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Everything posted by dropfaith

  1. ahh i misunderstood for styled select boxes without using flash like stated above the options suck http://home.tiscali.nl/developerscorner/fdc-varia/styling-dropdown-boxes.htm as for the jump box is this what your looking for? http://www.webapplikations.com/pages/html_js/forms/DropDownShowSelectionInTextField.html
  2. if i understand correct you just want a select box like posted above. <form method="post" action="" name="theform" class="theform"> <p> </p> <label>Contact Method:</label> <select name="Cmethod"> <option>Phone <option>Email <option>(AIM) <option>Yahoo <option>MSN </select> <p> <input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Add"> </p> </form> </form> something like that then the action script used would depend on what your doing like a mail form or submitting to a database
  3. im not sure it will work on content but to center divs i use margin:0 auto other options if you had the chance without your link posted i cant tell use background-image posistions and use it as a background
  4. i can create and manage databases without issue on phpmyadmin im looking at the aspect of combining the tables and such to create an entire rpofile from a log in system linked above
  5. Okay so i got the entire login system up using this tutorial. http://www.ineedtutorials.com/articles/complete-advanced-login-member-system-php-tutorial i just need some assistance or a tutorial on how to set up a profile stup from it so users can make and edit profiles
  6. Okay so i wrote up a membership and registration login system and was wondering how i could allow users to create profiles from this and post the links into a table displaying the users Say Artists Profile1 Profile2 Profile3 http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/PHP/Creating-a-Membership-System/ is what i used to create the membership system
  7. ive done this a few times to save time yea like all the values are the same except for one. ill do it then have the one value defined elsewhere.. but the fact that text-align center and text-align left are used to define the same element is odd
  8. for bold text wouldnt class be a better use for something so common td class="bold" id shouldnt be used on common css properties. then css would just be .bold {font-weight:bold;}
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