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Everything posted by dilum

  1. Put you code inside curly brackets : if( isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['Log in']) { // you code....... }
  2. Hi All, Is there any way to get top 10 Page Ranked websites for a given keyword in google ? Any API available in google ? Thanks
  3. I think you need create arrays like, $datay = array($A[0],$A[1],$A[2],$A[3],$A[4],$A[5],$A[6],$A[7],$A[8],$A[9],$A[10],$A[11]); $datax = array($C[0],$C[1],$C[2],$C[3],$C[4],$C[5],$C[6],$C[7],$C[8],$C[9],$C[10],$C[11]); Anyway after complete your first while you already have $A[0],$A[1],$A[2],.... and $C[0],$C[1],$C[2].... So try like this after first while loop, $datay = array(); $datex = array(); $datay = $A; $datex = $C;
  4. Ok try this, $sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT ipaddress FROM '$myTable2' WHERE ipaddress = '$ipaddress' "); instead of this, $sql2 = "mysql_query(SELECT ipaddress FROM $myTable2 WHERE ipaddress = $ipaddress)";
  5. dilum


    THis might help you, "select * from student wher sid IN(select sid from enroll en, coures co where en.cno = co.cno and co.cname IN('computer','math'))"
  6. Here, $sql2 = "mysql_query(SELECT ipaddress FROM $myTable2 WHERE ipaddress = $ipaddress)"; where is coming from $myTable2...
  7. Try this, function get_page_by_id($page_id) { global $connection; $query = "SELECT * "; $query .= "FROM pages "; $query .= "WHERE id= ' " . $page_id . " ' "; $query .= "LIMIT 1"; $result_set = mysql_query($query, $connection); confirm_query($result_set); if ($subject = mysql_fetch_array($result_set)) { return $subject; } else {return NULL;} } *put where id = '' like this....
  8. If you are using Linux, then you can use cronjobs.
  9. simply you can change the form action, <form action = 'page.php' ......> or try to use curl.
  10. You are using , SELECT * FROM memo WHERE student='$student' ORDER BY memo_time AND memo_date DESC in here order only effect to the memo_date. Therefore i think you have to use.,, SELECT * FROM memo WHERE student='$student' ORDER BY memo_time DESC, memo_date DESC Try this!
  11. You can use simple javascript for this, function deleteConfirm() { var a = confirm("any message here"); if (a) { return true; } else { return false; } } your delete link may be link this, <a href="delete.php" onclick="return deleteConfirm()"> Delete </a>
  12. Put it like this, <?php ini_set(''....... //your code. ?>
  13. Give write permission to 'data.txt' file and try!
  14. Your code might be generate some error. Put this line very top of your page "ini_set('display_errors',1);". You will see the error.
  15. what is here "$ID" value ? seems it is not change whithin while loop. Therefore every time fetch result inside the while loop is same.
  16. I don't know where to post your page data, If u post the data to the same page , then you can cath all the data whatever user entered. (while you can highlight the error fields also).
  18. You can do like this rather than you'r way. if($_POST['submit']) { $temp1 = $_POST['cat']; $temp2 = $_POST['location']; .. .. .. $sql = "INSERT INTO stories(cat_id, dateposted, location, datename, body, fun, soh, con, int, sex, hyg, mes) VALUES('$temp1','now()','$temp2',....)"; mysql_query($sql); header("Location: " . $config_basedir . "/index.php"); }
  19. Thanks for all the reply. But still i have some problem. I added these lines to htaccess file RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^[a-zA-Z]*$ http://mydomain.com/index.php?username=$1 When I type "http://mydomain.com/smith" Iit redirect to the index page. This is the URL http://mydomain.com/index.php?username= But I need that name also (smith) get details for that user. But in that URL passing only username= So can you help me how to get that name also to a variable? Already i have declare a variable called $username = $_REQUEST['username']; Thanks.
  20. First thanks for your reply I tried it just now. When i visit the page it's giving Internal Server Error. May i ask? i put only code line that you gave. i did that one. Am i correct?
  21. i have built a web site. that is a normal members register web site. so i want to give to member URL like this www.mysite.com/username. Example if some one type www.mysite.com/username so i want to display his profile with that same URL. like http://www.myspace.com/some_username i think this one has to be solve in htaccess. i tried lot of time but still i could not find a solution. so i want a help what i have to put to htaccess file and how i can read that from a PHP page (index.php) Thank you.
  22. Thanks all guys, i found the code, <?php exec("ffmpeg -i ".$VIDEO_PATH.$video." -acodec mp3 -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv ".$VIDEO_PATH.$filename.".flv"); ?> $VIDEO_PATH - directory name initial file included $video - video file name(initial v filename) $filename - new file name (eg. fun) using this we can convert any video file to .flv file.
  23. I'm sorry guys, I want code for .wmv to .fla
  24. This is the code for encoding .avi to .flv, exec(ffmpeg -i video.avi -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 video.flv); i want same code for encode videos. (ex. .wave to .flv , .mp3 to .flv like this)
  25. thanks guy, i know exec() function, but i want what is the parameters have to pass!
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