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Everything posted by yanivkalfa

  1. Well i dont know where to put this since i dont know how it been done but my question is . i have a search that prints out alot of links for thing i want it that when i move my mouse over the links it wil bring up something like thumbnails or something like that with info about that same downloads. i wil give you example of this but regardless to downloads . just to show you what i mean. Go to here: http://www.wowhead.com/?items=2.3#0-2+1 Move your mouse over some of the links there and i mean (In the table) and see what i am trying to achive now i dont know its name or how its been done so i dont know how to explain better . hope you understood me .. anywyas thanks alot. sorry i post it here . just dont know where else to.
  2. well i dont know how to explain this in words i will give a link soon you see it for your self but my question is how do i do this and i dont mean the whole code just the general idea behind it and some tips : its when you click on a pic it makes everything unselectable and bring a big transpent black background and show the immage in a small window with X option to close this window . i will show you in a link what i mean couse i dont know how else i can explain . anyhow go into the link scroll a bit down and click on 1 of the pics see for your self : http://www.wow-europe.com/en/contests/logitech/ Any help will be blass thanks .
  3. well i have an 2d array $arra[][] i dont know its size couse i get this array from preg_match_all i want to make a loop that prints the array some way . i thinks there is a way of doing s with foreach but dont know how . using print_r is not an option couse the resualts of this array are gonna be links or urls for Pics its sould be something like that : <?php $subject = $arr["PicLinks"]; $pattern = '/(http:\/\/[\S]*)/i'; preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $arra, $PREG_SET_ORDER); echo '<P><img src="'.$arra[0][0].'" width="421" height="212" />';// this is how its sould be aventualy (only with a loop instead of this actual acho ?> i have been trying to do : foreach($arra as $val) { foreach($val as $arraa) { echo '<img src="'.$arraa.'" />'; } } didnt work as i planned. anyways 1 more thing how do i do <P> but not complitly p just to go down 1 raw like \n in echo i mean i want to have list like this aasasasa sasasasa sasasas and not like this : sasasasa sasasasa sasasasa sasasas how do i achive this
  4. well i realy need this in order to sord a text variable need to make an array with URLS and i know that preg_match is only way of doing so Could anyone explain me how to use it exactly i mean i was trying to read explantion about it didnt undestood how to use it thanks again mates.
  5. i understood a way of doing it but i dont know how its working i thinks i can use preg_match function to do so and then Use the Match aray writh for loop but then again i dont know how to work with preg_matcg
  6. Well i tryed what you just said and it didnt worked. i thinks there is some other way
  7. my question is this . well i am trying to show pics that is found in a text variable in my mysql table though that variable holds in it more then 1 URL of links and when i find the intery that i want and then go to the variable that have the links and try to Echo it where the URL of the Pic sould be . it will echo some links 1 after eatch other mysql_connect(x, x, x) or die("ERROR--CAN'T CONNECT TO SERVER"); mysql_select_db(xx) or die("ERROR--CAN'T CONNECT TO DB"); $rowcount = "SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE ID = '$DID'"; $result_count = mysql_query($rowcount) or die("Error: " . mysql_error()); $arr = mysql_fetch_array($result_count); <img src="<?php echo $arr["PicLinks"]; ?> / what it will happand now it will be : /<img src="LINKS.COM LINKS2.com /Links3.com"/> /this wil basiclay will not show me any pics and what i am trying to achive is Some how to scane this text variable for pic URLs input them into array or something and then just make a while and echo the whole IMG form 1 by 1 /basicaly i dont know how to do it but what i am trying to achive is like this . echo ('<img src="LINKS.COM"/>'); echo ('<img src="LINKS2.COM"/>'); echo ('<img src="LINKS3.COM"/>'); So i will actualy see the Pics. thanks in advanced and would realy appricate any help. thanks
  8. well so how do i do it then . well with the link its nice but if your saying its still wont help so what way would work then ?
  9. Anywyas . i am trying to search from my data base something that the user sent with form its simple search though its nothing preset i mean i need to search from a table and i dont want to search the exact word. for EG the dude typed in metalica ban and in my database is shows as metalica i want a quary that will search for the most close resualt that it can i can use $query = "SELECT * FROM files LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit WHERE name = '$_POST[search]'"; i mean this is do able but if the dude have written metalica ban and in my intery i have metalica only will it still choose metalica ? well if it wont will someone please show me a better way of doing so . would realy help me . thanks in advanced BTW i have no idea why it brought up this poll.
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