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  1. I am not an expert, but I have just learned that a header redirect should always be put above the HTML-code. So completely at the top. The browser should not have had any code to work with yet, otherwise it won't work either. Try to put the whole lot at the top... (because otherwise the browser has already used a header.
  2. I get three values after a distinct-query. <? $querydd = "Select distinct(smth) From offer WHERE whatever='2' Order By smth"; $resultdd = mysql_query($querydd); while($smth = mysql_fetch_row($resultdd)) { echo ("$smth[0]<br>"); } ?> Let's say the echo gives this1, this2 and this3. Now I want to start another query in which "this1" must be put in a where-clause. How van I turn the this1, this2 and this3 into a $this1 $this2 and $this3? Thanks!
  3. Sorry, I have looked up the term "right join" and I think I can manage the right join myself now. Thanks a lot, the problem is solved I think!
  4. Thanks a lot so far. You're right: it would be table "uren" (=Hours). And I see your point. However, I know what a join is but not a "right join" . Could you please explain this? Thanks!
  5. I have made a system with which teachers can book class rooms. In the database the following data are stored: date, time & period, classroom, teacher code. When asked for a survey appears that lists the bookings as follows (with more data, but this is the basis): 2008-03-05: Room G15, period 1: 08.30, (MNA) Mike Nameful 2008-03-05: Room G15, period 3: 10.10, (KKN) Karl Knowbody I would, however, like the list also to include the periods that do not have any bookings: so actually my list would like this: 2008-03-05: Room G15, period 1: 08.30, (MNA) Mike Nameful 2008-03-05: Room G15, period 2: 09.20, <empty> 2008-03-05: Room G15, period 3: 10.10, (KKN) Karl Knowbody I have the following script (sorry for the Dutch words but I am sure you will get around with it...): <? $query1="select lokaal, week, datum, roosteruur, uur, reserveren.code, naam from reserveren,code,uren where reserveren.code=code.code AND reserveren.uur=uren.tijd AND week='$weeknr' AND jaar='$jaar' Order by lokaal, datum, uur"; $result1 = mysql_query ($query1); while (list ($lokaal, $week, $datum, $roosteruur, $uur, $code,$naam) = mysql_fetch_row($result1)){ echo "<TR><TD bgcolor=$color>$lokaal</TD><TD>$week</TD><TD bgcolor=$color_day>$dagnaam $datum2</TD><TD bgcolor=$color_day>$roosteruur</TD><TD>$uur</TD><TD>$code</TD><td>$naam</td></TR>"; } But does anyone know a solution to include the empty ones, without having to record them in the database itsself? Thanks
  6. I am writing a script in which a test person has to remember a number, that gradually increases in the number of digits, if the tester has remembered the number well. In the <head> there is a redirect to another page after about 7 seconds, where the tester has to fill in the number he/she has just seen. This all works well. But if the answer is wrong, I would like the "redirect" of the page to be stopped. It would look like this: if ($answer<>$number) { echo ("Sorry, it was the wrong answer; you have managed to remember $series digits in one go."); //and here I want the switch out of this page, for within couple of seconds it will be redirected again!! } else { //here it continues to generate a new, longer, number.
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