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Everything posted by xcasio

  1. Err, so what exactly is the problem? What isn't working?
  2. Ah, magic quotes I think.. Perhaps this? $fname = "bob\\'"; $fname = str_replace('\\\'', '\'', $fname); $fname_test = eregi_replace("([A-Z']+)","",$fname); die($fname_test);
  3. Simply add the character after (or before) A-Z: $fname_test = eregi_replace("([A-Z']+)","",$fname); Is this what you were trying to do?
  4. Hi, Just change the name of the file inputs into name="imagefile[]". Afterwards, when processing it in PHP, treat $_FILES['imagefile']['name'] as an array.
  5. How exactly (in what context?) will you be using a two-dimensional array? How do you want to access the month array?
  6. There's a lot of ways you could do that. If you're familiar with regex, you could just use that to verify the data. Otherwise, you could just use simple functions such as these: strlen($string) to get the length of the string. is_numeric(string) to check if the string is a number (for the id). Also, to make the DOB field more consistent, I would do something like this: if ($dob = strtotime($_POST['date'])) { $dob = date('d/m/Y', $dob); } else { // Can't process the date. }
  7. This is how I would do it: $sql = sprintf("UPDATE users SET user_name ='%s', f_name = '%s', l_name = '%s', email = '%s', date = '%s', WHERE id = %d ", mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user_name']), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['f_name']), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['l_name']), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['date']), $_POST['user_id'] );
  8. Would this work? for ($x = 0; $x < 12; $x++) { echo date('F Y', strtotime('+ '.$x.' month')).'<br />'; }
  9. They can't change session data, but they can easily spoof cookie data.
  10. Although your question has been answered, here's a small tip: To be more efficient, use single quotes in the password variable (e.g. strtolower($newpass) == 'password'). This will not make PHP search for special characters (such as \n) or variables in the string and thus use less memory.
  11. Hi, I need some help on a SELECT query. This is my table structure with only relevant fields: Table #1: interiors id (int) MapIconID (int) Table #2: properties id (int) IntID (int) What I want to accomplish is selecting all of the rows in properties, getting the MapIconID from the interiors table by using the IntID field. I'm not really good at explaining and it might sound confusing, so here's how it should work: * Select all the fields from properties * Find the `IntID` of each field and match it up with the corresponding id in the `interiors` table * Make a new column called `MapIconID` and display it Okay, I still think this sounds confusing - one more example. Example of `interiors`: Row 1: id:20, MapIconID:506 Row 2: id:21, MapIconID:149 Example of `properties`: Row 1: id:55, IntID:20 Row 2: id:56, IntID:0 What the result should be after selecting `properties` Row 1: id:55, IntID:20, MapIconID:506 Row 2: id:56, IntID:0, MapIconID:0 Hopefully someone can help me! Thank you kindly for your help.
  12. Well, what is the highest possible education level? Thanks, -xcasio
  13. 16/almost 17, I live in Lithuania, Europe and was born in Chicago, USA. Currently a developer of a big gaming community. (Argonath RPG) Languages: Basic C, Basic JS ::), HTML, CSS, PHP Currently interested in career opportunities for my future. Really looking forward to joining this community, mainly to extend my php knowledge. :) -xcasio
  14. Hi, Does anyone know the required education level to work as a php programmer for companies? Thanks, -xcasio
  15. If my browser had already saved a location, the old menu options overlap with the dynamic ajax list. (in the search thing ) -xcasio
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