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Everything posted by DeanWhitehouse

  1. Can you not use an if statement .e.g. if(file_get_contents) { } or something similar?
  2. As far as i can tell they are. Show the two pages code where the problem is
  3. yes it should , but without seing the function i can't be sure
  4. make a page with phpinfo(); on it , and check if sessions are on
  5. Not that i know of, but you will prob need ajax if you want to create the characters without reloading the page.
  6. should all you do is . for width <img src="" width="<?php echo $width; ?>">
  7. <img src="<?php echo $name;?>.jpg" align="left">
  8. Javascript,what you need to do is run a function on change that checks the length , and then when max length is reached it will switch focus
  9. is this file in the same folder as the other files that work?
  10. an absoulte link is http://link.com/link.php instead of just using /link.php
  11. try using an aboslute link , and check the file names and the folder names
  12. This forum is powered by people giving up there spare time, so don't moan if you don't get an answer or one that works, maybe try and work it out your self.
  13. PLEASE READ THIS http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,37442.0.html
  14. hindi fonts? Do you mean write in a different langauge or just using a different font?
  15. as i just said,the page you are including , is reseting the var
  16. that means that on the page u included , the varaible is being set to empty
  17. erm, why does it? the header will redirect automatically when the new page loads
  18. target="_blank" put that in the anchor tag <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  19. then theres your problem , there is nothing in the include, so it won't include anything
  20. Just to but in, but isnt it also advised to turn register globals off
  21. can u just echo it out and tell us what it says
  22. echo out $header_content and see if it contains what it should
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