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Everything posted by tbare

  1. tbare

    Padding in Div

    yeah... always remember the box model... padding adds to the total width/height of the div... i fought that way too much before i found the box model.. http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/box.html
  2. first query fixed $sqlCCUpdate = "UPDATE tblCustomer set CuCCType = '" . $CCardType . "', CuCCNum = '" . $CCNum . "', CuCCSVC = '" . $CCCSV . "', CCExpDate= '" . $CCYear . "',CCName='" . $CCName . "' WHERE CuSessID = '" . $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'] . "'"; edit: oops... try now
  3. ... or rather start the query with a ' instead of a " you have your singles and doubles reversed in the first query
  4. it's the single quotes in . $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID'] . the first single quote is finishing the single quote before the .
  5. I'm so lost here: http://dev.wannafork.com/humor.php on FF and IE 8, all is well. on IE 6, 7 & 8 (compat mode ON) , after the page loads, if you mouse over the menu, the bottom div (footer image) jumps up to directly under the content div. Additionally, IE7 & 8 (compat mode ON) ONLY, there's a 1px redish line above each menu item (assuming margin, but cant' tell because it's ONLY there on IE7... Any help on either of these problems would be great, as i'm bashing my head against a wall trying to figure them out!
  6. i'm going to have to agree w/ btherl... it seems to me that $username and $password are not set... try echoing both of those right after you set them. i might try this: if(isset($_POST['username'])) { $username = $_POST['username']; echo $username."<br/>"; } if(isset($_POST['password'])) { $password = $_POST['password']; echo $password."<br/>"; } then lower use if(isset($username) && isset($password)) { //code here } and see if you get anything different... this will tell you if the error is in the post at least
  7. is that the code of test.php or are you posting to a different page?
  8. $refURI = getenv("HTTP_REFERER"); echo $refURI; if($refURI == "http://www.paypal.com/xxxxyyy") { //code to execute } ?> hope this helps
  9. right... this is the problem... height="100%" doesn't work... i've tried that Any other thoughts? Thanks, TBare
  10. here's what i got: http://dev.wannafork.com/index.php choose Select State, choose Missouri, the menu that's populated has "Change County of Residence" on the far right. change the size of your browser to where that line wraps to 2 lines. Notice how the rest of the menu looks messed up? i want the height of the rest of the menu to mirror the height of the tallest cell.. any ideas? here's the css: table.menuTable { background-color: #000066; width: 100%; border-top: 1px solid #ffffff; border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff; } #menu a { color: #ffffff; font: normal 12px/24px verdana, arial, tahoma, sans-serif; display: block; border-right: 1px solid #ffffff; border-left: 1px solid #ffffff; text-decoration: none; } #menu a:hover { color: #000066; background-color: #ffffff; }
  11. just as an update: easier way than above: <?php function fGetPreviousHumorFile($table,$id,$subCategory) { $query = "PREPARE GetFileList0 FROM 'SELECT Title,ID FROM ".$table." WHERE ID LIKE (SELECT max(ID) AS maxID FROM ".$table." WHERE ID < ".$id." AND SubCategory LIKE ".$subCategory.")'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // execute the prepared statement for Item Insert $query = "EXECUTE GetFileList0"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // deallocate the prepared statement for Item Insert $query = "DEALLOCATE PREPARE GetFileList0"; $resultDeallocate = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($result, MYSQL_BOTH); return $row; } ?>
  12. really thing i got it this time: <?php function fGetPreviousHumorFile($table,$id,$subCategory) { $query = "PREPARE GetFileList0 FROM 'SELECT t.Title,t.ID FROM ".$table." t,(SELECT Title,max(ID) AS maxID FROM ".$table." WHERE ID < ".$id." AND SubCategory LIKE ".$subCategory." GROUP BY SubCategory) maxIDresult WHERE t.ID = maxIDresult.maxID'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // execute the prepared statement for Item Insert $query = "EXECUTE GetFileList0"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // deallocate the prepared statement for Item Insert $query = "DEALLOCATE PREPARE GetFileList0"; $resultDeallocate = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($result, MYSQL_BOTH); return $row; } function fGetNextHumorFile($table,$id,$subCategory) { $query = "PREPARE GetFileList0 FROM 'SELECT t.Title,t.ID FROM ".$table." t,(SELECT Title,min(ID) AS maxID FROM ".$table." WHERE ID > ".$id." AND SubCategory LIKE ".$subCategory." GROUP BY SubCategory) maxIDresult WHERE t.ID = maxIDresult.maxID'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // execute the prepared statement for Item Insert $query = "EXECUTE GetFileList0"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // deallocate the prepared statement for Item Insert $query = "DEALLOCATE PREPARE GetFileList0"; $resultDeallocate = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($result, MYSQL_BOTH); return $row; } $previousFile = fGetPreviousHumorFile('HumorVideo',$_GET['ID'],'5'); print_r($previousFile); ?> seems to work as far as i can tell.. anybody see an issue with it? I'll test some more then close this if it works 100%
  13. hmm.. that sucks... is there a better to get a more than one column, then? here's the setup: table: HumorVideo (relevant) cols: ID (int, auto increment), SubCategory (int), Title (VarChar) basically, i want to get the previous and next files where 'SubCategory' is the same... any thoughts? the ID may or may not be the next one in line...
  14. apparently not... now it's getting the correct ID, but not the correct Title... wtf?
  15. fixed... changed my GROUP BY ID (or Title) to SubCategory... not sure why the others didn't work, but this seems to clear it all up... working code: <?php function fGetPreviousHumorFile($table,$id,$subCategory) { $query = "PREPARE GetFileList0 FROM 'SELECT max(ID),Title FROM ".$table." WHERE ID < ".$id." AND SubCategory LIKE ".$subCategory." GROUP BY SubCategory'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // execute the prepared statement for Item Insert $query = "EXECUTE GetFileList0"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // deallocate the prepared statement for Item Insert $query = "DEALLOCATE PREPARE GetFileList0"; $resultDeallocate = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($result, MYSQL_BOTH); return $row; } $previousFile = fGetPreviousHumorFile('HumorVideo','611','5'); print_r($previousFile); ?>
  16. hey... what gives here? <?php function fGetPreviousHumorFile($table,$id,$subCategory) { $query = "PREPARE GetFileList0 FROM 'SELECT max(ID),Title FROM ".$table." WHERE ID < ".$id." AND SubCategory LIKE ".$subCategory." GROUP BY ID'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // execute the prepared statement for Item Insert $query = "EXECUTE GetFileList0"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // deallocate the prepared statement for Item Insert $query = "DEALLOCATE PREPARE GetFileList0"; $resultDeallocate = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_array ($result, MYSQL_BOTH); return $row; } $previousFile = fGetPreviousHumorFile('HumorVideo','611','5'); print_r($previousFile); ?> is returning the FIRST file in subcategory 5 (ID 321... should be 609)... why? additionally, if i GROUP BY Title, it returns ID 348.. (still not right...) any ideas? i'm pulling my hair out on this... known bug or am i doing something wrong?
  17. the header images are (at some point) going to be replaced with computer components, etc, but just haven't had time to take the pics yet... the images that are there, were all taken where i and the other guy that started the site work(ed)... it was kind of fun (at the time) when quite literally no body was going to the site, but now, agreed, they need to be replaced.. the map on the bottom was something i saw on another site and thought might be neat.... the more i see it, the more i'm agreeing that it shouldn't be there... the w3 icons, however, i do like... i didn't like the colors they had to choose from, so i changed them to match the site... you mention that the wannafork.com graphics are ugly, too.... are you talking about the logo on the main page? that's one of those deals that i'm not in love with, either, but decided not too long back that i needed a static image on the main page w/ the name, and something clever on it... that was my 15 minutes of thought and design thrown together... agreed, it needs more work! I'm thinking about a new color scheme, but have been so busy trying to get everything over to MySQL (and working on microsoft certifications for work), that it's kind of hit the back burner... (maybe the next re-design? we'll see....) all in all... thanks for the good feedback! keep it coming!
  18. just as an update, i've got sessions working now, so if you leave comments, or email a link, you only need to confirm your email address once per sessioin (or per 3 hours, whichever ends first...) still working on the javascript for the ratings thing... we'll see... still looking for more feedback, too... any other thoughts?
  19. the image at the top is on a rotator script and does rotate between about 15 images (or so), except the main page which is static... i have noticed that the dilbert strip shows up more often than it ought, but haven't played w/ it a whole lot to figure out why... I was going for a simple, clean design, and thought i had achieved that... (maybe not??) as for the blurb on the main page, i'll take that to heart and see what i can come up with... Thanks for the input... and any more is welcome!
  20. and yes... this site is safe for work regardless of the domain name... (i know at least fortinet doesn't stop it...) It's funny videos, flash animations, audio files, flash games, etc....
  21. FF 2 > when you click the menu on the left (wristwatch, etc), i get the watch, click a again, the watch goes away, but the space is still there, click a 3rd time, the clock comes back, and the space is still below it... click about 7 times, you get a watch at the top and space for 3 more below, blowing everything else WAY off the screen... edit:: same goes for everything else on that menu...
  22. http://www.wannafork.com i'm in the process of getting it all converted over to MySQL, but in the mean time, i'm looking for ideas, tips, tricks, etc.. a few things i'm already working on: ratings: working on JavaScript for the submit so it won't refresh the entire page when you rate a file... comments: working on JavaScript to clear the form when you click submit (which posts to a different page as to not refresh the page again, and also because of the e-mail verification... and other minor tweaks here an there... other than that, i'm all ears, so... please... fire away! (and don't get SO into the site that you forget to post back here... there'll be plenty of time for that later!)
  23. thanks!... just so i understand why, here... $str = substr_replace($str," & ",$pos+1,0); waht does the last ,0 do here?
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