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Everything posted by allworknoplay

  1. you will need ajax/dhtml/javascript to do this.... PHP is server side....you need a client side language to make these changes while staying on the same page.
  2. Well yes you can do that, but it has nothing to do with PHPBB. You write your PHP program to access your DB, and based on whatever conditions you want, you update the DB... I'd probably make the cron run once an hour...depending on how often you need updating..
  3. Sorry if I came off rude. It's just that we all here try to volunteer our help. If you look at his code, what does it even mean? It's just a section of his HTML code. He does nothing to explain anything about it...
  4. There are a heap of php frameworks out there (see here) and its really just a matter of personal opinion. The only frameworks Ive looked at where symphony and zend. Zend IMO though is almost becoming the standard. A templating engine is really just that. Nothing more. Some frameworks have templating engines built in, others will let you use something like smarty. But frameworks offer much more than just templating functionality. Id suggest downloading and taking a look at zend. Especially if your just starting out with OOP it can be a big help though the learning curve may be a little steep. Thank you again Thorpe! I will do just that. You know what, I will probably just concentrate on Zend considering they are the creators of PHP anyways, I think the pro's and con's between any framework will probably go on forever....like Atom feeds VS RSS etc..... Thanks again bro!
  5. No, cron you will need access to your server to run. There is phpcron, but that only runs when someone loads a page on your website, you can't count on it to run all the time. If no one goes to your site, it doesn't run....
  6. You're going to need something like a cron job that will run a PHP script to check for expirations, and then send notificiations if it's queries are successful....
  7. Frameworks (smarty isn't one by the way) are not just a trend. For larger projects, if your not using one of the existing frameworks your going to end up pretty well writting your own anyway. May as well start with a good solid base. Ok, one last question. Do you suggest any one over the other? The only 2 frameworks I'm aware of are Zend and CakePHP.... I'm still trying to understand the difference between a framework and a templating engine like Smarty...
  8. To put it simply. Yes, using objects can be slower on performance. Enough to worry about? No, the benefits of good design far out way the performance costs. Now, if we want to talk about performance hogs, templating engines are where its at. Why add the overhead of a templating engine when you can separate your logic from html using the mvc design pattern. Yes, you still need minimal amounts of php within your templates, but it beats parsing some other mini language with php. Thanks Thorpe! Do you think that Smarty, or Zend Framework, CakePHP and all these frameworks are just a "trend"? I know I've spoken to some people who said they just come up with their own MVC...... I've started using Aptana for coding PHP over UltraEdit, I still don't really know what the difference is all about other than Aptana being a built in IDE. But I can't even get that to work right... Sorry if I'm getting too OT...
  9. PHP is a server side language, you are looking for something client-side... You need to look into ajax or DHTML/javascript.
  10. I don't see the FORM tag anywhere?
  11. Hi, Would you say Smarty is the best templating engine to use? I am all for learning something new, and it seems everyone is going towards some kind of templating engine or framework if they are serious about PHP development.... Just would like to get your thoughts, feel free to PM me if this gets too OT...
  12. I understand what you are saying. I am new to OOP as well. I hope someone can chime in on this as I'd like to know...
  13. Duh, you don't have any semi colons in your variables you set... $your_name = $_GET['Name']; $your_phone = $_GET['Phone']; $your_email = $_GET['email']; $your_message = $_GET['Message'];
  14. Below are language constructs right? __autoload(), __construct(), __destruct()
  15. Ok so basically, other than understanding the fundamental difference between language construct and functions, it's really nothing more than just taking the time to learn which ones are which? I can probably bet a lot of people would have said that isset() is just a function without knowing that it is a built in language construct... I guess I'll just have to accept which is what and try to learn them along the way...
  16. Well you could but if it's like 100 lines, I'm not sure anyone will take the time to read it all... are you hosting your website yourself or at an ISP? please try to provide as much info about your hosting environment as much as possible.
  17. You'd have to really contact the people at FORMS2GO as it is their script. I mean, you haven't really provided code or anything, just a general issue.... There's not much we can really do to help ya??
  18. Try array_diff() function?
  19. Ok, I am reading the 63 best practices to optimize PHP and it says that isset() is faster than using strlen() because it is a language construct instead of function like so: if (strlen($foo) < 5) { echo "Foo is too short"; } if (!isset($foo{5})) { echo "Foo is too short"; } And here is what the article says: So this seems to be a little gray area for me. How can you tell what is language construct and what is a function? And what is really the difference? (I'm basically asking for more details on the difference that what was stated above...)
  20. Dude, why are you messing with us? This is pure garbage... This is SPAM IMO...
  21. Thanks for the link, this will help me out as well....
  22. Agreed, this is more of an ISP issue if you are hosting your site at an ISP, and then there's always the MX records and rDNS issues....
  23. $number = 18.5953893; $new_number = number_format($number);
  24. That's why I wanted to know what data type you were storing them as.
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