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Everything posted by ShimmyShine

  1. No? I would go about doing that how? Sorry for the questions, never have come across this error before. Thanks Shimmy/Jeff
  2. Still allowing it, heres my whole script: <?php $target_path = "uimg/"; $basenamer = basename($_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']); $target_path = $target_path . $basenamer; $ext = $_FILES["uploadedfile"]["type"]; $validexts = array('image/png','image/jpg','image/jpeg','image/gif'); if(in_array($ext,$validexts)){ if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { $fname = $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']; $q2 = "INSERT INTO ".TBL_PICS." (`oid`,`file`,`month`,`year`,`hits`,`approve`,`win`,`place`) VALUES ('$user', '$fname', '$month', '$year', '0', '1', '0', '0')"; $result2 = $database->query($q2); if(!$result2) { echo $error; } else { echo $_txt79."\"".basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'])."\"".$_txt80; } } else { echo $error; } }else if(!in_array($ext,$validexts)){ echo $_txt84; }?> Shimmy/Jeff
  3. Well you see, I did exactly that and it still allows test.php.jpg to be uploaded. Why? I even did to what you said. Shimmy/Jeff
  4. How would I go about stopping the upload of test.php.jpg files? Shimmy/Jeff
  5. Thank you darkfreaks! I have fixed the password issue, but I am not sure how to fix the following after? Any tips? Thanks Shimmy/Jeff
  6. Woops lmfao.. Sorry http://www.tagmypic.net Shimmy/Jeff
  7. Okay I have been here once, and got a lot of comments that said they didn't like the template. I have redone the template, and added some new feature stuff. What the site is for is well complicated and simple at the same time. My uncle and I have come up with the fact that people are always self-centered (meaning all about themselves) so we thought of a site to take advantage of this. What a person does is register an account, log in and upload pictures. Then they try to get as many people to hit their pictures as they possibly can, to be the winner of that month. We plan on awarding prizes to the winners of the months, they will start of small because we aren't the richest people in the world, but we plan on them getting bigger. So it is like that, repeated monthly. We have had the idea to have "Penny Days" where we pick 1-2 days a month where for every hit a person gets, they get a penny. In order to get payed, you have to have the most hits out of everyone. We figure it will attract them, and keep them wanting more. How do we plan on paying for it? Easy, Sponsors. If the site is always getting hits, then companies should want their name there, getting seen every time a hit occurs. Can I get people to beta test it and find any exploits etc? (Prizes won't be held out until in September, for the reason that we don't have enough money for prizes yet :\ ).. Also some critique wouldn't hurt , unless your saying it to be a jerk then it would be more appreciated if you hold back your comments. Lol Thanks Jeff/Shimmy
  8. Is there money involved? PM me if there is. Shimmy
  9. You want one like his? Or like : http://www.tagmypic.net If you want one like the link I have provided I will post the code (Note it is not mine) else wise you'll have to get his on your own ShimmyShine
  10. Not sure if this is much of a help but a hint for the future, google is your friend.. http://www.builderau.com.au/program/php/soa/Generating-PDF-files-with-PHP-and-FPDF/0,339028448,339286044,00.htm ShimmyShine
  11. Sorry thorpe, didn't notice that part of the line Shimmy
  12. Thorpe that would work for 1 new registry only, then it would erase the //newuser and not write another one. Wouldn't you have to make it write another //newuser after it wrote that current array? ShimmyShine
  13. Can't people modify cookies? I am not 100% sure i havn't looked into them. But it would be simpler to use a database yeah? Shimmy
  14. Try this: if(isset($_POST['defcon'])){ $defcon = $_POST['defcon_rate']; $player = $player['userid']; $q = "UPDATE `user_users` SET `alert`='$defcon' WHERE `userid`='$player'"; $result = mysql_query($q); if($result){ header("location: lair.php?strErr=You Have Upgraded Your Defcon Rate"); } else { echo "Error"; } } Shimmy
  15. Here, Try this. <div id="module-latest-threads"> <div class="module-header clear"></div> <div class="module-left-content clear"> <?php $query="Select *,COUNT(*) FROM article INNER JOIN categories ON categoryID=catid WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 30 DAY) GROUP BY title DESC LIMIT 3 "; $blog = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $num_blog = mysql_num_rows($blog); if($num_blog > 0){ echo "<table width=\"198\"><tbody>"; $i = 0; while($row_blog = mysql_fetch_assoc($blog)){ $i++; if($i % 2) { $b = "whitecell"; } else { $b = "graycell"; } echo "<tr><td class=\"".$b."\"><div class=\"interviews\"><a href=\"\">test</a></div></td></tr>"; } echo "</tbody></table>"; } else { echo "No topics to list"; } ?> </div> </div> <div class="module-separator"></div> Shimmy
  16. Try replacing $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); with $row = mysql_num_rows($result); Shimmy
  17. Thank you MrAdam, the opinion from you mean and help a lot! I have re-done the layout, it was absolutely horrible the old one. This one the colors at least flow together.. I do plan on resizing the 'i's to a smaller image so that they fit next to the text a bit better but that is a small and easy fix And I will align the text a different alignment. Has anyone tested any of the PHP side stuff yet, so I can see if theres anything there that I need to touch up. Thanks ShimmyShine
  18. I mean via SMS. To allow them to upload a picture via sms. Thats weird, it says the last post was from me when I didn't post that.. Weird.. (the one about telling me how its the same uploading from a phone.) Anyhow, does anyone else see anything wrong with the site? ShimmyShine
  19. Not really...phones access your web page the same way as any other browser, so coding-wise, it's the same. The only difference is that a phone user has a much smaller screen, much crappier connection, and a crappy mouse/keyboard.
  20. Yup I thought of the bot issue AND I have come up with this. Each person has to fill in a captcha to hit the picture.. ALSO They may only hit a picture once an hour (just that person, right now its doing it via cookies but eventually i want to do it database wise so they can't just delete the cookies and hit it again.) Thank you for your input though, if anyone has any more security issues i should look into please warn me ! Thanks Shimmy PS: I have decided to edit the current template a bit instead of totally remaking a new one, I have a pretty good idea in mind, you will see it SHOULD be ready by tomorrow
  21. Starting to work on the template right now, I have bought a domain name for it. http://www.tagmypic.net Also the name is changing from Tag Me! to TagMyPic!. Thanks Shimmy
  22. Give me untill tomorrow night, I will have a new and better template up. I understand the criticism I don't take it personally your just trying to help! Thanks ShimmyShine
  23. Much has been added to the site, I haven't done much to the layout I have added a template changer where you can chance colors, and eventually I plan on adding into it a whole entire new template. But I would like people to test the actual functions of the site if possible please. Thanks! Shimmy
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