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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. It is not defined, none of your variables are. Shouldnt it be something like $row['producttitle'];
  2. In psuebo if magic quotes are turned on use $loginusername otherwise add slashes to it same with the password.
  3. You are not checking that anything has been posted, so how do you know if the post has a value? My advice don't just follow videos, try and learn what the code is doing and how its doing it ,rather than just knowing that it does do it. Tizag.com & w3schools.com Good sites to learn php. This is improved a bit <?php $emailsubject = 'Judgement Recovery Application' ; $web = '337@urmusicandvideo.com' ; $casenumberField = $_POST['Casenu']; $amountField = $_POST['Amountofjudgment']; $collectedField = $_POST['Amountcollected']; $stateField = $_POST['Statejudgment']; $attnField = $_POST['Represented']; $defaultField = $_POST['Awardeddefault']; $dstateField = $_POST['dstate']; $namejdField = $_POST['JD']; $addjdField = $_POST['JDaddress']; $cityjdField = $_POST['JDcity']; $namejcField = $_POST['JCsName']; $addjcField = $_POST['JCsAddress']; $cityjcField = $_POST['JCsCity']; $phoneField = $_POST['JCsPhone']; $emailjcField = $_POST['JCsEmail']; $descrpField = $_POST['Description']; $judgeField = $_POST['Judgment']; $body =" <br><hr><br> Case Number: ".$casenumberField." <br> Amount: ".$amountField." <br> Collected: ".$collectedField." <br> State of Judgement: ".$stateField."<br> Attorney: ".$attnField." <br> Award by Default: ".$defaultField." <br> JD Reside Diffent State: ".$dstateField."<br> Name: ".$namejdField." <br> Address: ".$addjdField." <br> City: ".$cityjdField." <br> Phone: ".$phoneField." <br> Email: ".$emailjcField." <br> Description: ".$descrpField." <br> Judgement: ".$judgeField." <br> "; $headers = "From:emailjcField\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; $success = mail($web, $emailsubject, $body, $headers); ?> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5; url=http://www.hydeandseik.com/home.html"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Thank you From Hyde & Seik Investigations</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { background-image: url(images/bg.jpg); } .style7 { color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18px; } .style13 {font-family: Broadway} .style15 {font-size: xx-large} --> </style></head> <body> <div align="center"></div> <h1 align="center" class="style7"><span class="style15"><span class="style13">Hyde & Seik</span>®</span><span class="style15"> Thanks you for your application and we will be in contact with you soon.</span></h1> <p align="center"> </p> <p align="center"> </p> </body> </html>
  4. nl2br should do it <?php $mail = htmlspecialchars($_POST['receivermail'], ENT_QUOTES); $mail = mysql_real_escape_string($mail); $mail = trim($mail); $mail = strip_tags($mail); $subject = htmlspecialchars($_POST['subject'], ENT_QUOTES); $subject = mysql_real_escape_string($subject); $subject = trim($subject); $subject = strip_tags($subject); $message = htmlspecialchars($_POST['mailtext'], ENT_QUOTES); $message = mysql_real_escape_string($message); $message = trim($message); $message = strip_tags($message); $message = nl2br($message); $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "From: Dizzit.net<no-reply@dizzit.net>"; mail($mail, $subject, $message, $headers); ?> You have to do it after you use htmlentities or it gets converted to a safe form
  5. Ok,it still would of done nothing lolz. But i think my code will show any errors now.
  6. From near the first line i noticed if (!isset($_GET['display'])){$_GET['display']="";} Wtf? It doesn't make sense you are not doing anything in that line, except it should produce an error. I changed your code a bit <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("errors",1); ob_start(); session_start(); //if (!isset($_GET['display'])){$_GET['display']="";} It does nothing if(isset($_GET['display']))//check if the get var display is present, to stop errors { switch(strtolower($_GET['display'])){ case "music": define("ADMIN",false); define("TITLE","Berwari.net > Music"); define("FILE","music.php"); break; case "contact": define("ADMIN",false); define("TITLE","Berwari.net > Contact Us"); define("FILE","contact.php"); break; case "about": define("ADMIN",false); define("TITLE","Berwari.net > About Us"); define("FILE","aboutus.php"); break; case "movies": define("ADMIN",false); define("TITLE","Berwari.net > Movies"); define("FILE","movies.php"); break; case "downloads": define("ADMIN",false); define("TITLE","Berwari.net > Downloads"); define("FILE","downloads.php"); break; case "links": define("ADMIN",false); define("TITLE","Berwari.net > Useful Links"); define("FILE","links.php"); break; #---- Admin Stuff Begins ---- case "admin": define("TITLE","Berwari.net > Admin Section"); define("FILE","admin/main.php"); break; case "manage_movies": define("ADMIN",true); define("TITLE","Berwari.net > Admin Section > Manage Movies"); define("FILE","admin/manage_movies.php"); break; case "manage_downloads": define("ADMIN",true); define("TITLE","Berwari.net > Admin Section > Manage Movies"); define("FILE","admin/manage_downloads.php"); break; case "admin_logs": define("ADMIN",true); define("TITLE","Berwari.net > Admin Section > Logs"); define("FILE","admin/logs.php"); break; #---- Admin Stuff Ends ---- case "": define("ADMIN",false); define("TITLE","Berwari.net > Home"); define("FILE","main.php"); break; } } //if the user tries to get into admin area that //has admin as true then they'll be taken to /admin where they have to login if (ADMIN==1) { if ($_SESSION['ADMINL']!= md5('Secret')) { header("Location: /admin",); } } include_once(ROOT."/inc/head.php"); //header include_once(ROOT."/inc/sidebar.php"); //sibemenu echo "<div id=\"column2\">"; require_once(FILE); //the body echo "</div>"; include_once(ROOT."/inc/footer.php"); //Footer ?>
  7. You will need to re think your coding logic then.
  8. here is a cheat put ob_start(); at the top of the code in the header.
  9. I am having the same problem with it. I do not know why it isn't working, but i'm sure one of the experts(hint:DarkWater ) will come and solve it
  10. Lolz, sorry to say that it is most likely the header that is causing the problem, move your code to the top of the page. There can't be any HTML before the code if there is it won't work and should produce an error (if you turned error reporting on)
  11. Are you using highlight on everything? As i think it works like htmlentities does and produces the ampersand for the tag.
  12. Going back to what i said, can you not just do it in php in the while loop? Or $date = date("Do your date format",strtotime("+ 1 month")); WHERE ".$date." >= Tarkih_luput
  13. Give the page a different colour ? Or maybe give the text a light background color?
  14. When you use the highlight_string function it highlights php code, and parses everything else black, so that's why the text is not visible without selecting it.
  15. Looks correct, does it not work? Also if it doesn't add error_reporting(E_ALL); to the top of the page
  16. Ok, can you post the whole code for the page so we can see what the error might be.
  17. Please read my post if you want the help
  18. Is my post invisible? <?php function bbcode($code) { $code = preg_replace("/\[code\](.*?)\[\/code\]/","\\1",$code); return $code; } $str = bbcode("[code ]<?php echo 'hello'; ?>[/ code]"); echo highlight_string($str); ?> Without the spaces
  19. Ok, first off show us all the code , second off i think you have errors suppressed and have html before this header therefore it wont work, add error_reporting(E_ALL); to the top of the page and ini_set("errors",1); (i think) Edit: Little guy , i think he said it isn't redirecting, not that it is redirecting to a 404
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