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Posts posted by JohnnyDoomo

  1. I have recently been having CPU load problems with my server that has a site on it, powered by a script I bought.


    I am not a programmer, so I am unable to dive into the code and fix the problem, nor do I understand what the issue is.


    After getting my site back to a normal load, the host posted this:


    Please check the following mysql process status. Please optimize your database tables.


    | 1628 | clipup_clipper | localhost | clipup_newclip          | Query  | 0    | Writing to net | SELECT id,bigimage,cat,userid,approved,storecat,height,width FROM pp_photos WHERE cat=503 AND approv |

    | 1629 | clipup_clipper | localhost | clipup_newclip          | Query  | 0    | Sending data  | SELECT userid,date,photo FROM pp_ipcache WHERE ipaddr='' AND type='view' AND photo=4333 |

    | 1630 | clipup_clipper | localhost | clipup_newclip          | Sleep  | 0    |                |

    | 1757 | clipup_clipper | localhost | clipup_newclip | Query  | 1    | Sending data | SELECT userid,date,photo FROM pp_ipcache WHERE ipaddr='' AND type='view' AND photo=3432 |

    | 1758 | clipup_clipper | localhost | clipup_newclip | Sleep  | 0    |              |

    | 1844 | clipup_clipper | localhost | clipup_newclip | Query  | 0    | Copying to tmp table | SELECT * FROM pp_photos WHERE approved=1 AND cat IN (501,511,502,503,562,504,506,505,508,2,510,509)  |


    I don't know if this is enough for others to see my problem, or to help at all.


    Am I going to have to have a programmer go through my entire site's script and make it more optimized?


    Any info others can provide me with, would be most beneficial as I am at a loss as to what I need to do. One strange thing is, I've had high loads in the past, but it's always been due to lots of traffic. I've never had a problem like this under regular traffic.


    Can I get away without fixing the problem?


    Thanks for any pointers you can provide me with!

  2. Are you saying that the 3rd party ad company would need to support it?


    I thought if I used ajax that all I needed was ajax to "call" the ad code again, and ajax keeps the page from entirely refreshing, as it's just "recalling" the ad code again.


    If people that know how ajax works could confirm or deny this, it would help me greatly, as I don't want to pay a programmer to code ajax for all my ads, only to find out that it won't work.


    Thanks for any info others can provide on this.

  3. I use ad companies, so similar to Google's adsense, I just insert the code (javascript) and they handle the rotation as pages are refreshed... or in this case, when the code is called again.


    Doing it in iframes is easy, just set the iframe html page to refresh at the rate that I want.


    It's that I don't know if Ajax would be better or run smoother.

  4. 1. Users are on my pages for hours at a time.


    2. Preloading ads doesn't seem like it would work, as I don't know how long a user is going to be on my site. Using more server resources isn't a big issue, but taking advantage of long time that users stay on a single page is. I'm simply trying to make enough money to make the current ad placements worth while, and it seems like the one thing to take advantage of for my site and the length of time users spend on pages, is to show them new ads every 5, 10 or 20 minutes.


    I'm fairly certain I want to use ajax or an iframe, but it seems like ajax is the slicker way to do it. Since I'm not a programmer tho, I'm concerned if this would have problems as the ajax would be rotating different ad companies ad code. Thoughts?

  5. I'm thinking of getting ads to refresh on my site ever couple of minutes. I'm thinking of going with ajax, but I would need a programmer for this, versus iframes, which I could do.


    Some of my concerns are if there are pluses or minuses to each? For example, what if the ad code isn't designed to open a new window when clicked? It would load the ad page within the iframe. I'm not sure if there is any way around this when it's ad code from a 3rd party ad company.(I know many of ad companies offer the choice, but I'm still concerned.)


    Also, if I use ajax, is it still possible to use a companies ad code that is javascript itself? (as it would need to run inside my own ajax code.)


    Do people have suggestions on this?

  6. I'm not sure I understand your response from my OP. I have already tried iframe, and it didn't work. That is why I was asking about the ajax alternative.


    As far making the flash content gain focus again, I doubt this would work, as it would that it would still lose focus for some period of time while the ad was refreshing. This wouldn't work, as the focus needs to stay within the game so that controls are never lost.


    I need something to allow the ads to be reloaded without reloading the entire page or stealing focus away from a game. I've tested, and know that an iframe refreshing steals the focus away.



  7. My problem

    I need ads to rotate / refresh while people stay on the same page.


    The catch

    They are playing games which use the keyboard for control.


    Why iframe refreshing doesn't solve my problem

    I've tested iframe refreshing, and when games use the keyboard, the iframe steals the focus away from the game and the keyboards are now set to control the iframe that just refreshed.


    My question

    If I put my ad code inside the ajax to rotate or refresh the ad code every 5 or so minutes, will this steal the keyboard and/or mouse control away from the game like the iframe did?


    I'm not a programmer, so I can't even make some quick test to see if it would work or not. I would like to know if it's even possible though before I have a programmer try to program it into my site.


    Can somebody with ajax knowledge please let me know if something like this is at all possible. I really don't want to pay to have the work done, and then I find out it has the same problem as the iframe that I could have coded myself.


    Thanks for any help you can provide on this!

  8. I have a website and I am not only trying to protect the media content, but I am wondering if it's possible to keep people from stripping keywords and categories that I've placed with the media. I know this is impossible from a manual rip, but is there coding that can be done that prevents this type of data from being auto grabbed from site strippers?


    What's the best method to prevent people from stealing my media content? For example, the FireFox addon "video download helper" finds lots of stuff that is and isn't embedded right in the source of the site. But I've seen that addon not work on some sites. What type of coding needs to be done to prevent that addon (and others like it) from seeing the media embedded within the page?


    Can anybody tell me other methods that can prevent site rippers?


    I have recently had my site stripped with names, thumbnails, and media content, and I would like to prevent others from being able to do this.


    I am not a programmer, but am creating a list for my programmer of things I want coded into my site, and to simply say that I want my site unrippable seems a little vague.


    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you.

  9. Can someone help me on why my site is so slow at loading?


    The site I am trying to fix is http://lil2u.com


    It takes a good 15 seconds for it to come up, yet it has a slim design.


    I'm not sure what's slowing it down, so I don't know if the html forum is the most accurate.


    I've ran octagate's site timer and got these results from my location: http://www.dumpt.com/img/viewer.php?file=vag062iyvkv5fmciql26.gif


    I don't really understand them, or if they even explain what is causing the slowdown.


    It's not the server speed as other sites on the same server come up fine, and loading far heavier designs.


    It seems to be down to the code running on the site, or if my host mis-configured the domain.


    Can anybody help me with this? I'm not a programmer, so looking at the code does nothing for me.


    I did however notice that when I had a FireFox addon that was called "better cache", that after visiting the site once, if I refreshed the page it would come up really quick, which seems to point to some type of code that is trying to load every time you visit the front page.


    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you!

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