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Posts posted by serverman

  1. well if they can get into Mysql and figure out salt then they could dehash your passwords


    that website had music downloads... now they are gone lol but now it has a lot of script kiddie tools so i would bet that it was not the owner of the website but it was a user of it and might have used some of the tools off that site.

  2. First i Did and DNS look up on your website only to figure out if your hosting it your self and your domain has a lot of info in it some of witch i wouldn't want to share with the world. still can till if your using ONE-DOLLAR-HOSTING or just them for the domain


    but i would tell them or if you can set it yourself not to do this http://fgc.joshr.info/images/ because then you can fish up SQL info and then you are wide open to get hacked to high hell.

  3. wow that blew my mind i was think ok here comes another depressingly bad layout out of the critique side of this forum then BOOM its so clean and nice looking.

    now i didnt test any Exploits on it but ill post back once i do(promise i will not break anything if i find 1)


    i would give you 9/10 


    oh PS. looks good in opera and view correct on 1680*1050 screen

  4. But from using dream weaver back in the day I've found everything but syntax highlighting to be annoying. Thats just me.


    back in the day dreamweaver (2004 back) sucked and it was really annoying but it got better (not to much).


    i dont think you should bother the colors still dont match that well.

  5. $320?! did anyone tell them we are in an econmic recession? plus you can buy a new system(no OS) for that much.


    as for

    your worst nightmare has come to pass
    I don't know about that. until recently all Linux distros had like 3 different installers (not counting the ones for each platform) before DVDiso's became large you would have like 5 Cds if they put KDE and Gnome and XFCE so they made different ISOs for each desktop environment.
  6. OK doesn't view on a 1680*1050 screen, poor banner, why not validate your css?, nav is kinda strange, No SEO meta tags.


    notepad+ is good to have once you start coding the PHP so you should get it because it will save you a lot of time (if you use linux Gedit has good code highlight works with .py .php .html .c etc but quanta is great because it also has code completion)


    your colors are ok but you could do better i think.


    to sum it all up overhaul needed but good start.

  7. all i can say the site looks like a scam and i wouldn't trust it to babysit my pet rock


    try using vector maps so you don't get pixalted images.

    dont use The JOIN NOW! star that looks like the 50% off sale sticker you find in cheap store like Biglots.

    hey does your site let people sell them selves on it... (just making my point it looks like a scam website thats gonna take all your money and your name and buy a house in Mexico and start dealing drugs over the internet with all your personal information...)



    Oh and i dont have a pet rock FYI


    • Ensure you site validates. 11 errors isn't bad.. you're almost there! (and in truth, it's probably just one 1 or 2 errors creating a chain reaction).
    • Also ensure your CSS validates.

    OK really for what he/she is doing no one is going to care about the codes validness although with the simplicity of the site it really should be valid. Oh and if we are going into the coding side you have no SEO meta tags :P


    but green is a no go at least not that shade. You might want to try like a 5 pixel image that repeats like http://www.empuriabravatravel.com/images/bg-line.gif but black/green


    I am not going to lie the site looks like a free templet of dreamweavers and a CSS navbar you found on google.


    Logo looks like you went into MS word then wrote down the name with one of the title effects and took a screen shot and cropped it in MS paint :) .

    But It is a start!

  9. A lot of grey. It looks to me like some old windows 98 dictionary or something. try adding a little color in the vertical Navigation like make the links have that color blue you used for its background then have grey outline(i am not sure if you are going to understand what i am trying to say so here is an example http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/vertical09.htm also http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic2/vertical12.htm might work for you just play with the colors).


    also a classy logo would work good for a layout like this. plain text logo doesn't cut it you're gonna make your visitors leave befor they read info because the layout was boring (sorry but its true if people find what they look at as boring they will not read info.)


    also might want to put a copyright somewhere.


    I wouldn't trash what you got you just need to give a little energy.

  10. Just to be clear the site will be non profit. I have gotten a few email and realized i did not really put enough info so here is some more info and a little background on myself.


    I have layout/style covered.

    I have not bought domain yet so name is not official yet.


    I need a coder not a designer.


    Member system/forum will be written by us (code reuse is fine but no on-line scripts)


    Site will not be self hosted plan to use someone like dreamhost.


      Here is a little background on me. I have about a year with php/mysql so i am OK but not great with PHP/mysql. I have small amount of many languages under my belt such as Python, basic, VB/VC, JavaScript (only client side none with server side JavaScript), PHP.  Project is not on a deadline so I am laid back about time. Oh and the name is Matt.


    And about using rainbow tables. I understand that they're much faster, but don't they depend on having a single salt? Most forums, guestbooks and etc. use different salts. So won't rainbow tables be kind of useless? Unless you're talking about rainbow tables that use salts (which I haven't found any yet). I know www.freerainbowtables.com, but they don't have support for salts.



    freerainbowtables.com  is not salt/hash tables its just a hash dictionary try darkc0de.com  they have an md5cracker you can use and i am sure someone can help you find a magical rainbow table that can help you with what ever you are trying to do.


    plus i am going say now that i think about it random salts might be better then tabled salts because with newer systems you can write them so much faster than you can store them so i guess my i have no common since  sorry. i really never thought about because I don't use the table myself i just make it for a friend and it was his idea not mine. we thought we were so smart but i guess it was stupid. It works good just take hours to crack if a salt is really used but just hashed is easy takes like minutes at most .


    if the user you are de hashing pc as accessible and the site you are trying to take password from stores salts in a cookie you can always try to steal it that way.



  12.         You can make 500mil a day but i only make 500 a day to add to table because its almost imposable to handle that many salts the way i set up my table. You could not make 500mil new ones because first makes a random salt then has to scan this huge list of known salts then add it to list  you would need many servers to handle that many. Crackstations (ps3 linux build) can make a 8bit salt/hash in .0001 sec(if i am not mistaken on that number)


    and 64bit would be a bitch for a table (mine is only 16bit at longest) and 64 bit would be a bitch for an active server to handle.


    PS. my database is held on an 5 year old pc and the salt/hash gen is on an 3year old laptop. Hate we cant go back and edit older posts i would fix some typos for you i was typing the first one at school didn't  have time to check it and other one i just had alot to say and didnt read what i typed afterwords so sorry for bad "language".

  13. only thing i ask for is a strong knowledge of php/mysql. I am not paying but i will allow you to run a text ads (like google ads) on website as payment and i am not doing this for money myself so you can have 100% of income off ads.


    What we will be coding.

    #Member system


    #Wiki like tutorial pages(simple none complicated one)


    What site will be about.

    computer security/weakness for educational/recreational usage.





    xhtml 1.x(or 4.x) strict(not transitional)


    nice to have but not need:


    gimp/photo shop skill


    Email me servermans@gmail.com

    Like i said i am not paying but you can advertise.


  14. This thread is another good reason to use strong passwords (mix of alphanumeric characters, including at least one upper and one lower case letter), to validate that the entered password meets the same rules as when it was created, and to store and test the length of the password too, and not just that the hash of the entered password matches the hash of the original.

    stronger is better but a good table will crack in matter of hours i would suggest also using users names that doesnt scream noob/jerk/asswhipe do a calm user name that people dont care/think about.


    also people please use other hashing methods other than MD5 because it has the most/largest rainbow tables. you can also change how its stored like change it all +1 or something or even encrypt the hash if your really warred about hackers (altho this will only slow down not stop a good hacker but it will stop and average cracker)

    just be smart and you can stop joeshmo the cracker and be creative and smart to stop hackers :P and keep your systems uptodate and change your methods around so your weakness isn't the same every time. but also if you get some account hacked id say only 5% are desalted is usly just a simple key logger on you pc emailing away all your key hits because they are easy to write/mod so even if your logger is found by antimal wear you can change one little factor and now its not found but if you are smart you are less likey to get a keyloggers and i dont know of any key loggers that work on linux that can be put on and run remotely (but if you have access to the pc you can put one on easy) but any jackass that knows how to use google can make a keylogger in vb, vc, python, java, c you name it i bet you can find one on google php/asp/cfm and other server sides cant but they can handle the incoming strokes sent by some client(like javascript).  sorry i got off topic but just trying to help people out here.



  15. Interesting to...who? Especially when you admit you just c/p'ed somebody else's code...what would be interesting to know is whether you have any clue what this frankenstein code you "made" actually does.


    OH SHIT!! youve found me out......ahhh dammit.


    Yes i stuck a few pieces of code together and claimed it as a mod.


    Still dosent mean i cant do it MUAHHAHAAHAH!!

    now anyone really can hack just about anything they want you really just have to know how to use Google and have a lot of time on your hand or a reason to do it. decryption isnt as hard as making a strong encryption because people who work on there encrypting methods  also sell the decrypting methods to rival company's and they leak it and many people enjoy the puzzle of it so they also do it for the fun of it then post how they did it. but the people who write encryption try not to reuse old ways because its easy to "hack" i am currently writing my own method but its hard than it sounds to write it takes a strong understanding of higher level maths that i don't have (because i am still in high school) but ive learned a lot and honestly i would be more amazed if you wrote and encryption method and made a message and let us try to decrypt it.  plus if your just learning try using VB you may still just be copying scripts but at lest you might understand some of it.

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