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Everything posted by blackcell

  1. Im not for sure but I think there is more you have to do int he php function you register with xajax(your getdata function) I haven't been able to straighten out the part on xajax when it comes to grabbing form data. I will continue to play and if you find the way to use form data with xajax please contact me! I will do the same.
  2. I would also recommend the xajax class if you need something fast and have minimal time for learning ajax.
  3. The thing you want is either ajax or an easier way of passing a variable and catching it on the reload to build your sql query off of the variable description. For instance: <?php if($_REQUEST['VIEW'] == "showall" || $_REQUEST['VIEW'] == "")$sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM `table`"; if($_REQUEST['VIEW'] == "late")$sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `Status` = 'Late'"; //Execute your query here. ?> <a href='index.php?VIEW=showall'>Show Late</a> <a href='index.php?VIEW=late'>Show Late</a> I think this is where your going with this but if you want to display the results on the page without reloading you need ajax. If you want to just query out the user data you just entered and loading a page is not an issue just go to another page.
  4. Also, depending on if you have any date format checks like forcing yyyy-mm-dd when user enters mm-dd-yy, I have used strtotime to get a unix timestamp and use that timestamp to output the date a standard way.
  5. See: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/howto/htaccess.html
  6. You can read up on .htaccess and .htpasswd Anywhere you place the .htaccess file will require a username password contained within the directed .htpasswd file. I think this is what you are trying to achieve anyway.
  7. Lambneck, what you have to watch for in php is the way you use double and single quotes together. Double quotes will override everything where singles can be used within double. So I always try to use doubles on everything so if the need arises for singles I can easily add them in without thinking of escaping things. I don't know if this is proper or not but it is the style I have gotten used to.
  8. To bounce off this and save a topic, what does literal really mean?
  9. Hey just advice from a novice in learning when it comes to php, I hated the idea of using arrays at first. I came to a situation where I had to use them and now I like to deal with them more.
  10. Thanks, that helps. I just needed to know what was the scope of js but didn't know what question I needed to ask. Thanks again.
  11. Yea, sorry about that, that was a snippet of one of my first programs.
  12. Like www.hostingsite.com/yoursite/tmp or www.hostingsite.com/somebody_elses_site/tmp
  13. I am curious now, are you going to have multiple submit buttons with different values? If so: <?php //The test for submit if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $command = trim($_POST['submit']); if ($command == "Submit"){ //Do something } if ($command == "Cancel"){ //Do something else } if ($command == "Edit"){ //Do something else } } //This will allow you to "see" which button was pressed. ?>
  14. What are you trying to do? When testing to see if $_POST['submit'] is set, it doesn't need to be unset after the button is pressed.
  15. I had this yesterday. At glance it looks like your giving fread a length parameter of 0 for some reason. I know your retrieving the filesize of the file your reading but like me, having issues with it. I just entered a straight number based on how big I knew the files could get. Like a one line text file I knew would not get over 4069, so I used it because it was on a php manual example. Try finding your biggest file possible and set the limit to that.
  16. Hello, I need to execute a javascript that will do something on a different page. Is that possible? ex: page1.php javascript function will force scroll to the bottom of page2.php page2.php Long list of stuff
  17. Can anybody better explain: #!/usr/bin/php -q
  18. I found this, which is an excellent explanation to someone like me. http://www.litfuel.net/tutorials/sockets/sockets.php
  19. Out of curiosity, why do you want to do this?
  20. I need to learn about xml also lol.
  21. I'm not using VS2008, or anything else. I connect to a unix term server, write the source with pico, compile it on the server and everything is a black background with white letters (imagine the dos window). If that isn't command line what is it (<--Serious Question)? Thanks for the resources.
  22. Oh, you want to rename your file from page.php to page.html ? I'm not for sure but I think in your apache configuration file you can tell the web server how to handle extensions. I will do some checking around also.
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