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Everything posted by lazylester

  1. I've learned that the "fragment identifier" appended to a URI with the "#" prefix, is not sent to the server by the browser. Instead it is retained by the browser and used to navigate to a reference within the returned document when the server responds. That's why I couldn't match it with the mod_rewrite regex.
  2. it looks to me as if mod_rewrite IS working. You said your intention is to rewrite the url to be mysite.com/1, well the server is telling you that it can't find a file with that name "1", so the mod_rewrite is working and the failure is afterwards when the server is looking for the file. Do you have a file with the name "1"?
  3. I'm using mod_rewrite to manipulate requests that look like this: www.mydomain.com/myfile.html#someanchor I would like the anchor name ("someanchor") to appear as a $_GET parameter, so rewrite the filename to myfile.html?anchor=someanchor However the mod_rewrite regex pattern seems to fail with the #. I've tried my regex expressions on other regex engines (e.g. php) and it finds the pattern, but in mod_rewrite, the # seems to terminate the pattern search. For example, if I request the file myfile.htmlmyanch#or to this: RewriteRule ^(.*).html([a-z#]*) test.html\?position=$2 the variable in $2 is "myanch" (even if I escape the # in the regex pattern, which I don't believe is necessary, but tried anyway) Can anyone shed any light on this, please? thanks in advance Les
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