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  1. I would do what the person said above me and think about scraping the other site and saving it's data locally. you could also use google on your site to search their site.
  2. hi towards the bottom if statement $cancel = yes should be $cancel == yes few more tips: $l = "link$mem[qlupdate]"; $n = "linkn$mem[qlupdate]"; should be: $l = "link{$mem[qlupdate]}"; $n = "linkn{$mem[qlupdate]}"; One more: don't test if a var is set like this: !$var use isSet() like this: !isSet($var) I'd read through your php log file and correct the warnings it's printing
  3. Read this: http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.serialize.php if you want paid help, phpsupportnow.php
  4. Couple of things: Can you edit this line $result = mysql_query ($sql); to $result = mysql_query ($sql) or die( $sql."<br />".mysql_error() ); Run that and then copy/paste the error msg here. -- I just guessing now, but if you are looking for a distinct county based on state prefix you might want to make a couple changes to your code, fun it and post results here. for( $i=0; $i<count($_POST['State']); $i++ ) { if( !isSet( $State1 ) ){ $State1 = "( '{$_POST['State'][$i]}' "; }else{ $State1 .= ", '{$_POST['State'][$i]}' "; }//end if } $State1 .= " ) "; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT z.county, z.state_prefix FROM zip_codes z WHERE z.state_prefix in {$State1} GROUP BY z.count, z.state_prefix"; $result = mysql_query ($sql) or die( $sql."<br />".mysql_error() ); while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result, MYSQL_ASSOC() ) { echo $row['county']." ".$row['state;]."<br />"; }//end while loop mysql_free_result( $result ); $row = array(); $State1 = $sql = $result = $row = null; unset( $State1, $sql, $result, $row ); exit('fin'); Let me know how that turns out! You can also get low cost php support at www.phpsupportnow.com Good luck
  5. Can you post a link to your form? Why are you using radio buttons and not a check box? tip: Your code below <?php $varX = count($_REQUEST['studAns']); for ($varY = 0 ; $varY < $varX ; $varY++) { if ((!$_POST[studAns][$varY]) || ($_POST[studAns][$varY] = " ")) { echo "Please select answer every question."; } } ?> This may be a better way to create that loop and check values. <?php if( isSet($_POST['studAns']) && is_array( $_POST['studAns']) ){ for ($varY = 0 ; $varY <= count( $_POST['studAns'])-1 ; $varY++) { if ( (!isSet( $_POST[studAns][$varY] ) ) || ( $_POST[studAns][$varY] == " " )) { $error_msg = "Please select answer every question. <br />"; } }//end for loop if( isSet( $error_msg ) ) { echo $error_msg; #echo form to correct here #set vars/array to null and unset here - mem clean up #exit }//end if }//end if ?> If you want low cost paid support you can go to www.phpsupportnow.com and someone there will answer you in the morning.
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