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Everything posted by kenchucky

  1. Thank you for your concern. I have more then enough RAM for the indexes, though, and I think that having selects bottlenecked by RAM/CPU instead of HDD will be worth, so please tell me how, that is all I'm asking.
  2. Cool. So you you don't know anything about PHP/MySQL, you want to get started though? The link posted above is a good place to start. Huh? What are you talking about? Do you mean that you told somebody that you know PHP/MySQL when you don't, and you're asking them to pay you? It's generally a bad idea to get a job that you can't do. Apologize to him, and once you have learned PHP/MySQL, THEN ask for a job.
  3. SELECT DISTINCT addresses .* FROM addresses , attendance WHERE addresses.id = attendance.Person_ID AND (Attend IN ("NSS06","NSS07")) OR ( (Zip > 75001) and (Attend!='NSS08') ) ORDER BY Zip
  4. What happens if the computer is shut down before it's written then? Yes. The indexes take a few seconds per table to generate, and MySQL should only need to be restarted once in a few months. Sorry. I thought someone said earlier that the indexes are loaded at startup. They're not? Well then that's obviously a huge performance problem for selects isn't it? So all the more reason, I think. So will you please tell me how? I'll pay you if you want, if you have a paypal account. I feel very strongly even after reading what you have all wrote that eliminating the need for I/O activity from indexes will help a lot. Data will still need written to .myd files, but if all my queries make use of indexes then selects will be much faster I think, since the bottleneck will be CPU instead of hard drive.
  5. Is there any reason that TRUNCATE TABLE will not work for you?
  6. I thought that whenever any kind of change is made to a table that effects an indexed row, it has to update the .myi files also instead of just the .myd files? I really want to cut down on unneeded I/O and the time it would take to generate the indexes on startup would not be significant at all. Just a few seconds of time once every few months. Also, all of the indexes are loaded at startup anyways, so it's not like it will use more RAM to do this right?
  7. foreach($notifyarray as $temp)$query.="('','$temp','<a href=view.php?id=$memberinfo[id]>$memberinfo[username]</a> attempted to deliberately change the bet in slots.php to $gbet','$time'),"; mysql_query('INSERT INTO usernews (id, user, text, time) values '.rtrim($query,','));
  8. Is there any reason at all for the indexes to waste disk I/O access every time a table is updated, and hard drive storage space? If there is not, please tell me how to stop it from happening. They are loaded fully into RAM at startup, and all of the information that is needed to generate them is already contained in the .myd and .frm files. What possible reason could there be to store this information on disk and waste I/O updating it constantly when it is already stored just fine in the .myd and .frm files??
  9. Doubles are just bigger floats. They are still floats.
  10. Because there is no reason that they should need to be stored on disk since all of the data they need is already stored on disk. Just like I wouldn't want the query cache to be stored on disk. There is no reason for it to be.
  11. I just want this to be done with the indexes, since all of the data they need is in the .myd files. I can't use memory tables because if there is a power outage data will be lost or corrupted.
  12. It's just a notice, not an error or even a warning. Ignore it. It just means the page was accessed but $_FILES['uploadedfile'] wasn't declared. If it bugs you a whole lot, put this at the top of the page if(!isset($_FILES['uploadedfile']))$_FILES['uploadedfile']=array();
  13. Where you have FROM_UNIXTIME(date Add -21600 after "date" to subtract 6 hours, or +21600 to add 6.
  14. The exact query works fine for me, so you must have changed it somehow, or have a weird MySQL version.
  15. This is because floats aren't accurate. The only solution is not to use floats.
  16. mysql query function goes here( 'select * from table where id in ('.implode(',',$a_movie).')' );
  17. select * from addresses where (zip>75001)or(Person_ID in (select id from attendance where attend in('NSS06','NSS07')))
  18. When the MySQL process starts, I want it to automatically read the .MYD and .FRM files and use them to generate an index in RAM, and when an insert/update/delete is made I want it to update the index that is in RAM. I don't want there to be physical .MYI files on the hard disk. How can I do this?
  19. That is where I found the ones that I listed. I could not find the bitwise NOT operation on it. Like 96 (NOT) 32 would become 64, and 64 (NOT) 32 would stay as 64. The opposite of bitwise OR (64 | 32 becomes 96, and 96 | 32 stays 96).
  20. I know that I can use & to see whether a bit is off or on, | to turn a bit on, ^ to toggle a bit, << to left shift and >> to right shift, but I can't figure out how to turn a bit off (bitwise NOT). What is the command to do this in MySQL? P.S. Also, what is it in PHP? And what is the bitwise XOR command in PHP? I tried ^ but is the command for power to (10^3==1000) P.P.S How do I declare an unsigned 8 bit integer in PHP? (int) works for signed 32 bit, but I can't get (uint to work.
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