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Everything posted by yanivkalfa

  1. mates no need fighting anyways . let me answer something this was actualy a nice idea will save me something.. that you guys thought i was forgetting .. <form action="search.php?advns=<?php echo $advns; ?>" method="post" enctype="application .. this may be a bit strange for you, but you are able to receive get on a HTTP POST request, the other way around however does notwork! ---- allthough i use registerglobals which comblitly cancle the whole post / get they php treat both $_post['bla'] and $_get['bla'] the same . it will use it as $bla. <div id="backgeounsd"> <input name="advns" type="text" class="seachc" value="<?php echo $advns; /* you forgot the $ */ ?>" /> [/code thanks i idnt noticed till now . [code] <td width="501"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <a href=" <?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; /* you forgot to echo it */ ?>/realysite/search.php?DlID=<?php echo $row["ID"]; ?> "> this 1 i dont need at all i was just as a debug that i used before and forgot deleteing . but still mates after this the problem still isnt fixed . couse this wasnt the problem . the problem is way more complicated then this try to look at the script's flow and see it not the typeing mistakes that matters its something else i cant figure out. [/code]
  2. Ok its like this . i have search on my site with 2 mods . mod 1 .. normal search with no advanced options . mod 2 opened search == with advanceds search options . now i basicaly use div . that i change its attributs acording the $advs variable if set to 1 or 0 - on set 1 the div get bigger and the pic changes if set to 0 div get smaller and pic changes to normal close search pic . ( on the button of page i have this if -- if $advs set to 1 means that search is allready on advs mod and sould put a linke with bla/?advs=0 else it will put same linke with 1 basicaly that will make the search to be advanced or normal search. i also set a hidden variable on that search .. form that will contain my advs variable so if i clicked on advanced and then click on submit button it will keep the settings of the search(for advanced search or not ) problem is that i cant manage to keep the search results after clicking on submit when i click on advanced options i will explain. i type in a word then click submit. search results coming but then when i click on the link to open advanced .. while sending the search details in that link as well . makes a problem that i cant find how to fix it .. i also asking if there any other way of doing this advanced or not advanced options .. on the same page without opening a new page other then PHP. here is the code: <form action="search.php" method="POST" name="gobutt"> <div id="Sem"></div> <input name="search" type="text" value="<?php echo $search; ?>" class="seach"/> <div id="checkv"> <input type="checkbox" checked="rel" name="rel" value="rel" class="styled" /> </div> <?php if($advns == 1){ ?> <div id="checkMov"> <input type="checkbox" name="mov" checked="mov" value="mov" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkgam"> <input type="checkbox" name="gam" checked="gam" value="gam" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkapp"> <input type="checkbox" name="app" checked="app" value="app" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkMus"> <input type="checkbox" name="mus" checked="mus" value="mus" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkebok"> <input type="checkbox" name="ebook" checked="ebook" value="ebook" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkexp"> <input type="checkbox" name="exp" checked="exp" value="exp" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="backgeounsd"> <input name="advns" type="text" class="seachc" value="<?php echo $advns; ?>" /> </div> <?php } else { $mov="mov"; $gam="gam"; $app="app"; $mus="mus"; $ebook="ebook"; $exp="exp"; ?> <div id="backgeounsd"> <input name="advns" type="text" class="seachc" value="<?php echo advns; ?>" /> </div> <?php } ?> <input type="submit" name="submit" value=" " class="gob"/> </form> <div id="divtable"> <table width="450" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr> <td colspan="3"><img src="TopPart.png" width="579" height="164" /></td> </tr> <?php if($search == ""){ echo ' <tr> <td width="40"><img src="LeftTablepart.png"/></td> <td width="501"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td width="100%" height="15">Please specify a search query!</td> </tr> </table></td> <td width="26"><div align="right"><img src="RightTablepart.png" width="26" height="15" /></div></td> </tr> '; } else{ if($submit != ""){ //checking is search is set first BIG if ------------------------------------------- if($search != ""){ //starting search qery if search variable exists $search = $search; $limit = 40; $searchquar = "SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE "; $cat = ""; if(($mov == "") or ($gam == "") or ($app == "") or ($mus == "") or ($ebook == "") or ($exp == "")){ if($gam == ""){ $cat .= "Category='Games' "; } if($app == ""){ if($cat != ""){$cat .= "OR Category='Applications' ";} else{$cat = "Category='Applications' ";} } if($mov == ""){ if($cat != ""){$cat .= "OR Category='Movies' ";} else{$cat = "Category='Movies' ";} } if($ebook == ""){ if($cat != ""){$cat .= "OR Category='E-Books' ";} else{$cat = "Category='E-Books' ";} } if($mus == ""){ if($cat != ""){$cat .= "OR Category='Music' ";} else{$cat = "Category='Music' ";} } if($exp == ""){ if($cat != ""){$cat .= "AND Screens !='' ";} else{$cat = "Screens !='' ";} } // if($_POST['rel'] != "rel"){ // if($cat != ""){$cat .= "OR Category='Music' ";} //else{$cat = "Category='Music' ";} //} $searchquar .= $cat."and "; // echo '<div id="massgbox">hehehehs</div>'; check field } $searchquar .= "Verified !='Reported!' AND Verified !='Broken!' AND Title LIKE '%$search%' ORDER BY Title"; $result_count = mysql_query($searchquar) or die("Error: " . mysql_error()); while($arr = mysql_fetch_array($result_count)){ $totalrows++; } echo '<div id="massgbox"><p>'.$searchquar.'<p>'; if(!isset($page)){ $page = 1; } $limitvalue = $page * $limit - ($limit); $resualtquar ="SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE "; if(!empty($cat)){$resualtquar .= $cat."and ";} $resualtquar .="Verified !='Reported!' AND Verified !='Broken!' AND Title LIKE '%$search%' ORDER BY Title LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit "; $query = $resualtquar; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Error: " . mysql_error()); echo '<p>'.$resualtquar.'<p></div>'; if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0){ echo ' <tr> <td width="40"><img src="LeftTablepart.png"/></td> <td width="501"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td width="100%" height="15">Your search found no results!</td> </tr> </table></td> <td width="26"><div align="right"><img src="RightTablepart.png" width="26" height="15" /></div></td> </tr> '; } else{ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ ?> <td width="40"><img src="LeftTablepart.png"/></td> <td width="501"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <a href=" <?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>/realysite/search.php?DlID=<?php echo $row["ID"]; ?> "> <tr> <td width="29%" height="15"> <?php $SeTitle =$row["Title"]; if(strlen($SeTitle) > 1 ){ if(strlen($SeTitle) > 23 ){ $SeTitle = str_split($SeTitle, 20); $SeTitle = $SeTitle[0]."..."; } } echo $SeTitle; ?> </td> <td width="12%"><div align="center"> <?php $SeTitle =$row["Source"]; if(strlen($SeTitle) > 1 ){ if(strlen($SeTitle) > 8 ){ $SeTitle = str_split($SeTitle, 5); $SeTitle = $SeTitle[0]."..."; } } echo $SeTitle; ?> </td></div></td> <td width="15%"><div align="center"> <?php $SeTitle =$row["ReleaseGroup"]; if(strlen($SeTitle) > 1 ){ if(strlen($SeTitle) > 9 ){ $SeTitle = str_split($SeTitle, 6); $SeTitle = $SeTitle[0]."..."; } } echo $SeTitle; ?> </div></td> <td width="11%"><div align="center"> <?php $SeTitle =$row["LinksType"]; if(strlen($SeTitle) > 1 ){ if(strlen($SeTitle) > 9 ){ $SeTitle = str_split($SeTitle, 6); $SeTitle = $SeTitle[0]."..."; } } echo $SeTitle; ?> </div></td> <td width="7%"><div align="center"> <?php $SeTitle =$row["Rating"]; if(strlen($SeTitle) > 1 ){ if(strlen($SeTitle) > 9 ){ $SeTitle = str_split($SeTitle, 6); $SeTitle = $SeTitle[0]."..."; } } echo $SeTitle; ?> </div></td> <td width="8%"><div align="center"> <?php $SeTitle =$row["TotalFilesAndSize"]; if(strlen($SeTitle) > 1 ){ if(strlen($SeTitle) > 8 ){ $SeTitle = str_split($SeTitle, 5); $SeTitle = $SeTitle[0]."..."; } } echo $SeTitle; ?> </div></td> <td width="10%"><div align="center"> <?php $SeTitle =$row["Downloads"]; if(strlen($SeTitle) > 1 ){ if(strlen($SeTitle) > 9 ){ $SeTitle = str_split($SeTitle, 6); $SeTitle = $SeTitle[0]."..."; } } echo $SeTitle; ?> </div></td> <td width="8%"><div align="center"> <?php $SeTitle =$row["MAdvFPS"]; if(strlen($SeTitle) > 1 ){ if(strlen($SeTitle) > 9 ){ $SeTitle = str_split($SeTitle, 6); $SeTitle = $SeTitle[0]."..."; } } echo $SeTitle; ?> </div></td> </tr> </table></td> <td width="26"><div align="right"><img src="RightTablepart.png" width="26" height="15" /></div></td> </tr> <?php } } } } } ?> <tr> <td width="40"><img src="LeftTablepart.png"/></td> <td width="501"><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table"> <tr> <td width="29%" height="15"> </td> <td width="12%"> </td> <td width="15%"> </td> <td width="11%"> </td> <td width="7%"> </td> <td width="8%"> </td> <td width="10%"> </td> <td width="8%"> </td> </tr> </table></td> <td width="26"><div align="right"><img src="RightTablepart.png" width="26" height="15" /></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"><img src="Buttompart.png" width="579" height="320" /></td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php if($search !="" and if($advns != 1){ $Pagelocation= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; echo' <div id="pinc"> <a href="'.$Pagelocation.'?advns=1&search='.$search.'&rel='.$rel.'&mov='.$mov.'&gam='.$gam.'&app='.$app.'&mus='.$mus.'&exp='.$exp.'&ebook='.$ebook.'&submit='.$submit.'"></a> </div>'; } else { echo ' <div id="pinc"> <a href="'.$Pagelocation.'?advns=0&search='.$search.'&rel='.$rel.'&mov='.$mov.'&gam='.$gam.'&app='.$app.'&mus='.$mus.'&exp='.$exp.'&ebook='.$ebook.'&submit='.$submit.'"></a> </div>'; } ?> sorry for the big massage thanks in advanced.
  3. hi there . am tring now for quit some time now . to search values i get in a variable .. some values for eg .. games, movies, applications from columns name Category .. but i only have 1 variable that contains this info .. is there a way to do this ?
  4. Yea but would it then be able to actualy edit the text field my self ?.. i mean lets say like this.. you start page . fill in matrix for EG click on search . then on the other page i move this variable to another variable and put it back into that same text .. will that person be able to Click on this form again and preform search ? i give EG now if ( isset($_POST['submit'])) { $search_term = $_POST['adv']; // form submitted, show searched term echo '<input type="text" name="adv" ... value="'; echo $search_term; echo '" />';// here i basicaly put into value the search enteri someone put in <input type="text" name="adv" ... value=""/> now wil //that person be able to actualy click on this again ? and set his Own search and not his previus 1 ? } else { <form action="search.php" method="POST" name="gobutt"> <div id="Sem"></div> <input name="search" type="text" class="seach" /> <div id="checkv"> <input type="checkbox" name="relaible" checked="rel" class="styled" /> </div> <?php if($_GET["adv"] == 1){ ?> <div id="checkMov"> <input type="checkbox" name="relaible" checked="mov" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkgam"> <input type="checkbox" name="relaible" checked="gam" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkapp"> <input type="checkbox" name="relaible" checked="app" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkMus"> <input type="checkbox" name="relaible" checked="mus" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkebok"> <input type="checkbox" name="relaible" checked="ebook" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkexp"> <input type="checkbox" name="relaible" checked="exp" class="styled" /> </div> <input name="adv" type="text" class="seachc" value="<?php echo $advornot; ?>" /> <?php } else { ?> <input name="adv" type="text" class="seachc" value="<?php echo $advornot; ?>" /> <?php } ?> <input type="submit" name="submit" value=" " class="gob"/> </form> } Hope you understand my problem
  5. well my problem is this . i want to have search in website through my database i am using Simple form to send the needed values to another page. my problem is i want the value to stay in the text field even after i clicked submit in the search page . <form action="search.php" method="POST" name="gobutt"> <div id="Sem"></div> <input name="search" type="text" class="seach" /> <div id="checkv"> <input type="checkbox" name="relaible" checked="rel" class="styled" /> </div> <?php if($_GET["adv"] == 1){ ?> <div id="checkMov"> <input type="checkbox" name="relaible" checked="mov" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkgam"> <input type="checkbox" name="relaible" checked="gam" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkapp"> <input type="checkbox" name="relaible" checked="app" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkMus"> <input type="checkbox" name="relaible" checked="mus" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkebok"> <input type="checkbox" name="relaible" checked="ebook" class="styled" /> </div> <div id="checkexp"> <input type="checkbox" name="relaible" checked="exp" class="styled" /> </div> <input name="adv" type="text" class="seachc" value="<?php echo $advornot; ?>" /> <?php } else { ?> <input name="adv" type="text" class="seachc" value="<?php echo $advornot; ?>" /> <?php } ?> <input type="submit" name="submit" value=" " class="gob"/> </form> ignore the PHP part its just something i had to do for advanced search options not related to this problem thanks in advanced realy much
  6. Well why souldnt i use Absolut ? whats wrong with using it ?
  7. hey well i am trying to make an image rolleover . with 3 status normal over click .i know its simple as hell but cant remmber how to make it. i made Divs on my site . defind it . and i want inside it to come a big pic to do rolle over and cant manage to do so . actualy body <div id="blogo" class="bc"></div> this is the css #blogo { position:absolute; top:93px; left:53px; width:168px; height:159px; z-index:2; } .bc a { background-image:url(ButtonsLogo.png)} .bc a:hover { background-image:url(ButtonslogoHover.png)} .bc a:active { background-image:url(ButtonslogoClick.png)} thanks alot i know i did something very wrong . cant find whats not good thanks in advanced
  8. you dont get my question i dont want to know how to resize the text area i just want the textarea to not be editable by people . as simple as that then somone visit the site he see the text in the textarea but he cant edit it
  9. no mate when i brows it i still can edit it trhough the browser i want it to simply show a plan text that can be scrolled without the ability to edit it (user edit i mean) thanks anyways though mate
  10. Hello i have a question about text area or box .. i want to show a text on screen that have a scroll but without the ability to write in it like in normal text area i mean i want to place a text that have some kinda of bounderys and have scroll down ability but not like text area that when you click on it you can change the text i dont realy knows how this called but would realy appricait any help. thanks in advanced.
  11. Well my question is how to set the size of a Text field with CSS i cant manage to do so allready tryed like 200000 times. please help
  12. Pretty hard to solv yea .. dont know what to do with this .
  13. OK well my problem is that have a big pic as my site ok of couse some parts of it is broken to little pics like buttons and other staff . anyways on the mos big pic there is a textfield place . what i do is create a div and place in it a textfield. then fix its location to the place in the pic and the pic looks just as it has a text field impented in it. not whe problem comes when i trys to change resulotion . when i do the whole thing screws up . i mean all of it . is there a way to fix this anyone knows anything about it would realy be appriciated . anyways here is some codes to see what i did. : #apDiv1 { position:absolute; left:337px; top:125px; width:250px; height:12px; z-index:1; } .one { width: 200px; height: 14px; background:#FFFFFF; border: none; padding: 2px 0 0 5px; } and here is the body <div id="apDiv1"> <label> <input name="textfield" type="text" class="one" id="textfield" value="kjabskhdbaks" /> </label> </div> thanks in advanced . its aint simple to solve. i know
  14. Wow you guys realy helpfull i tryed it and it worked .. but i stumbled to another problem complitly diffrance from last 1. though related to div's as well. ok so its like that i have my site pic . i am placeing divs on it and inside them things i like for E.G the pic contian a place for text field so i make a div make its position absolute place it on the right spot then go on firefox check to see . most of times its a bit off so i fix it .. then when i finaly have it on right place .. and actualy the text field looks as if its part of the pic and all . when i change resolotion the whole thing screws up the div with the text field inside it change its position complilty . now i have no idea how to fix this . i use same code as i showed you before though with the fix that the 2 nice mates/womates:zang8027 ,dbrimlow mationed. but this resulotion change just kill my site i dont know how to fix it would realy realy appriacate any help . thanks in advanced
  15. i made a site it uses divs to place a text field inside a pic i have with an absolote positions. now when i load the page with explorer it showes 1 resualt and on fire fox another resualt is there a way to fix it ? #apDiv1 { position:absolute; left:337px; top:125px; width:250px; height:12px; z-index:1; } .one { width: 200px; height: 14px; background:#FFFFFF; border: none; padding: 2px 0 0 5px; } and here is the body <div id="apDiv1"> <label> <input name="textfield" type="text" class="one" id="textfield" value="kjabskhdbaks" /> </label> </div> dont know how to fix this if anyone have an idea i will kiss him and realy appriciate it . thanks in advanced :-)
  16. I want to make a clock for my site normal clock not digital clock that the lines that tells the hours actualy moving .i have no simple idea on how to do so . if anyone will give me some direction would be lovely . thanks in advanced
  17. well i am trying to make a transperate thumbains - i do know how to do the thumbains but dont know how to make a pic look transperated . Look : in this site when you click on pick the backgroun become transperanted gray : http://www.wow-europe.com/en/contests/logitech/ and in this site when you hover over the links in table the backgroun become transperated blue: http://www.wowhead.com/?items=2.2 this is hard to do i know but looking for it for hours now.
  18. well i dont know the name of this and dont know how to do it or how its been done . i can explain you what i mean and any help about it would be amazing well basicaly on my site i have tabel with resualts i want that when i move mouse on the resualts a thumbnails of sort will just and show the link's info .. like in this site : http://www.wowhead.com/?items=2.3#0-2+1 go this address and move mouse over the table's links and see what i mean anywyas any help would be realy realy appriciated.
  19. do you at least know hwo this called so i know where do google or search it by any chance ?
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