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Everything posted by dreamwest

  1. /$1/web.php Cant be dynamic, its looking for http://site.com/???/web.php Does the $1 directory exist?
  2. RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^([^/]+)?/?$ member.php?id=$1 [L,QSA]
  3. Now this is impressive and fast http://www.bing.com I would love to know how they get results an thier pages to load instantly
  4. Check if your server supports wildcard subdomains, this is one way of doing it http://anything.site.com If it does you should see http://site.com
  5. RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)?/?$ index.php?domain=$1 [L,QSA]
  6. <form method='post' name='form1' action='index.php'> <input type="hidden" value="yes" name="signup"> <input type="hidden" value="adduser" name="action"> </form>
  7. No quotes needed in header if theres already double quotes header("Location: yahoo.com/$search/title/$page");
  8. Persons ip $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] So the user cant edit or see the ip being posted <input type="hidden" Either use $_REQUEST OR $_POST to get the value of input field with name "no" $_REQUEST['no']
  9. What database are you using? Most likely mysql $result = mysql_query($query); pg_query() isnt a mysql function
  10. <form name="ip" action="" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="yes" value="<?php $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']?>"> <input style=" margin-right: 5px; " type="submit" value="yes"> </form> <form name="ip_no" action="" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="no" value="<?php $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']?>"> <input style=" margin-right: 5px; " type="submit" value="no"> </form> <?php if($_REQUEST['yes']){ //update database with yes ips }elseif($_REQUEST['no']){ //update database with no ips } ?>
  11. How can i post an option by just using select: <select onChange"post this option"> <option value="">select</option> <option value="Option1" >Option1</option> <option value="Option2" >Option2</option> <option value="Option3" >Option3</option> <option value="Option4" >Option4</option> </select>
  12. You wont need to - after all its just including it. Just think of it as one page not 2 $query = //query include('parser.php'); echo $rsAnswer[$i]->answer_text;
  13. Itll cache any file, but not queries from a database
  14. I still need the page to be assessable through scripts This is ok to access page <object width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.site.com/player/player.swf"><param name="movie" value="http://www.site.com/player/player.swf"><param name="flashvars" value="&file=http://www.site.com/video_embed.php?id=31731"/></object>
  15. I have a php page which echos a xml playlist. How can i stop ppl from viewing a php page, by opening it up in their browser http://www.site.com/video_embed.php?id=29042
  16. Yes. if ($results){ //theres results from query } OR if (! $results){ //no results from query }
  17. if ($_POST['processform'] == 1 || isset($_COOKIE['cookname']))
  18. It wont screw anything up. Add it to .htaccess file on your root directory.
  19. Thanks. I gotta learn preg match one day
  20. Thanks for your input... notice how I was asking for a good caching method in this situation... @dreamwest: what does that do etc? Could you explain it? It caches everything with the filesmatch extension. max-age is in seconds
  21. <FilesMatch "\.(css|js|swf|flv)$"> Header set Cache-Control "max-age=172800, private, proxy-revalidate" </FilesMatch>
  22. How can i check if a string of numbers is numeric, the example below is apparently still not numeric $string = 13530 21333 16945 22819 24170 31196 19209;
  23. Your right , i looked into it, theres a lot less work too Thanks for the example...works sweetly
  24. Sweet! Thanks I found another way too, would this way cause any problems $query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE (id=4 || id=125) and approve=1 ";
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