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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. put echo session_id(); and if it doesnt print anything out , then sessions arn't started.
  2. C:\wamp\www\Property-Agent\.htacccess And all the site files are located there. From the log [Thu Oct 16 19:54:45 2008] [error] [client] script 'C:/wamp/www/news.php' not found or unable to stat Thats the wrong path but the path i specified is RewriteRule ^News /Property-Agent/news.php [NC,L]
  3. Still no luck I can't understand why it doesnt work. When i remove the folder name e.g. RewriteRule ^News /news.php [NC,L] It comes up with a 404 error, Not Found The requested URL /news.php was not found on this server.
  4. This is wierd RewriteRule Home /Property-Agent/index.php [NC,L] RewriteRule News /Property-Agent/news.php [NC,L] RewriteRule Search /Property-Agent/search.php [NC,L] Search and News causes 500 Internal Server Error
  5. Solved it, it was due to the space in my folder name.
  6. Thats the thing it is in the correct folder , it just always redirects to the WAMP page I tried defining a folder but didn't work RewriteRule Home /folder name/index.php [NC,L]
  7. Haha, works now thnks, but one small problem it takes me back to my WAMP server page, not the folders index page. Do i need to do RewriteRule Home /Folder Name/index.php [NC,L]
  8. I tried that wildteen, putting a / after home site.com/Home/ And then also tried using your code, both produce 404 errors again. How do i know if my server is set up correct (i am using WAMP) @lamez, i am just doing basic rewriting ,e.g. page.php = /page/ So i don't that code yet.
  9. Ok, no longer causes an error found out rewrite mod was disabled, but still doesnt work, when i enter site.com/Home comes up with a 404 error
  10. RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^Home/?$ index.php [NC,L] Causes a 500 Internal Server Error, when i put this code in my .htaccess
  11. Do you know what , i never even knew there was a mod rewrite board.
  12. ok, i am looking to add some mod rewrite to my sites which have long url's I have seen a few things but don't get them, can some explain how i can rewrite a url. I want to start simple e.g. mysite.com/page.php to be mysite.com/Page Thanks, Blade
  13. I tried that <?php function create_nav($link_name) { foreach($link_name as $nav) { ?> <div style="background:#FFFFFF; border:#999999 thin solid; margin-top:2px; text-align:right; width:300px"> <a href="<?php foreach($nav as $nav_link){ echo $nav_link; }?>"><?php echo $nav; ?></a> </div> <?php } } create_nav(array(array('Home','index'))); ?> And that prints out
  14. Last thing If i use a multi-dimensional array how do i echo it out in a for each loop, e.g. <?php $var = array(array('Home','index')); foreach($var as $nav) { ?> <div style="background:#FFFFFF; border:#999999 thin solid; margin-top:2px; text-align:right; width:300px"> <?php echo $nav; ?> </div> <?php }
  15. With that i assume i can do echo make_list(array('10','2')); etc? Or do i need to make vars
  16. Is it possible to have a function with unlimited arguments? e.g. function one($var) { return $var; } echo one($var1,var2); Something like that, so i can pass as many vars as i want to it, as it will be doing the same thing to all arguments.
  17. It's working now, but a problem. When i type in my IP or give it out to people to type in, it takes them to my WAMP server config page, and this means they can access anything on there e.g. phpMyAdmin. How do i stop this , either password protect the pages, or forward the ip requests to my homepage?
  18. You can't have two images like that. If you must use an if statement or something/
  19. I tried that tutorial on the portwarding and it didn't work, at all, i have put it in HTTP(Web Server) mode,and that redirects the request for the ip to somewhere.
  20. Yes i have tried just http://ip and my local one they both give page load error
  21. Yer, i have accessed my router and (i think) made it port forward, as it only has certain modes and HTTP WebServer is one, and to test i put in my ip and it came up with 404, but before i turned this mode on it came up with my router cp I tried a few things like adding http://ipnumber/www/test/test.php or http://ipnumber/test/test.php and all were 404 errors btw i am using a bt home hub Any ideas?
  22. When i had a problem similar to this, where setting a session timed out the script, i found out the host was upgrading the php version. If you know that the code can't be causing the error, contact the host.
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