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Everything posted by stelthius

  1. Thanks p2grace that was the little bit of help i was looking for just a nudge in the right direction, thank you
  2. yeah i google, i tried googling php and user sessions but i didnt know if that was the correct term for it
  3. ok what i want to accomplish, i have a bunch of pages i want to protect with a login system, but i dont want people to be able to access these pages without being logged in so say for instance they logged in and went to page www.mysite.com/page3.html and then logged out and went to www.mysite.com/page3.html i want it to some how say you need to login and not let them view the pages untill they do login, im not a pro im a very very new to php so any help or advice is very much appretiated. thanks Rick
  4. Hi Guys!, Im looking for something to meter bandwidth on my server i used a script a long while back but the name of it has completely left my mind so im just wondering if anyone has got any sugestions ? i searched google for a few hours last night but could find very much, any help is greatly appretiated (This is for my dedicated server)
  5. Yup he is right i enterd it to and it braught it up, Enter this in the search : "><script>alert('hi')</script> Results Found: 1 "><script>alert('hi')</script> then click the result and you get this : Opinions Username: test Date: Jan 4, 2008 "><script>alert('hi')</script>, So what ever you did with your test user thats were your problem lies.. bit of bad coding maybe ?
  6. i have just registerd with the username l and password l,That got me curious so i also registerd an account using / as username and / as password you may want to address this maybe you should make it 4 charactors minimum ?? i know i dont allow any of my login or register forms to be less than 5 charactors, and also stop the use of none alphanumeric charactors Stelth
  7. everyone can learn from sone's mistakes, might have helped someone else out with this post to... i dont think he meant any harm..
  8. only one way to learn dont fault a man for trying good luck with it mate!
  9. Ok im switching servers this Thursday/Friday so im going to install Mysql 4.0 and see if anything changes if not i guess im gonna try 6.0 as im running on 5.0 now ill post my results if no one has come up with a soloution before i change servers! Thanks Guys! Thanks stelth
  10. ok i have just tried it again it works, maybe i was to impatiaqnt to wait this morning so i just assumed it wasnt working... Anyway thanks guy great help
  11. Ok this is what i dont understand - if you open it up in IE you can clearly see the tech info and then the line of text under nearth it { Above this is were the Tech info is supposed to be! } but if you open it up in firefox its like the Tech info has been completely removed as ->{ Above this is were the Tech info is supposed to be! } displays right under the donate button and forgive me if im wrong but id say this is kinda strange if not totally messed up!, this is how i cant see it being the html script.. is there no way it can just be firefox not wanting to display my php code ?
  12. made no difference i thought it wouldnt as ive done many like that before anot had this problem
  13. True enough, {link removed} sorry forgot the url redirection, click this its direct to the server {link removed}
  14. i took the Html out mate to make the code i posted on here alot shorter as the Page source is huge/ish Ive also compared both source codes and i have also doubled checked everything i asked a friend also to check it in IE and FF he said the same nothing in FF but you can see it in IE Perculiar or a real error im not sure, driving me nuts tho lol
  15. Ok this is what i need help with, i use these few codes to get info on my server and the visitors ip to display it on the page, problem is you can see it on IE but not in FF am i doing something wrong ? CODE: <h2>Technical Informations.</h2> <center> Your IP Address : <?php $myIP = gethostbyname(trim(`hostname`)); echo $myIP; ?> <?php $round = 3;// how many decimals after the coma $m_time = explode(" ",microtime()); $m_time = $m_time[0] + $m_time[1]; $endtime = $m_time; $totaltime = ($endtime - $starttime); echo "Page loaded in: ". round($totaltime,$round) ." seconds"; ?> <br><br> <?php require_once("class_CPULoad.php"); // NOTE: Calling $cpuload->get_load() requires that your webserver has // write access to the /tmp directory! If it does not have access, you // need to edit class_CPULoad.php and change the temporary directory. $cpuload = new CPULoad(); $cpuload->get_load(); $cpuload->print_load(); echo "<br>$cpuload->cached The average CPU load is: ".$cpuload->load["cpu"]."%<br>\n"; /* // This is an alternate way to get the CPU load. This may return more // accurate CPU load averages than the previous method (especially if // your site isn't very busy), but it will cause your script to pause // for 1 full second while processing. $cpuload = new CPULoad(); $cpuload->sample_load(); $cpuload->print_load(); */ ?> I just want to say again it works perfectly in IE just shows blank in FF, any ideas hints or sugestions will be much apretiated, Thanks Stelth
  16. From what i understand he is saying is the users that he has in his SQL database, when one of them clicks a link on his site is there any script out there to tell him which user clicked that link, Stelth
  17. i think he basicly means double check you havent some how banned your self ? i dunno just a guess
  18. ok i have done some fiddling around today and decided to make my self a premium user on my site, Then i noticed the error had changed to :- Database error with function: Get Images SQL: SELECT i.*, u.username, u.email, g.gallery_name, CONCAT('',u.username,'/', i.name, '.', type) AS image_url, CONCAT('',u.username,'/', i.name, '.jpg') AS thumb_url FROM images i LEFT OUTER JOIN galleries g ON i.gallery_id=g.gallery_id, users u WHERE i.user_id=u.user_id AND i.user_id=1 ORDER BY i.uploaded desc LIMIT '-30,30' at line 1 '-30,30' at line 1 used to be '-5,5' at line 1, So i decided to do some googling and i searched :- mySQL Says: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ( i just removed this > '-30,30' at line 1 < ) and it braught up a few pages and one of them mention that the :::: mySQL Says: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near :::: is a bug in Mysql so im just wondering if any pro's or gur's in here have ever seen this before ?
  19. Here is the actual page script that is causing the problem, this is the page that does all the work when you want to view photos and galleries, {Link Removed} Thanks rick
  20. Do you just want to view the site so you can see it your self an maybe get a better idea of what the problem is, if so its... {Link Removed} thank you also
  21. ok ive just installed a image uploading script, and it gives me this error i know this isnt much to go from if anyone can help and does need any more information SQL wise of PHP wise let me know as i need to get this problem fixed A.S.A.P Database error with function: Get Images SQL: SELECT i.*, u.username, u.email, g.gallery_name, CONCAT('',u.username,'/', i.name, '.', type) AS image_url, CONCAT('',u.username,'/', i.name, '.jpg') AS thumb_url FROM images i LEFT OUTER JOIN galleries g ON i.gallery_id=g.gallery_id, users u WHERE i.user_id=u.user_id AND i.user_id=1 ORDER BY i.uploaded desc LIMIT -5,5 Kindest Regards Stelth
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