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Everything posted by DarkerAngel

  1. there is also a semicolon after the ELSEIF too, there should be no semicolons after your IF statements.
  2. This is a browser dependent issue occurring with IE7. I have a SQL management system that is demo'ed at this site: http://darkangel.sytes.net/ffsl/ Login: User: admin Pass: admin Now the problem I have is creating new rows in IE7, this works across the other bowsers, Chrome, Safari and FireFox, so it is just a problem with IE7, if someone that is good with IE7 possibly give me some incite to the cause of this problem?
  3. I'm sorry I forgot to even tell you that its in the php.ini file.
  4. Personally I don't use the standard WAMP installer I do every component separately but to get GD in the WAMP installation you have to uncomment or add the line that has the GD library. And make sure the location is correct.
  5. Is there no way you can make this an array and have $varibl = array(); $varibl[01]="abc"; $varibl[02]="def"; $varibl[03]="ghi"; $varibl[04]="jkl"; $varibl[05]="mno"; then you can simply use: foreach($varibl as $value) { echo $value; } There is a way to use the eval(); function but thats not very trustworthy coding.
  6. If you search I have a cURL quick function source in a post somewhere you could probably view my recent posts and it should be in like the first or second page.
  7. if you wanna password and you have apache you can use a htaccess file coupled with a htpasswd file. its fairly reliable. i mean just for simple stuff. I wouldn't recommend it for some really sensitive data.
  8. sorry I just noticed this: if(!function_exists(imagecopyresampled) || !function_exists(ImageCreateTrueColor) || !function_exists(imagejpeg)) { die("Faltan funciones"); } if(!function_exists('imagecopyresampled') || !function_exists('ImageCreateTrueColor') || !function_exists('imagejpeg')) { } I would say try that or just get rid of that whole if condition, if its really necessary have a 'or die("Faltan funciones");' after those particular functions.
  9. I would recommend a robots.txt file that's the best I can think of. User-agent: * Disallow: /foo/ (Site relative path)
  10. check that you have GD installed phpinfo(); Also GD functions are all lowercase ImageCreateTrueColor -> imagecreatetruecolor (not really sure if it makes a difference.)
  11. Windows XP Professional comes with a SMTP server on the original install disk its not that hard to set it up.
  12. how about this what is the included page for is it to add some kind of functionality to the php script? or is it just the page you want displayed?
  13. That's just the point some hosting providers do this to prevent people from connecting to their SQL servers from domains that they do not host.
  14. this is a possible solution: Just off the top of my head so I don't know how well its going to work. SELECT * FROM yearbook ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT {$page}, 1 In this way it is not page dependent rather the method used to sort it. if you use an id it will not matter but with this way pages can be changed when something is removed. Just a thought remember: LIMIT (starting record), (number of records) EDIT: just a note the first starting record is always 0 (zero)
  15. Some hosts will force intranet IP's for their SQL server and most of the time the SQL server does not share the same Host address as the server itself this is really common among shared hosting providers. I can't really tell you because I don't know how your hosting is set up. I think I remember this being true with 1and1 hosting. and it is probably true among other shared hosting providers.
  16. I would have to agree with this post for some realtime checking you would need to use AJAX (JavaScript) with PHP used as the called page. There should be some examples of this around the net.
  17. Interesting I have made custom mods to phpBB2 and 3 I just have the include_once in a function and use it as needed. I never really had an issue. I can't really tell you though because its been almost a year since I have made anything custom for PHPBB and yeah I'm a lil rusty in it now.
  18. It looked like he just typed that in cause it don't appear that way in the code he pasted. Though I can't say for sure cause he hasn't responded.
  19. FYI: this board is for getting help with problematic existing code, if you want someone to make something for you you need to see the freelance board. I can't think of anything existing to do what you want to do but there are PHP functions to read/change/and save files and handle compressed archives. as well as some systems to edit images. http://us3.php.net/zip http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents.php http://us3.php.net/manual/en/function.file-put-contents.php GD is something else that edits images but in your case it might be easier to look into: http://us3.php.net/manual/en/book.imagick.php I have not used it yet but I think they have better image processing functions than GD. I hope that's enough help for you that's the best I can do short of starting to build the system for you.
  20. I suppose you can enter the code anywhere but you would want it to be after anything that the code needs to be set is set and before anything the code has that is needed is called.
  21. lol I thought I had to do that because for some reason I couldn't access my site through the IP settings but come to find out that I cant do the port forwarding through my local network so I have to use my local IP. and lucky for me my port 80 is untouched yet my ISP is against people hosting their private web servers.
  22. Zina, is just for music files, but there is something else I could recommend PHPFileNavigator, which is something I need to implement into my site, is a decent file manager for PHP its not the best but it works well enough for me. And its free GPU license so. And like redarrow said you can do stuff like that if you own the network, but some non-business ISP's do block the port 80.
  23. Depending on your ISP, and network settings it is possible to have your local computer act as a web server, I have my own personal web server online that I use to test scripts and demo scripts that I'm developing for clients. Me personally I use No-IP as a DNS server cause their sub-domains are free. All I can understand from your question is that you possibly have apache/windows running off your local computer and are wondering if there is some script you can use to display contents of a folder on your local computer this is entirely possible. I have all the music shared on my local test server. I can demonstrate: http://darkangel.sytes.net/music/ this is so I can listen to my music where ever I am.
  24. I would have a seperate row for each date, and the dates would link with the event_description.id with the event_dates.event_id
  25. Honestly if it were my DB I would have this table structure, I would have 2 tables event_description event_dates event_description: id:int(16) title:varchar(255) description:text() event_dates: id:int(16) event_id:int(16) date:datetime(); something like that I would select it like "SELECT event_dates.date as date, event_description.title as title FROM event_dates, event_description WHERE (NOW() - event_dates.date) <= 2592000 AND event_dates.event_id = event_description.id" Something like that
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