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Everything posted by revraz

  1. Looks like you have mismatching quotes here VALUES('" . $lotnum2 . '0' . "$bidnum2',
  2. This is a PHP Forum.
  3. Which is why most people check ISSET first
  4. Do you just want to go buy the File Extension? If so, search the forums, there are quite a few posts on finding the file extension.
  5. You need to escape the single quote here too if(count($columns) != count($movable)){ die("I\'m sorry, this room is under construction at the moment.");
  6. What is in this array? $_POST['file']['type'] Why not just pull the last three characters of the string?
  7. Well you are using include_once right?
  8. Run it about 20 times and check the results, if you're happy with them then you're set. But if not, then you have to try other methods to make it more random, like generating more than 1 random number and then dividing that by the number of random numbers you generate.
  9. Yes, but don't be surprised when the results are not very random
  10. If you can use Color= in your code, then you can use CSS
  11. It wouldn't stop your sessions from working, I was just making you aware of it for your own use.
  12. You mispelled PASSWORD here $password = $_POST['passworsd'];
  13. Also, use <?PHP ?> instead of just <? ?> (I know you did in your original code, but some examples above used Short Tags which may not always be supported on your webhost).
  14. You need to either check with your Webhost or if you have access to your PHP.INI file, that the Session Path is set correctly.
  15. Remove your SQL Servername, ID and PW from your post.
  16. Like this? http://php.resourceindex.com/Complete_Scripts/Chat/ Also, maybe change your Subject to something that references your question.
  17. The forums have been erroring out the last few days and people think their post didn't go through, so they post again.
  18. Duplicate or not, you may want to SEARCH before asking this type of common question.
  19. Opps, I was wrong, DIV is http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/reserved-words.html
  20. Priority is probably a reserved MySql arguement/operator.
  21. Do an IF Statement for each requirement. Verify against length, type and range. Caps is really not an issue because you can just convert everything to uppercase. Doing something with HEX?
  22. To explain what the actual problem is, you can't use double quotes inside of double quotes like that. So you have to either have single quotes inside of double quotes or double quotes inside of single quotes. If you don't have any variables inside the quotes, then either is fine, but if you do have variables, you have to use them correctly.
  23. Sounds like you don't have .php installed on your webserver then. Make a small test.php file, put: <?php phpinfo(); ?> And run the test.php and see if you get a PHP info sheet. If it just tries to save the file to your PC, you don't have PHP installed or .htaccess isn't setup to use the extension.
  24. FYI, most people will put the PHP code before the HTML, only because once you start getting into Headers and Sessions, that code needs to come first. Review some FORMS threads and see how others use ISSET on SUBMIT to see if the form has been submitted yet, and if it has to process it and if it hasn't to create it. Also, I don't see your FORM ACTION or METHOD anywhere in your HTML.
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