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Everything posted by bobinindia

  1. I want to be able to drag some text, which has been put in a text field by the user, over an image and then save the drop point so I can then place the on the image and know where it was placed. Can this be done in javascript? I had a look at walterzorn's site but i don't have enough experience to find the drop location in his code. I expect it is in there. Help much appreciated.
  2. on the page processing the form you can put $_session['whatever'] = $_POST['whatever']; Then when you went back you could echo $_session['whatever']; Why might you want to do that?? ???
  3. i'm using firefox but it needs to work in ie aswell. The original png works in ie6. Thanks for the tip but i think it's my code.
  4. I am trying to resize a png that was mage by gd. When i resize it some of the bacground transparency seems to be lost. <?php $src_img = imagecreatefrompng($im); $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($dest_x, $dest_y); $tpc = imagecolorallocate($dst_img, 255,255,255); imagecolortransparent($dst_img,$tpc); imagecopyresampled($dst_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dest_x, $dest_y, $width, $height); $im is the png created by gd earlier.
  5. I have simple call to a database that is working localyy but not remotely.? <?php include('../../../externals/mysql_connect.php'); $thumb_id = $_GET['thumb_id']; $query = "DELETE FROM image_thumbs WHERE thumb_id = '$thumb_id' LIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($query); header('Location: myimages.php'); ?> called by a file that just read the contents of the database creating rows of images with links to delete themselves : $query = "SELECT thumb_id, upload_id, thumb_url FROM image_thumbs WHERE user_id = '$user_id' ORDER BY thumb_id LIMIT 5"; $result = mysql_query($query); if($result){ ?> <h3 align="center">Click on one of your images to put it on a coin.</h3> <table><tr><td> <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<a href=\"choosecoin.php?upload_id="; echo $row['upload_id']; echo '"><img src="'; echo $row['thumb_url']; echo '"/></a>'; echo '<br />'; echo "<a href=\"deleteimage.php?thumb_id="; echo $row['thumb_id']; echo '">DELETE</>'; echo '</td><td>'; } ?> Can anyone give me a clue. Locally you click the link and you are back on the same page minus one thumb. Remote nothing. Viewing the source shows the links are correct.
  6. Does anyone know of a color picker that doesn't mess up ajax calls to the server? i have tried a couple of the free ones and the included javascript stops some values being sent. I need a very basic color picker that gives a value to a form. ??? ??? Help much appreciated
  7. I am uploading images and then resampling them using GD. If someone uploads a 5mb image it takes a while to be resampled. I want the upload script to trigger the resampling script and then complete itself while the resampling is still going on. User doesn't have to wait. Possible??
  8. php4 and php5 show different results via phpinfo() if you open the phpini file and do a Find for memory it is the first result Anyway it won't be the problem for 10k images
  9. if you upload a large image and try to do some image functions on it you need to change the max amount of memory a script can use in the phpini. Default is 8M. I had to change to 64M to cover my problems.
  10. Is it possible to find out what time a session was set? My intention is to use a different session value depending upon which one was set most recently.
  11. <?php $size = getimagesize($yourimage); $uploadx = $size[0]; $uploady = $size[1]; if (($uploadx > 800) || ($uploady > 800)) { //execute your resizing code } else{ //don't } ?>
  12. that is not it then. you will have to wait for a better mind than mine.
  13. What version of the gd library is shown in phpinfo() GIF wasn't supported earlier i believe.
  14. need more info than that. Can you post the code?
  15. I have this script that merges two images. The really.png was created using a transparent white background. That means that any pixel with 255,255,255 becomes transparent. I wanted to limit it to the edges of the image. I think i am hopeful. When merging in the code below holes apppear where there is were white pixels in really.png. Any way around this? <?php $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($coin_url['template_url']); $insert = imagecreatefrompng("really.png"); $image = image_overlap($image, $insert); function image_overlap($background, $foreground){ $insertWidth = imagesx($foreground); $insertHeight = imagesy($foreground); $imageWidth = imagesx($background); $imageHeight = imagesy($background); $halfx = ($imageWidth-$insertWidth)/2; $halfy = ($imageHeight-$insertHeight)/2; $overlapX = $imageWidth-$insertWidth-$halfx; $overlapY = $imageHeight-$insertHeight-$halfy; imagecolortransparent($foreground,imagecolorat($foreground,0,0)); imagecopymerge($background,$foreground,$overlapX,$overlapY,0,0,$insertWidth,$insertHeight,100); return $background; } imagejpeg($image, 'output.jpg'); ?>
  16. Where are you defining your variables? eg $strEmail; Coming from a database is more likely to be <?php echo $row['columnName']; ?> to show the value
  17. Can I use mysql_insert_id() to get the id of something but only the mysql_insert_id() of a particular user. I am making the call a bit later using a nother script.
  18. I want to limit my mysql insert id request to a particular user as there will be a gap and actually a different script calling it. Any ideas?
  19. i have used various from addresses. Also left it blank so it goes from the default which ends up being my name as the owner of the computer
  20. Put ob_start(); at the top of your page. Then header('Location: whereever.php'); on the form processing page. Then ob_flush(); to let it go. Good Luck
  21. No not junk User registration. <?php $body = "Thank you for registering at the site.\n To activate your account, please click on this link:\n\n"; $body .= "http://localhost:8888/activate.php?x=" . mysql_insert_id()."&y=$a"; mail($_POST['email'], 'Registration Confirmation', $body, 'From: $fromemail'); ?> What is also odd is that the '&y' goes missing from the link i am providing to the user.
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