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Everything posted by blackcell

  1. I don't see an include function in your code. Or are you wanting to make that option available with the select?
  2. Try something like this for sake of being able to read the code: <php? while($latqrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($latqresult)) { $ID = $latqrow['id']; $question = $latqrow['question']; $subject = $latqrow['subject']; echo "<li><a href='answer.php?id='$ID'>$question</a> (<i>$subject</i>)</li>"; }
  3. I would go with the user-specific directory. eg <?php echo "<image src='images/".$userName."/".$imageName".'/>"; ?>
  4. Place echos in within each while loop to figure out how far you are making it into the mess. Evidentially your not satisfying some arguments if your returning a blank page because the if statements containing your echo's aren't true.
  5. So you want something like: page1.php //Display the first and last name page2.php //Display the department and phone number page3.php //Display the salary and start date OR something like page1.php //Display First Last Names, department, phone number, salary, and start date of the first 2 records in the database. page2.php //Display First Last Names, department, phone number, salary, and start date of the NEXT 2 records in the database. page3.php //Display First Last Names, department, phone number, salary, and start date of the NEXT 2 records in the database.
  6. first blah = the table field your are search by in the database. second blah = the criteria. So if your searching for all last names of dork `LastName` = 'dork' is the same as blah = blah (as stated)
  7. Not really sure but I think you will needs JS and/or php with ajax assistance. I don't think it can be done purely with html.
  8. If you want to stick with the system you have just create a page called RUN.php or something. Create a js onload function that is recursive on a timed interval of like 10 seconds. Within that page put the single script to check if time is the desired time and then if so send the email. You can leave this page open on any system anywhere and it will work. I work with large scale business software that is written in VB? and it does crap like this and they get paid bukoo bucks for it. So its like a service on the system you run it on. Its not to shabby if you have a server that is running all the time. Just open the page on it and leave it running. Matter fact I think I will try this on a program I am writing now.
  9. Holy crap the single quotes seem to have a higher precedence. I have been living a lie in php programming...
  10. To make it more complicated to slight the system mix the answers up and ensure you keep track of you values. This is obvious though.
  11. I wasn't commenting on your post This post is dead.
  12. Also, I think if you reverse your quote usage. Double quotes and then single quotes within double quotes for html. I see your using echo to display html. You need to use single quotes within doubles to make things work.
  13. If your wanting to stick to the true button styles with small graphics check this snazzy tool out: http://www.pagetutor.com/button_designer/index.html
  14. Don't let the snide comments of others get you down. Everybody has to start somewhere and even though some people appear to be born with the ability to write php applications the norm is to learn over time. With that in mind remember that emotions are hard to interpret through text and can be commonly mis-interpreted. If somebody seems to be acting rude through their posts, it may be that that is the way they operate. Good Luck programming.
  15. Give the answer that proves to be most blond a value of N where N is the number of possible answers to the particular question. The next least blond answer N-1 next N-2 and so on until you have the least blond answer having a value of 1. Do this for each question. If the questions have the same number of answers divide the running total by the number of questions and set your classifications based upon the average.
  16. Yep, sorry FF3B5 is Firefox 3 Beta 5. I think it may have something to do with plugins because my boss jacked with his until he had it working but he said he couldn't really tell what exactly made it work. So I don't know but I would like to know how to correct the problem in the future because this makes twice this quirky problem has happened.
  17. I was thinking what Darkwater stated. The switch statements don't act right if you utilize them the way you are. The same can be attained by well organized if statements and they may be easier manage(visually).
  18. I am looking for possibilities that may cause a problem for me. Here is the situation: PC1 is running FF3B5 PC2 is running FF3B5 <---The same as PC1 I have a javascript popup calendar that will allow you to click an icon. Once you do this a calendar pops up allowing you to select a date. When the date is selected it will put that date in a standard format. This works on PC1 but does not work on PC2 whenever they are on the same exact page using the same exact calendar? What gives?
  19. Are you displaying your variables after $_POST['name_of_checkbox'] to ensure the form works properly? Also, I have never tried to use a switch like this but usually I switch based on the variable. You switch () will declare what value will be checked in each case, I think.
  20. Are you speaking of errors like when you do not terminate a line of code with a semicolon?
  21. Thanks man I will have to check this out.
  22. There is no limit on how long a session lasts if you use the bare minimum to create a session. The programmer can create a check that will reset a session if inactive for x amount of minutes. Otherwise I think sessions last until the browser is closed.
  23. I don't think I know enough to do something with scrolling div layers>?
  24. Crap I am sorry didn't look at the code I pasted close enough. The &#160; &#160; before the code is garbage. You can disregard all of that crap.
  25. You invoke some class functions within your xajax defined function. I am not for sure about forms but: <?php function doAdd($a, $b) { $response = new xajaxResponse(); $response->assign('answer', 'innerHTML', $a + $b); $response->assign('reset', 'style.display', 'block'); return $response; } ?> Is an example they use for working with forms on their site at http://xajaxproject.org/ Also, here is a function that I used and it had some interesting class functions that would work with your return data before returning it to the main script: There are seven steps in which I have commented to explain. When returning something a an html object you have to tell your php function defined for xajax where it needs to go and invoke new xajaxResponse()', and then return that variable to like this: $objResponse->assign("elemID1","innerHTML", $foundThis); then return it like this: return $objResponse; <?php //1. Include the xajax class library: require('xajax/xajax_core/xajax.inc.php'); //2. Instantiate the xajax object: $xajax = new xajax(); //3. Register the names of the PHP functions you want to be able to call through xajax: $xajax->registerFunction("checkThis1"); $xajax->registerFunction("checkThis2"); $xajax->registerFunction("randUpdate"); //4. Write the PHP functions you have registered and use the xajaxResponse object to return XML commands from them: function checkThis1(){ //Columns: //id //nameWhole //someNum $sqlQuery = "SELECT `someNum` FROM `xajax` WHERE `nameWhole` = 'Name'"; $sqlResult = mysql_query( $sqlQuery ); $rowCheck = mysql_fetch_assoc($sqlResult); $foundThis = $rowCheck["someNum"]; // Instantiate the xajaxResponse object $objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); // add a command to the response to assign the innerHTML attribute of // the element with id="SomeElementId" to whatever the new content is $objResponse->assign("elemID1","innerHTML", $foundThis); //Return the object return $objResponse; } //5. Before your script sends any output, have xajax handle any requests: $xajax->processRequest(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>xajax Testing</title> <?php $xajax->printJavascript("xajax/"); ?> <style type="text/css"> a { text-decoration : none; color : #000000; } a:visited { text-decoration : none; color : #000000; } a:hover { color : #F5AE25; background : ; } .hdr { text-decoration : none; color : #ff0000; } .hdr:visited { text-decoration : none; color : #ff0000; } .hdr:hover { color : #F5AE25; background : #bb0000; } .hihiterow:hover { color : #F5AE25; background : #ffffff; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function initializeAll(){ //Creates a control for starting async stuff checkBoth(); updateRand(); //setTimeout('startNow()',1000); } function updateRand(){ xajax_randUpdate(); setTimeout('updateRand()',1000); } function checkBoth(){ xajax_checkThis1(); xajax_checkThis2(); setTimeout('checkBoth()',1000); } </script> </head> <body style="font-family: arial; font-size: 14px;" onLoad="initializeAll()"> <!--7. Call the function from a JavaScript event or function in your application:--> <big>My Number<br> <div id="elemID1"></div></big> <big>Somebody's number<br> <div id="elemID2"></div></big> <br><br> <? echo date("h:m:s") . " <-The time stamp is not updating and is created once upon page loading. Monitor this and change the database value. The number should change but the non-changing timestamp indicated the page is not reloading. AJAX in work.<br><br>";?> </body> </html> I used this to test sending chat messages to different channels and retrieving each channel. I only included one of the xajax functions for one channel.
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