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Everything posted by Riseykins

  1. Haha. It's Javascript! x.x IDK why I posted it here. Wasn't thinking. Sorry!
  2. I am begging someone to provide me with the code for an interstitial ad. I'm asking this for free. I need it today, though. If anyone knows of a free script, please link me! I am supporting a campaign here in England for chicken welfare. Some of you may know what I'm talking about. If anyone here is supporting or wants to support, then please help me out! I'm going to put an interstitial ad on my website asking people to donate. They need £56,000 by Wednesday. x.x Thanks!
  3. Still not really having any luck.
  4. Eh. Sorry! It's pretty hard to explain anyways. I don't know any technical words. I've been working with HTML and whatnot for five years but because I'm totally self taught, I don't know what the name for anything is!
  5. I did say so before. EDIT: I guess it just wasn't clear that where I wrote "Code entered" before quoting I meant that that was the code a person would enter into a text box.
  6. <select name="img[]" multiple="true" size="3"> <option value="battlejubjub">Battle Jub Jub</option> <option value="mibeach">MI Beach</option> <option value="anotherImage">Another Image</option> <option value="etc">Etcetera</option> </select> This wouldn't work because people would need to paste a source code into a text box, and the script finds the image names in the code and echoes the images corresponding. EDIT: Sorry, maybe I didn't make it clear. Above where I posted part of a dropdown box, I was just posting part of a source code containing the image names in question and there would not be a dropdown list involved in the script I'm trying to get going.
  7. I'm not having any luck with that. It seems to be doing nothing. *pokes siggy*
  8. O.o x.x What’s The Difference Between Page Views, Hits And Unique Visitors This is all obvious if you know it, but it is surprising how any people don’t. Ask people you think should know the difference - this is a good question to ask a web designer you are considering hiring. If they get it wrong, I suggest you find another one. Unique Visitors A visitor, or rather a unique visitor is defined as a single person who visits your web site in a single session. So, if you visit a site and you spend say 15 minutes browsing various pages on it - say you visit a total of 25 different pages in that time, that would count as a single visit. Page Views The page view count is the actual number of pages that are made in the timeframe. So if you have 400 page views say, on a single day, that would mean that all your visitors together, viewed pages a total of 400 times. In the example we used earlier we would say that the single visitor who visited 25 pages, would have contributed at least 25 page views. This is because I said he visited 25 different pages, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t visit some of them more than once. In other words he may have contributed maybe 30 or 40 page views. And Finally, Hits . . . So what are these famous hits? Hits are not really of any use to you. But I’ll tell you what they are. Imagine there is a webpage called dogs.html, and on that page is some text and 10 images of dogs. Let’s also say that dogs.html uses a separate CSS file called dogs.css. If you go and view that page, you will incur 12 hits just by viewing that page once. That is because dogs.html counts as one hit, the 10 images count as a further 10 hits and the CSS file counts as one hit, giving a total of 12 hits. Now say you refresh the page. You will incur another 12 hits. You will add 12 hits to the hit count every time you hit refresh. If 5 people visit the page once, that would make 60 hits. Can you see how hits have no meaningful relationship to unique visitor numbers? Now imagine the page dogs.html had 100 thumbnail images on it. This would mean that every time the page was viewed it would cause 102 hits to be added to the hit count. No wonder the guy at the dinner party thought he was getting a lot of visitors because he had a lot of hits. It is likely he thought hits were visitors. http://www.lizjamieson.co.uk/2008/03/18/how-many-hits-does-your-website-get-per-day/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So if you want a hit counter on your site, you should really make it count what it says it's counting, otherwise people will really not have a clue what's going on. =^.^= Fun times!
  9. No, it's not. The person will paste some code into a box and then the script will pick out certain image names from the list and give a list of these images. Hopefully it will give a list of the images that are not present (out of the total list of images). That's the next step. xD
  10. Code entered: PHP Code(ish): Everything else there will cause nothing extra to be displayed, so just the two images next to each other would be shown. $word = $_POST['word']; $x = strlen($word); for ($i=0; $i<$x; $i++) { $c = $word[$i]; if ($c == ' ') { echo '<br />'; } else { // echo "$c"; echo "<img src='http://images.neopets.com/neoboards/avatars/$c.gif' />"; } } What in the above code is making the script turn each individual letter into it's own image? xD
  11. Would I need a database for this?
  12. Okay, so what I want to know how to do is create a script where if you enter in some text, and certain things are included, images corresponding to the specific text will be displayed. There are about 350 images in total, all with corresponding text. I want not just one image to show, but every image to be displayed for as many corresponding pieces of text that have been entered. Also, if any text that does not have a corresponding image is entered, it would need to be ignored completely. Does this even make sense? xD
  13. I hate SmartFTP and CuteFTP. They never seemed to work. xD FileZilla forever1
  14. Well it would generate the animated gif from a plain image with no glitter on it.
  15. So, I've seen places where you can upload an image and it will put animted glitteryness over the top of the image...It's pretty gross but loads of people like it. Is this PHP based? I thought it might have been flash...
  16. Well surely there's not going to be 100% protection on this? It's a case of deciding whether more profit will be made from having the MP3 player than not... I think that it's worth it... Thanks!
  17. Okay, so IDK if this would be PHP or what... What I want to do is upload some music files to a website. I was just wondering how I can stop people downloading these files? I want to play them on a flash MP3 (which I've found), but just don't want people illegally downloading the songs. xD Anyone able to help? Sorry if this isn't PHP, but this is the only place I know to ask for help! Thanks!
  18. Yeah. IDK how much bandwidth my site uses. x.x Someone who wants me to host them gets this many users. I'm not quite sure what to say to them. I don't want to suggest the wrong amount of bandwidth...I could give them a monthly quote and then each month change their price based upon how much bandwidth they actually use, but guarantee that I will not charge them over a certain amount of money...
  19. I was just wondering how much bandwidth would be needed to support around 50,000 - 500,000 visitors daily? I know that content may have a large effect on bandwidth requirements, but I'm not sure as to what the content would be. If anyone could help me out, that'd be appreciated.
  20. The thing that I'm finding hard is the fact that when you type a word in one box, an image is generated for each letter. So, each letter URL generated will also need to be modified by selecting different radio buttons. I just can't get it to list in the right order, so to speak... I don't know if this makes any sense!
  21. Heh. That makes no sense to me. I'm very much a beginner. This is the first thing I've ever attempted to do with PHP...
  22. Glitter stye:<p /> Not here, yet!<p /> <form> Text: <input type="text" name="word" size="8" /><p /> <input type="submit" name="btn" value="Submit" /> </form><p /> <div class="h1">Preview</div> Click "submit" to see a preview.<p /> <?php if (isset($_GET['btn'])) { $word = $_GET['word']; $x = strlen($word); for ($i=0; $i<$x; $i++) { $c = $word[$i]; echo "<img src='http://www.burningviolet.com/glittergen/1/$c.gif' />"; } } ?> <p /> <div class="h1">Code</div> <textarea><?php if (isset($_GET['btn'])) { $word = $_GET['word']; $x = strlen($word); for ($i=0; $i<$x; $i++) { $c = $word[$i]; echo "<img src='http://www.burningviolet.com/glittergen/1/$c.gif' />"; } } ?></textarea> The folder named "1" is the folder that I want to change depending on what radio button has been selected.
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