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Everything posted by stuffradio

  1. Just use a MySQL database, store the information in there and pull the information when you need it.
  2. Frames aren't complicated, they're just deprecated.
  3. Well... are you sure you should be using MySQL? Maybe you should use Oracle or some other system. Do some research on the performance for large scale data handling.
  4. We can't tell you if it's good without a url...
  5. I'm still really new to using and setting up my own MVC system. I'm looking at this article, http://www.tonymarston.co.uk/php-mysql/model-view-controller.html#model and want to know if it's a good way to go about a system I want to make.
  6. ('$_post[user_name]','$_post[user_pass]','$_post[full_name]','$_post[user_email]','$_post[confirm_memail]','$_post[alt_email]','$_post[user_city]"; That is very dangerous. You need to sanitize the input first!
  7. Right, I'm not done fixing it to where it was. Thanks though I fixed that problem though.
  8. It's undergoing a design change. Expect it to look better, and comment when I say it's done changing!
  9. What database system are you using?
  10. I say stick with the small hassle of doing the code stuff. Most users use the Windows OS, so that would be a huge downside.
  11. This is something I'm working on, and I want to know what you think so far. I suck at design so it's not looking pretty right now. I haven't protected anything yet, so don't expect to have to log in. What do you think so far? http://www.stufftutorials.net/billing/admin/ Just ignore the login box because as I said I haven't protected the pages yet.
  12. Ok the background is still looking busy... the tiled logo doesn't make it look good IMO. The banner is also too basic and doesn't match the site. At least the intro page is gone though
  13. As far as I understand this is a Private Message system, not an email system. Why would they need to go to their emails then? You should just have a table with the persons username that sent it and the username it's going to. When they're listing the inbox have it list all messages that were sent to them.
  14. Do you think it's ok to store the username in the session? Also I'll use that 10 page view thing.
  15. IMO sites where you have to click on enter to enter the site or any other type of page like that makes your website look very bad. Don't make someone click more in order to get to the main page. I also agree about it being too busy.
  16. Do a simple google search on the topic. Here is something I found whilst googling. http://www.tutorialtastic.co.uk/tutorial/skinning_your_website
  17. I want to make a secure login, I also want to be protected against session hijacking and cookie hijacking(if I use cookies). Any tips on how to do this? What do you use?
  18. Will solve on my own somehow I guess. I have some ideas.
  19. http://wuensche.ca/psm/index.php?page=home Username/pass test Any ideas would be greatly appreciated
  20. I'm making a paypal subscription manager(lets you access things if you have paid for the current month). I want it so anyone can get a copy of my script and easily manage anything they want. How should I attack this?
  21. Maybe you misread my post.. at first they were 2 separate images, and I just combined them today. So I thought you were agreeing with me that they should be combined and that's what I did. So how do you achieve this then with two images?
  22. Ok, it's one whole image now. It still has a scrolling problem. Make the window smaller and when you scroll you can see how the image kind of messes up when you scroll. I just want the image to stay there and the text to scroll. Anyone have any ideas?
  23. I'm trying to have 2 background images. I have one background image on the left, it's a menu. For some reason the artist split it in to 2. So there is one sticking out a bit more, and I want it to stay fixed along with the left menu, and I want to have the text to disappear when it gets to the image. This is what it looks like: http://contra-diction.com/lupinesalt/ Any ideas?
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