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Everything posted by ZachMEdwards

  1. I don't really understand... Like this? if (file_exists("logos/".$product["refer"].".png"))
  2. Your array goes from 1 to 3 (diff of 2), 3 to 6 (diff of 3), 6 to 10 (diff of 4).<?PHP $out = array(0 => 1); $diff = 2; for($x = 1; $x <= 100; $x++) { array_push($out, $out[$x-1] + $diff); $diff++; } print_r($out); ?>
  3. Which do you guys think is faster? $fp = fsockopen($host, 80) or die("$errstr ($errno)"); fwrite($fp, $this->headers($method, $file, $host, $referer, $data)); for($a=0,$r='';!$a;) { #option 1 $b = fread($fp,8192); $r.=$b; $a=(empty($b) ? 1 : 0); } or $fp = fsockopen($host, 80) or die("$errstr ($errno)"); fwrite($fp, $this->headers($method, $file, $host, $referer, $data)); $r=''; #option 2 while(!feof($fp)) $r .= fgets($fp,256); and why? According to my tests, it looks like option 2 is faster. I'm curious as to why... And is there a faster alternative? As you can see in the code, I'm using fwrite on a fsocket. I need this to be as fast as possible!
  4. I'm just trying to prove the point that it uses HIS/HER IP address. Not the server's.
  5. @<tDate>[0-9]/{4,5}</tDate>@ It should work, depends on what your $body looks like.
  6. Are they IP banned? Of course everyone has his own IP. His site would login to example.com. I am IPBanned from example.com so when I tried to login from his site to example.com, it would output: you are IP banned. But everyone else could login to example.com from his site. I am the owner of example.com and I saw that every login that logged in from his site each had a unique IP address. I emailed some of the users who used his site and when I asked if that was their IP address (the one from AdminCP), they all said it was theirs. Understand yet?
  7. I know it wasn't a trick. He had a PHP login up for a site that I am IPBanned from. I tried to login thru HIS site and HIS site said "you are IP banned". Everyone else could login from his/her IP. And in the admin CP I saw that everyone who was logging in through his site was using his/her IP.
  8. Well then how do I connect to a site with their IP?
  9. I know how to get the IP just fine. Someone told me it's possible if you loop through a bunch of ports and find one that's open.
  10. Hey guys... This should be my last question for a while My friend showed me a PHP snippet he had where it got the HTML from a page (http://ipchicken.com/) and under Current IP Address it had my IP address. So he had used my IP address to visit a site. How can I do this? For the code I am writing now, it needs to use the user's IP. It can't use the server's. I know this is possible, just looking for a way how.
  11. Thank you, and I'll remember the capitalization custom.
  12. I'm new to PHP classes. Can someone show me why this is throwing a notice / fatal error? And how do I fix it? test.php: <?PHP class testVariable { private $test = 'testing'; public function __construct() { echo $this->$test; } } ?> index.php: <?PHP require_once 'test.php'; $test = new testVariable(); ?>
  13. function headers($method, $file, $host, $referer = "", $data = "") { $isPost = @stripos($method, "POST") !== FALSE; $headers = ($isPost ? "POST " : "GET ").$file." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $headers .= "Host: ".$host."\r\n"; $headers .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3\r\n"; $headers .= "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n"; $headers .= "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5\r\n"; $headers .= "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate\r\n"; $headers .= "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7\r\n"; $headers .= "Keep-Alive: 115\r\n"; $headers .= "Connection: Close\r\n"; if(!empty($referer)) { $headers .= $referer."\r\n"; } if($isPost) { $headers .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($data)."\r\n"; } if(!empty($cookies)) { $headers .= $cookies."\r\n"; } if($isPost) { $headers .= "\r\n".$data."\r\n\r\n"; } else { $headers .= "\r\n"; } return $headers; } Here's the headers I get when I call: $head = headers("POST", "http://www.mysite.com/index.php?postdata=here&and=such&foo=bar")); die("\"$head\""); I'm doing this same thing with GET requests and those work fine. Here's where I send the headers: if(!$fp) { die("$errstr ($errno)<br />\n"); } else { $out = ""; fwrite($fp, $head); while(!feof($fp)) { $out .= fgets($fp, 128); } fclose($fp); echo $out; } Thanks in advance
  14. This seemed to work fine. Thanks anyways
  15. I have a GZip encoded string that I need to decode. Is there a built in PHP function or do I have to use an external DLL? Thanks!
  16. Thanks rwwd, I set my error_reporting ini setting to E_ALL | E_STRICT. Now I can get back to PHP
  17. Here's a link to my PHPInfo: http://zachafer.com/phpinfo.php I have: error_reporting = E_ALL & E_STRICT display_errors = On both set in C:\php5\php.ini I have tried restarting Apache, and still nothing. Here's my code to test the errors: <?PHP if($dfshijfhsijfhi) { echo' hi'; } ?> Please help!
  18. <center> Your referrer ID is: <br> <?PHP echo $bbuserinfo[userid]; ?> </center> It doesn't show up =\
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