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Everything posted by revraz

  1. Session Life is not the same as the cookie written to the client PC. Session Life is how long the session will be left on the Server in your session save path and the GC won't delete it.
  2. You need to either make $name = $row[address] each time or set your VALUES to the $row array. Right now your variables are empty.
  3. Move $sql="INSERT INTO $tbl_name2(name, address, address1, address2, address3, address4, county, zip, telephone, email, username, password)VALUES('$name', '$address', '$address1', '$address2','$address3', '$address4','$county' ,'$zip', '$telephone', '$email', '$username', '$password')"; $result2=mysql_query($sql)or die(mysql_error()); and put it in your while loop I'm glad you caught that you had to change $result to $result2
  4. You need to read up on how to format a table. You are using TR when you should use TD
  5. Do you want a certain amount of rows before it splits to a new column? You already have the while loop, just add TD tags in there and start a TABLE before the loop and end it after it's down. If you want a certain number, then add another loop to keep track of that.
  6. Thats because you are only selecting id FROM topics. If you want more, you have to SELECT more.
  7. Which items did you want to pass to the new table? Right now you are selecting all columns.
  8. Bah, i didnt use code tags put a <br /> between echos echo "$row[address]<br />"; echo "$row[address1]<br />";
  9. First try $ratings="5,4,3,2,1"; to make sure it works how you expect
  10. What's in $ratings
  11. Remove your DB Name/PW from your post
  12. You can still use the same button graphic with a form if you like.
  13. Why not use explode ?
  14. So how does the button work now if its not a form? Is it just a img and your have a url associated with it? If so, a Form would be the best way with a POST method.
  15. Put a <br /> inbetween your echos.
  16. Gotta love it.
  17. $query = "SELECT * FROM '$tbl_name'"; to $query = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_name";
  18. That would be the right way, it supports quite a few browsers. Up to you if you want to make a HTML one too, I just provide one and go with it.
  19. Where are the { } ?
  20. Its in a hidden folder. Go to Tools, Internet Options, Under Browsing History hit Settings, then View Files. Sessions end when the browser is closed for the most part.
  21. A class is a .php file, just like your code.
  22. Its in the .zip file
  23. Is student id and year INTs or CHARS in your DB? If INTs, remove the ' ' AND student_score.student_id = 700900127 AND student_score.year = 2006";
  24. Did you download the Class and look at the .php code?
  25. One search on Google gave me this http://adldap.sourceforge.net/
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