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Everything posted by I-AM-OBODO
thanks and noted
I have a unique id and a transaction reference which is also unique and auto generated. All is well on my database. all I want is to increment setup bill + one if It's a new provider and nothing if its the provider on the bill. It's sort of: if provider is new, rewards = + 1 else rewards =nothing or ignore.
Had a great Sunday services, now programming my head out. Trying to solve a bug from my latest application. I know i'll get it done, WITH GOD ON MY SIDE THOUGH!!! HAPPY SUNDAY
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I know who God is, but he won't stop you from an XSS injection. Been there, done that first hand bud.
Hi all. In my database, i have a table where a client chose a service providers to make payments and each bill setup counts as a reward point for the client. Each bill counts as a single point even if the bill is edited after a services might have expired or renewed it should not be counted again as point. to count the number of bill set up by a client i did $stmt = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE reward_points SET num_bill = num_bill + 1 WHERE username = '$username' AND acct_num = '$acct_num'"); $stmt->execute(); Its okay if it counts for new bills but i want it not to count for the same service provide and so i did $stmt=$pdo->query("SELECT company FROM payment WHERE username = '$username' AND trans_ref = '$trans_ref'"); while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $coy = $row['company']; } //ps: note, $company is a variable from the form if(strcmp($coy, $company) == 0){ $stmt = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE reward_points SET num_bill = num_bill + 0 WHERE username = '$username' AND acct_num = '$acct_num'"); $stmt->execute(); }elseif(strcmp($coy, $company) != 0){ $stmt = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE reward_points SET num_bill = num_bill + 1 WHERE username = '$username' AND acct_num = '$acct_num'"); $stmt->execute(); } it just wont add up i also tried $coy1 = $coy; $coy2 = $company; $point = 0; if(strcmp($coy1, $coy2) == 0){ $add_point = $point + 0; }else{ $add_point = $point + 1; } $stmt = $pdo->prepare("UPDATE reward_points SET num_bill = $add_point WHERE username = '$username' AND acct_num = '$acct_num'"); $stmt->execute(); still wont work. any idea?
It's all working now. Thanks @QuickOldCar and @Barand
still wouldn't work. could it be cos the result value is not in the database? cos diff is d result of a datediff value. I.e $stmt=$pdo->query("select datediff(due, paid) as diff where name =:name"); $stmt->execute() while ($row = $stmt->fetch (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $diff=$row['diff'] ; } switch ($diff) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: $point = 6; break; case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: $point = 4; break; default: $point = 1; } echo $point; $total_points = 0; // DEFINE the variable begin loop $points = $point; // get points value $total_points += $points; // accumulate points total endloop echo $total_points; in the above code let's say I have 6 as $diff on the first row and on the second row I have $diff as 4, the $total_points ought be 10 but its giving me 6
still wouldn't work. could it be cos the result value is not in the database? cos diff is d result of a datediff value. I.e $stmt=$pdo->query("select datediff(due, paid) as diff where name =:name"); $stmt->execute() while ($row = $stmt->fetch (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $diff=$row['diff'] ; } switch ($diff) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: $point = 6; break; case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: $point = 4; break; default: $point = 1; } echo $point; $total_points = 0; // DEFINE the variable begin loop $points = $point; // get points value $total_points += $points; // accumulate points total endloop echo $total_points; in the above code let's say I have 6 as $diff on the first row and on the second row I have $diff as 4, the $total_points ought be 10 but its giving me 6
I did so but It's saying undefined variable: total_point and yet brings the result of only one row without adding the column
but how can I sum all the values from $point?
Hi, I have a point that is assigned to an individual based on their duration in the program. I used datediff to calculate the date difference and the result I assigned to a variable. Now I want to do this: if day = 0-5, point =6 what I did was if($diff == 0 OR 1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 4 OR 5){ $point =6; }elseif($diff == 6 OR 7 OR 8 OR 9 OR 10){ $point =4; } else $point =1; } echo $point;
Wow! after much playing around. Got it <?php $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT acct_num FROM table ORDER BY id DESC"); while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $acct_num = $row['acct_num']; echo "<option> $acct_num </option>"; } ?> Thanks all
Hi all. how can i make the values show like a list. I tried html line break "<br>" and php \n but all to no avail. It just show all the values in one straigth line. example of what i want is for the values to appear like this: 1234567890 0987654345 4567890675 instead of : 1234567890 0987654345 4567890675 Thanks <form data-abide method="post" action=""> <div> <select name=""> <option value="name"> <?php $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT acct_num FROM table order by id desc"); while ( $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) ) { echo $row['acct_num']; } ?> </option> </select> </div> <div> <label>New Password <small>required</small></label> <input type="password" name="password" id="password" required> <small class="error">New password is required and must be a string.</small> </div> <div> <label>Confirm New Password <small>required</small></label> <input type="password" name="password2" id="password2" required> <small class="error">Password must match.</small> </div> <input name="submit" type="submit" class="button small" value="Change Password"> </form>
I could do this with a while but was thinking It's bad practice that why I need to know. "select password from table where username = username and password = password"; while ($row = $stmt->fetch (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $hash =$row['password'] ; }
I know that the password ought be stored in database and I also know that the verify is used to check if the password is ok. my question is how to retrieve the password and assign the value to $hash. I could do a while query to store result in $hash but I read somewhere that It's bad practice cos that would expose the hashed password thereby given the security a loophole.
Hi. I've been trying to understand the concept of password_hash but so far it has eluded me! registration <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $password = $_POST['password']; //$pass_hash = PassHash::hash($_POST['password']); $hash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT); $stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO hash_test(name, email, password) VALUES(:name, :email, :password)"); $stmt->execute(array( ':name' => $name, ':email' => $email, ':password' => $hash )); if ($stmt->rowCount() ==1){ echo "Registration Successful"; }else{ echo "There was a problem taking your request"; } } ?> The registration is working fine and all fields are inserted. The problem is when loggin in, its giving me an error : unknown variable which is the $hash. The verify parameter is thus: password_verify($password, $hash) I believe the $password is the users password for login, now how/when/where do assign a value to $hash? since in my db i have email(username) password. Do i need to store the hash separately on the db? Can someone please enlighten me more my login code <?php if(isset($_POST['login'])){ $password = $_POST['password']; $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT email, password FROM hash_test WHERE email=:email AND password=:password"); $stmt->execute(array( ':email' => $_POST['email'], ':password' =>$password )); //if ($stmt->rowCount() ==1){ if (password_verify($password, $hash)) { /* Valid */ echo "Right"; } else { /* Invalid */ echo "wrong"; } //} } ?> THANKS
I wonder what's wrong with me. I've seen the problem. Thanks my head was beclouded thank you very much
sorry if you dont get me right. i have a table that has a transaction date and expiry date. I want to create another column where i can see the intervals between the order date and expiry date. i want to see them without doing a where clause. example Name Date Paid Expiry Date Date Difference John 2014-11-07 2014-12-01 24 days Doe 2014-11-07 2014-11-10 3 days This is what i did $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT DATEDIFF(date_paid, next_due) AS diffdate FROM ca_payment"); while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo $row['diffdate']; } but its showing the total sum of date difference of all the column which is not what i want
Hi all. How can i see all the difference between two dates in a column. I know to see a single date difference we can do: $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT DATEDIFF(date_paid, next_due) AS diffdate FROM table_name"); while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { echo $row['diffdate']; } but i want all the difference to show in a table along with other details. thanks
Thanks all. Been out of town for a while that's the reason i'm reply now. I managed to get it to work. i changed a couple of things and i cannot really pin-point what made it work. I removed all the mysql_real_escape_string and changed the path. Thank you so very much. ps: still studying password_hash so that i can start implement.
yes I think pdo is enabled cos I could log in at the admin end and It's using pdo
thanks for yours above. the password hashing is same both on logging. I said I could login on my localhost but cant when live.
Nope. jus t didn't include it here
Oh I forgot to mention that even with path as is, it's logging into the intended area with mysql but when modified to pdo, it doesn't log in