertThreeDigit($g{0}, $g{1}, $g{2}); for($z = 0; $z < count($groups2); $z++) { if($groups2[$z] != "") { $output .= $groups2[$z].convertGroup(11 - $z).($z < 11 && !array_search('', array_slice($groups2, $z + 1, -1)) && $groups2[11] != '' && $groups[11]{0} == '0' ? " and " : ", "); } } $output = rtrim($output, ", "); } if($dec > 0) { $output .= " point"; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($dec); $i++) $output .= " ".convertDigit($dec{$i}); } return $output; } function convertGroup($index) { switch($index) { case 11: return " decillion"; case 10: return " nonillion"; case 9: return " octillion"; case 8: return " septillion"; case 7: return " sextillion"; case 6: return " quintrillion"; case 5: return " quadrillion"; case 4: return " trillion"; case 3: return " billion"; case 2: return " million"; case 1: return " thousand"; case 0: return ""; } } function convertThreeDigit($dig1, $dig2, $dig3) { $output = ""; if($dig1 == "0" && $dig2 == "0" && $dig3 == "0") return ""; if($dig1 != "0") { $output .= convertDigit($dig1)." hundred"; if($dig2 != "0" || $dig3 != "0") $output .= " and "; } if($dig2 != "0") $output .= convertTwoDigit($dig2, $dig3); else if($dig3 != "0") $output .= convertDigit($dig3); return $output; } function convertTwoDigit($dig1, $dig2) { if($dig2 == "0") { switch($dig1) { case "1": return "ten"; case "2": return "twenty"; case "3": return "thirty"; case "4": return "forty"; case "5": return "fifty"; case "6": return "sixty"; case "7": return "seventy"; case "8": return "eighty"; case "9": return "ninety"; } } else if($dig1 == "1") { switch($dig2) { case "1": return "eleven"; case "2": return "twelve"; case "3": return "thirteen"; case "4": return "fourteen"; case "5": return "fifteen"; case "6": return "sixteen"; case "7": return "seventeen"; case "8": return "eighteen"; case "9": return "nineteen"; } } else { $temp = convertDigit($dig2); switch($dig1) { case "2": return "twenty-$temp"; case "3": return "thirty-$temp"; case "4": return "forty-$temp"; case "5": return "fifty-$temp"; case "6": return "sixty-$temp"; case "7": return "seventy-$temp"; case "8": return "eighty-$temp"; case "9": return "ninety-$temp"; } } } function convertDigit($digit) { switch($digit) { case "0": return "zero"; case "1": return "one"; case "2": return "two"; case "3": return "three"; case "4": return "four"; case "5": return "five"; case "6": return "six"; case "7": return "seven"; case "8": return "eight"; case "9": return "nine"; } } ?> $Spell=convertNumber("395.00"); echo $Spell;
  14. How Can I convert numbers to text? $Number="$395.00"; $NumbersToText="Three Hundred Ninty Five Dollars and .00"; << How the heck? print $NumbersToText; Any help today?
  15. All the variable print so I don't know what the problem is. Do you see any issues? // message $message = '<html><body> <p>Greetings '.$appraiser['FirstName'].' '.$appraiser['LastName'].',</p> </body></html>'; // To send HTML mail, the Content-type header must be set $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; // Additional headers $headers .= 'To: '.$appraiser['Company'].' <'.$appraiser['Email'].'>\r\n'; $headers .= 'From: '.$broker['Company'].' <'.$FromEmail.'>\r\n'; // Mail it $send=mail($appraiser['Email'], "New Appraisal Order", $message, $headers); Thanks!
  16. This did it. I insert it in mysql as the expired time and compair against it. connect(); $get_time_limit=mysql_query("select time1 from preferences"); $timelimit=mysql_fetch_assoc($get_time_limit); $exp=time() + (1 * $timelimit['time1'] * 60 * 60); $expired=date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $exp); mysql_free_result($get_time_limit); Thank you for looking at it.
  17. I think like is a mysql keyword so have to use the weirdo single quotes ("UPDATE $category SET `like` = '$like' WHERE id = '$id' ") I would personly rename the DB field "like_it" or "love"
  18. ("UPDATE $category SET like = '$like' WHERE id = '$id' ") Single quotes around you variables...I didn't see that before
  19. Can you post $like or an example of it?
  20. Change your htmlspecialchars to striplslashes Then insert them with htmlspecialchars $like = striplslashes($_GET['likes']); update table set Like='$like' where ...
  21. I am trying to add minutes or hours to $current. This time should expire after $var hours. So I need this to compare now() to $expired $current="2009-05-30 09:32:23"; $exired="2009-05-30 09:32:23" + $hours; if ($expired >= now()){ times up }else{ your still good } any suggestion?
  22. Well they both work. Why was it so difficult for me?
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