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Everything posted by phpretard

  1. replace: $info="SELECT * from post_reply where parentid='0' AND forumid="$forumid" ORDER BY lastrepliedto DESC"; with: replace: $info="SELECT * from post_reply where parentid='0' AND forumid='$forumid' ORDER BY lastrepliedto DESC"; // ADDED forumid='$forumid' // no double quotes
  2. You have 2 <?php tags on board.php Is that a post error?
  3. in all your querys to mysql
  4. Could you give a swift kick in the right direction with that approach? I know how the explosions work but I am a little overwhelmed with the concept at this point.
  5. I kind of backed myself into a corner here. I have stored dates in my DB like 04/06/2009 Now I need to edit via form. The trick is geting the format stored into a select box. So I gues the question is how can I turn this: 04/06/2009 back into this: // MONTHS <OPTION VALUE='04'>04 - Apr</OPTION> // THIS OPTION SHOULD BE THE DB VALUE <OPTION VALUE="01">01 - Jan</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="02">02 - Feb</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="03">03 - Mar</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="04">04 - Apr</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="05">05 - May</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="06">06 - Jun</OPTION> ...and so on // DAYS <OPTION VALUE='06'>06</OPTION> // THIS OPTION SHOULD BE THE DB VALUE <OPTION VALUE="01">01</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="02">02</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="03">03</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="04">04</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="05">05</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="06">06</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="07">07</OPTION> <OPTION VALUE="08">08</OPTION> ...and so on // YEARS <option value="2009">2009</option> // THIS OPTION SHOULD BE THE DB VALUE <option value="2010">2010</option> <option value="2011">2011</option> <option value="2012">2012</option> <option value="2013">2013</option> Thanks for the help...I am stumped
  6. I only want to allow letter and numbers and a space in between. If there is a space after then I need to strip that but, that might be another issue. <?php $docName="Appraisal Agreement"; if (preg_match('/^[^a-z0-9-_ ]+$/i',$docName)){ echo "No Pass"; }else{echo "Passed";} ?> Any help today?
  7. In the Mortgage Industry the change is not certain until closing so, typically the Loan Officer will not include it
  8. In this atmosphere the there should be no change (.00). I just need it to be a number without the .00
  9. If a user decides to properly format a dollar amount such as: $200,000.00 I need to insert it like this: 200000 I need to take out the $ and , and .00 I am not sure... Any Help?
  10. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!! You just eliminated like 25 line of code for me.
  11. Why doesn't this work? $LicenseMM="01"; $LicenseDD="29"; $LicenseYY="2010"; $CurrentDay=date(d); $CurrentMonth=date(m); $CurrentYear=date(Y); if ($LicenseMM < $CurrentMonth || $LicenseDD < $CurrentDay && $LicenseYY == $CurrentYear){ echo"Your License Has Expired"; } // I HAVE TRIED THIS WAY TOO (extra parenthasize) if (($LicenseMM < $CurrentMonth || $LicenseDD < $CurrentDay) && ($LicenseYY == $CurrentYear)){ echo"Your License Has Expired"; } Thanks again.
  12. Thank you $EXPYear=date(Y); $Years5=date('Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, 60, 32, $EXPYear)); for ($i=$EXPYear; $i <= $Years5; $i++){ echo "<option>$i</option>"; }
  13. I need to display the current year + 5 more. Here is what I have... $EXPYear=date(Y); for ($i=$i; $i <= 5; $i++){ echo <option>This Year And Five More</option>; } Obviously doesn't work... Thank you!
  14. I am trying to set up an array to force login on certain requested pages. $secure_page_array=(secure1, secure2, secure3); I can write in english but struggle with the code... if a value in $secure_page_array is set as $_GET[''] and the $_SESSION['LoggedIn'] is not set{ include ("loginSlash.php"); } else {include ("requestedPage.php");} // PS IS THIS EVEN SECURE? Hope this makes sence... Thank you!
  15. I have no idea what to do with this ??? string substr ( string $string , int $start [, int $length ] ) I thought it was easy and I was just being ingnorant but could you explain that a little more?
  16. I just want the first charactor of any string. $var="ADFKLADHFH" // Strip all but A or $var="HKLJHKLDJKL"; // Strip all but H or $var="LSDFGKSJFH"; // Strip all but L AND SO ON
  17. What do you do with $var[0]
  18. I should clarify...I just need the first charactor. $var could be anything
  19. How can I eliminate all but the A from: $var = 'APR32509105205'; // What I have (predetermined) $var1=A //What I need Without string replace.
  20. I always build 2 different style sheets...one for IE and one for FF. <!--[if IE]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="IE-stylesheet.css" /> <![endif]--> <![if !IE]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default-stylesheet.css" /> <![endif]> This method does not rely on javascript, so it will work even if javascript is disabled. The <![if IE]>, <![if !IE]>, and <![endif]> tags are only recognized by Internet Explorer.
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