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  1. Hello, here goes a stupid question. Is there a way to bypass iframe detection like window.top or whatever else. I'm tryin to open a iframe on a page of mine but the source is checking if their page is being opend in an iframe and refuse to work.
  2. Hello, Dose anybody know or have experience with barcode scanners and how they work? My question is if I have a barcode scanner connected and I have clicked on a text field, when I scan the code will it auto fill the text field? I'm not sure if I need specific software for that ... could anybody give me a hint on how this things work? Will it directly write the code just like if I was typing it from my keyboard? Thanks in advance. Regards
  3. Sry found my problem ... I'm just being retarded.
  4. Hey guys, i'm not really familiar with mod_rewrite, but I hope you understnat my problem and please try to help me. So I copied some rules from somwhere and this is how mu .htaccess file looks like: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.studentskicredit\.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.studentskicredit.com/$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L] RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L] for some reason when i open the domain i get a 302 redirection and i have no clue why. What i'm trying to do is get the index.php file to parse the url ( which works fine for the moment ) and do what the script tells it to do, but what i'm woried about is how is this gonna affect google indexing/ranking ... Thanks for your time on reading this and I hope i you have an answer for me to waste a little more time and help. Regards
  5. Try echo strSQL; then copy that into your phpmyadmin and check if u actually get some data back.
  6. Yeah, but I dont think forums work like this. For example if I log on this forum tomorrow I'll see several threads marked as "new". If I read one topic I'll get the new flag off only for that topic. Not all of them.
  7. Hey everybody, Its been a while now since I've needed help ( except of the phpThumbs thread a made some days ago ) and now I'm having trouble understanding how one thing is working. So ... what my trouble is that I have NO clue how the people that write forums for example deal with the you have/have not seen this thread. I dont really know how they follow if someone has visited some topic or if its new of the specific user. I really dont think they flag something up in some table. Its ridicules to think that a table can handle thousand of user to check it someone has read or not something. Cookies ... ? nope dont think cookies can help. Can anybody give me a hint? Thanks in advance! Regards
  8. Hey everybody, so here is the problem: In my site I have something like 100 + usres online most of the time. When some image is uploaded and shown for the first time phpThumbs generates an image with the given width and height, but because a lot of ppl open the site at the same time the script fulls up all the avaliable memory because it dosnt have enough time to generate the image from the first opening and it tries and tries and tries and .. at the end ... crash. I dont have a clue why was I such an idiot and used phpthumbs, but now i'm paying for that. Has anybody had a problem like this before? Maybe there is a way to make it work. I had some idea to call the script when the images are uploaded from the administration before its actually shown in the front-end, but i'll try doin that if i can find no help over teh net. Thanks in advance. Regards
  9. first dont forget to $author = addslashes($_POST['author']) variables, cuz some bad people can do bad stuff. For your query try $data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM publications WHERE LIKE '%".$author.'%") or die(mysql_error());
  10. UPDATE users SET points = points + 1 WHERE id = ... ?
  11. Well u need to write a robot that will crawl the website you want. Using a regex you can find the specific text you are looking for in the page. So .. check what curl() and fopen() do. After that check what preg_match_all() dose.
  12. You want us to write it for u? Why dont you try doin something yourself and we can help you out making it work.
  13. Its ok like this. Thanks mate, works like a charm.
  14. Hello guys, I search the forum a bit, but didnt find anything. I have a text and somewhere in the text are some http://www.link.com and http://link.com links, but as text only, so I need to replace them with html a tags. Could anybody help me a bit with the expression. Having a hard time. Thanks in advance.
  15. it shouldn't be $_POST['file'], but $_FILES['file']['error'] and so on do check some things on $_FILES and say if u still have trouble.
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