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Everything posted by Ell20

  1. Hey, I have a PHP script which has about 10 submit buttons for various things, however on some occasions all of these buttons may need to be clicked, instead of having the user click them one by one, is it possible to create a submit all button which calls all of these buttons? Thanks for any help
  2. Seems to be working! Thanks alot for your help! Cheers
  3. Thanks ill try there, didnt realise there was such a forum!
  4. Hi, Im attempting to make a regular expression to check that the data input is a valid telephone number. Im looking to accept telephone numbers in either of these formats: +447973886123 or +4407973886123 or 07973886123 I have had ago but dont think its working correctly: if (eregi ("[a-z0-9\+]{11,14}", stripslashes(trim($_POST['contact_number'])))) { Appreciate any help
  5. I have found one which is very simular and supposed to match what I am looking to match however it dosent actually work. (((\+44)? ?(\(0\))? ?)|(0))( ?[0-9]{3,4}){3} Could the reason it dosent work be that its coded for a different language? Thanks
  6. Hi, Im attempting to make a regular expression to check that the data input is a valid telephone number. Im looking to accept telephone numbers in either of these formats: +447973886123 or +4407973886123 or 07973886123 I have had ago but dont think its working correctly: if (eregi ("[a-z0-9\+]{11,14}", stripslashes(trim($_POST['contact_number'])))) { Appreciate any help
  7. Hi, I have a page called fixtures.php which simply displays the fixtures for a club, each fixture also has a button which takes you to a page called teamselection.php. However at the moment once the button has been pressed the user then has to select the fixture from the drop down box to view the team selection, whereas I would ideally like it so that when the button is pressed it goes to the teamselection.php with the team selection for the specific fixture to be displayed. I guess I have to do like &mode=selection on fixture_id or something simular but I cant put my finger on how to do it? Appreciate any help
  8. Hey, I have a background image which is .jpg in a table. I then wanted to create links ontop of the image, I have done and it looks good on this computer but when I switch to a different computer the DIV is no where near in the right place. <style> #link { position:absolute; left:26%; top:10.5%; } </style> <div id="link"><font size="+2">Home</font></div> I also tried using pixels as the positioning, but this didnt work either. Appreciate any help
  9. My guess would be: <? // Rediret Address $redirect = $_SESSION['url']; // Redirect them back header( 'Location: $redirect' ) ; ?>
  10. I think this is what you mean? Try this: Questions/feedback Relating to:<br /> <select name="attn" size="1"> <option value="" disabled="disabled">Please Select a Subject</option> <option value=" My Childs Education ">My Childs Education </option> <option value=" Student Welfare ">Student Welfare </option> <option value=" Communications ">Communications </option> <option value=" General Education Issues ">General Education Issues </option> </select>
  11. Superb!! Thank you so much!! Appreciate your help ;D Working perfectly now Enjoy your dinner
  12. index.php <?php if ($u && $p) { $query = "SELECT user_id, club_id, validate FROM users WHERE username='$u' AND password=PASSWORD('$p')"; $result = @mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($result, MYSQL_NUM); /* If they match create session */ if ($row) { $validate=$row[2]; if ($validate == 1) { /* Redirect to main.php when logged in */ $_SESSION['user_id']=$row[0]; $_SESSION['club_id']=$row[1]; header ("Location: http://" .$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "main.php"); exit(); ?> session_start() is written inside header.html which is called in every page. Thanks
  13. Yeah thats right the sessions are created when someone logs in, I showed the code a few messages back? Thanks
  14. Yeah, is there anyway to set as usual? As without it I cant really use the CSS like this? Thanks
  15. I changed it to this: echo "this".$id." "; All it says is "this" no number after it. Thanks so much for your help.
  16. It works on every other page just not on this one: index.php <?php $_SESSION['user_id']=$row[0]; $_SESSION['club_id']=$row[1]; ?>
  17. Fixed that! I was stupid and put 'color'! Its changed now Last problem is that when I changed my query back to '$id' it stopped working again and when I viewed the source of CSS the values for colour and text were blank! Yeah it did say body, sorry forgot to copy and paste that bit!!
  18. Excellent, that fixed that and I now have the following on the page source of css color: '#ffffff'; background-color: '#00CCCC'; Which is the correct values taken from the databse BUT the page is still displaying white and not those actual colours!! Thanks
  19. mysql_connect.php is just in public_hmtl. newcss.php is in /includes Thanks for your help.
  20. Its this file I have been working on, which I am hoping to take values from the database and put them into the CSS. Thanks
  21. I went to: /includes/newcss.php And I found this:
  22. I dont see how the variables can be empty as I have manually placed them in the database. CSS dosent show up in page source, all I can see is this: <link media="screen" href="/includes/newcss.php" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> Thanks
  23. Yeah I understand that I was just refering to a question which thorpe asked. I have done this on my pages but it still dosent seem to like it! Thanks
  24. Thanks Ken, but still no luck. To answer a previous question about the php being used in html. I think it must work because when I set say $bgcolour = '#fffff'; Then use echo in the CSS it works, its just when I attempt to get a value from the database that its just going white with no CSS at all. Thanks
  25. Still nothing, no errors, the page is white with no CSS at all. This is annoying!!
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