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Everything posted by atrum

  1. This is something of a loaded question, as developers often start wearing many different hats but tend to specialize as they continue and are hired for certain roles, or when they become freelancers who can hire others to do the tasks in the areas they're not quite as strong in. Generally speaking, the list which will cover your bases is: 1. HTML and CSS. These are the technologies which bring sites to the screen. You don't need to necessarily need to be a design guru, but you should know how to display things. Otherwise, what's the point? 2. Server side language and database. These technologies make websites dynamic. Since you're coming here, to PHP Freaks, the defaults would be PHP and MySQL. 3. JavaScript. JS is exploding in popularity and use right now, and will only become more necessary as HTML 5 is adopted. If you want to be a professional developer, you'll need to learn JavaScript. With those three main categories, there are a bunch of complimentary skills you should work toward: Understanding how the web, itself, works. The difference between server side and client side langauges, the difference between GET and POST, how HTTP requests work, how HTTP header redirects work, what HTTP status codes actually mean, etc. Understanding web design. Layout, typography, navigation, image/graphic manipulation and creation, useability, accessibility. Programming methodologies and best practices. Object-oriented programming, Separation of Concerns, DRY, the MVC pattern, tiered/layered applications, etc. JavaScript techniques. Unobtrusive JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery and/or other frameworks. It may seem like a lot to learn, but since these technologies all interact with one another the overall picture isn't hard to grasp with some experience. That is good information to have. I am kinda surprised now that I read over and compare to my own skill sets. I have learned a lot in the few short years I have been programing
  2. Talk about depressing. It has been almost 2 weeks with out any word back from them. I tried calling them back on monday and left a message so I definitely haven't been too obnoxious. The waiting is killing me
  3. I think I have a decent chair, but my desk is a long table like you would see at a family reunion haha.
  4. Does any one know a good place to shop for a desk that a programmer would be comfortable spending hours coding on?
  5. Thanks guys, I have my fingers crossed
  6. I haven't heard back from them yet. I figure I will give them a week, then call them to see if the position is still available.
  7. What was your answer? I told them that I would grab the data from the 2 tables using either a left or a right join, then create an html template for the comments giving each value it's own place holder for the data found in the 2 tables, and then run the data and the template through a foreach to display them in order or just a for statement to limit the total comments seen on 1 page. That seemed to be the answer they were looking for, unless they wanted explicit details haha.
  8. It's funny how an interview with the type of job that's exactly what you hoped for can instill new motivation in you to work on and finish projects that had been gathering dust.
  9. Well the place I applied for was just looking for someone who understood the programming process and could take on small jobs and then work up to larger projects. So it is definitely an entry level position. I think the fact that I am in college with a major in web development is what caught their interest. I say that because if you look at my 2 examples I posted above, it only really shows my skills in html/css and some javascript. Which is still pretty basic stuff. I showed a big interest in continuing to learn and progress in my skills. I think employers are looking for people with that kinda of motivation.
  10. Well, the interview I feel went very well. The most in depth question I got asked was if I could describe how I would setup a user comment system with data from 2 different tables. They seemed pretty excited about someone finally applying for the position they posted.
  11. I definitely can say this has got me excited. 1 of 2 things are going to happen. 1. I find out I am way under qualified, but I leave with a better idea of what I will need for next time. or 2. I get the job, and continue to progress in my skills. Ether way I guess this is going to end well.
  12. Well, I started to put up a portfolio and some examples and already I am getting calls from places wanting a web developer This is what I provided them. curtisdorris.com icca.exiled-alliance.com curtisdorris.com/portfolio2
  13. As the topic of this post states. I have been looking for a job as a php developer that provides an environment for someone wanting to start out at a beginners level php development. The only problem is, I have not found any. Most php dev jobs want you to already have a decent portfolio setup, plus a degree of some kind. The only reason I don't have a decent portfolio is the fact that I have a hard time following through with my own personal projects. I tend to work on one part of it, and once I am done with that I move onto something different, and unrelated to the last project. I have gained alot of experience doing that, but as a result I have nothing finished that I can post. I find that if someone gives me a project, and a goal to finish it by then I do a lot better. So I restate the question: Do entry level php dev jobs exist?
  14. Thank you I appreciate the information you provided. Also on the "Reinventing The Wheel" Thing. Sorry but this has been one of my biggest pet peeves I've experienced in programing. I am one of those people that desires to learn what makes that wheel tick from the inside out. That means building my own, and I find its always been the best way to learn for me. Sorry for the rant. Thanks again.
  15. Hows everybody doing today? I am trying to get some more skill points on my programing experience, so I have decided to make a funds balance application. Already I am having some problems coming up with the flow of the applications core feature; The part of the book that does the math for me. What I need advice on is the flow of how it takes the existing balance and debits or credits funds, and how to handle multiple entries at one time. So I start with an initial balance of $0.00 and I add an entry to deposit $1204.53. Do I first get the current balance and store that in a variable, and then add the new amount to that and take the new balance and place it in the next row of the table? I feel like I am missing something but I am not sure. Could anyone offer any insight on this? Also I am not asking for code I am asking for more of a flow chart of events. Thanks in advance.
  16. Wow, I never knew classes could be used like that. Thanks ignace, very good information.
  17. @ requinix Thanks, that's a lot of help. So when you said I should code for php 5.x where you saying that my use of the built in constructor as the class Name is not good practice any more ? Now on phpDoc is that basically how you setup what I think is called "Intellisense" ? So applications or IDE's will use that for quick reference pop ups? With the errors, so what your saying is that I should make a class just for errors, and pass the error text from my validator class to my error class? Lastly, The regex syntax. /^[a-zA-Z]*$/ Would I need to change that to /^[a-zA-Z]*/ ? Again, good stuff, keep it coming.
  18. lastkarrde thanks a lot for the feed back, and spotting those typos. Fixed function foundErrors(){ //Checks if any errors where reported. if(count($this->errors) !=0){ return true; }else{ return false; } } function listErrors(){ //Returns the Errors array. return $this->errors; } }
  19. Hello, I have been programing websites with php for about a year now, and I feel like my procedural skills are decent. I am able to read through php scripts and understand what they are doing. So I thought it was time to move on to some OOP php. I have created a validation class, and I want to get peoples opinions on it. I am always trying to improve my understanding. So here is my validation class. Be honest please, this is to help me improve. <?php //Class_Name: Validator //Description: This class deals with validating form requirements such as email syntax, //password complexity, and string lengths. //example: // $val = new Validator(); // $val->valTextOnly($string,$desc); // $val->valNumbersOnly($numbers,$desc); // $val->valAlphaNum($alphanum,$desc); // $val->valPassword($password,$desc,$strength); // $val->valEmail($email,$desc); // $val->foundErrors(); // $val->listErrors(); class Validator{ var $errors; //Error Storage function Validator(){ $this->errors = array(); } function valNotEmpty($input, $description){ //Checks for blank values. if($input != ""){ return true; }else{ $this->errors[] = $description. "::is blank"; return false; } } function valLength($input,$description,$length=30){ //Checks for valid string lengths. 30 Characters is the default. if(strlen($input)<=$length){ return true; }else{ $this->errors[] = $description." ::is longer than the permissible length of ".$length; return false; } } function valTextOnly($input, $description){ //Alpha Characters Only, spaces not allowed. $result = preg_match("/^\S+[a-zA-Z]$/",$input); if($result){ return true; }else{ $this->errors[] = $description; return false; } } function valNumbersOnly($input, $description){ //Numerical Characters Only, spaces are not allowed. $result = preg_match("/^\S+[0-9]$/",$input); if($result){ return true; }else{ $this->errors[] = $description; return false; } } function valAlphaNum($input, $description){ //Alpha & Numerical Characters, spaces are not allowed. $result = preg_match("/^\S+[0-9a-zA-Z]$/",$input); if($result){ return true; }else{ $this->errors[] = $description; return false; } } function valPassword($input, $description, $strength = 1){ //Validates Password Strength. Default Strength is 1. switch($strength){ case 1: //Low: 6 - 20 Characters Case insensitive. $pattern = "/^(?=.*[a-zA-Z0-9]).{6,20}$/"; break; case 2: //Medium: 6 - 20 Characters: Case Insensitive : 1 Number Required. $pattern = "/^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-zA-Z]).{6,20}$/"; break; case 3: //High: 8 - 20 Characters: Case Sensitive, 1 upper case, 1 lower case, 1 number Required $pattern = "/^(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,20}$/"; break; case 4: //Max: Same as High, but requires 1 Special Character $pattern = "/^(?=.*!@#\$-_)(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,20}$/"; break; } $result = preg_match($pattern,$input); if($result){ return true; }else{ $this->errors[] = $description; return false; } } function valEmail($input, $description){ //Validates correct email syntax. $result = preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,3})$/i",$input); if($result){ return true; }else{ $this->errors[] = $description; return false; } } function foundErrors(){ //Checks if any errors where reported. if(count($this->errors !=0)){ return true; }else{ return false; } } function listErrors(){ //Returns the Errors array. return $this-errors; } } ?>
  20. Set your document content type to <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
  21. You can try something like this. <?php if(isset($_GET['p'])){ $page = $_GET['p']; } if(strpos($page,"\.") || strpos($page,"/") || strpos($page,"\\")){ $page = "";} //Check for illegal characters switch($page){ case "login": $page = HTML_ROOT."/login.php"; break; case "about": $page = HTML_ROOT."/about.php"; break; case "admin": $page = HTML_ROOT."/admincp.php"; break; default: $page = HTML_ROOT. "/welcome.html"; } if(file_exists($page)){ include_once($page); }else{ echo "The requested page is not available."; } ?> Then just include that on your master page. In the content area. You can have things navigate by using url queries. <div id="menu"> <ul> <li><a href="/index.php">: Home :</a></li> <li><a href="./?p=about">: About :</a></li> <li class="right"><a href="./?p=login">: Login :</a></li> </ul> </div><!--end: menu-->
  22. at the end of the script unset($_POST['submit']);
  23. That should work. but I may have missed something. <html> <form id="form1" name="Update" method="post" action="add.php"> <label> First Name: <input type="text" name="Title" id="textfield" /> </label> <br /> <label> Last Name: <input type="text" name="URL" id="textfield2" /> </label> <select name='Category'> <?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); if (!$con) { die('Could not connect to DB: ' . mysql_error() ); } mysql_select_db ("mydb", $con); $query = "SELECT Category from Catgories"; $result = mysql_query($query) OR DIE ("There was an error" .mysql_error()); while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC)){ $categoryid = $line["playerid"]; $category = $line["category"]; for($i = 0;$i<count($categoryid);$i++){ echo "<option value='$categoryid[$i]'>$category[$i]</option>"; } } php?> </select> <input name="" type="submit" value="send" /> </form> </html>
  24. Hmm. if you don't have access to the email services on the host, then you may have to provide your own smtp host to send off of. Or maybe they require you to use php cdo mail. I will try to find a guide on that.
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