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Everything posted by hansford

  1. If possible. this probably shouldn't be written until sessionstate==4 document.getElementById('div_row').innerHTML = '<textarea id="populate"></textarea>';
  2. only one pls will do, otherwise we think you're a pu**y and nobody want to help those.
  3. yeah tippy thanks so much for letting this moron finally "get it". You will never become a good web programmer having other people do all the work for you.
  4. maybe im not understanding you. You have some information that you want placed bewteen a <div></div>? $content = 'your information'; echo "<div style='blah">" . $content . "</div>";
  5. $parsedNumber++ is outside of the while loop;
  6. if this statement runs then $tableRowNumber never gets set. ($cookiePassword != $encryptedPass) {
  7. looks like $tableRowNumber never gets set before entering the loop
  8. no, you could make the exam all in one page. You select which test from the dropdown menu and the form is set to reload the page and use the $_POST to see which exam was selected and then you'd have to do if conditions so it shows the correct test forms.
  9. I don't have that problem with php 5.2.5. This script gives me no errors. <?php $key1 = 'name'; $key2 = 'first'; $_SESSION['name']['first'] = 'frank'; example($key1,$key2); function example($key1,$key2){ echo $_SESSION[$key1][$key2]; unset($_SESSION[$key1][$key2]); } ?>
  10. if you know php, this could be done in one-two days depending on how fancy you wanted to get, but if you're a newbie it might take weeks. The biggest time would be in setting up the forms with all the questions. The key here would be to create an index.php page for the test and then use includes for each exam page.
  11. Well, maybe he doesn't get what we're trying to say or we don't get what he's trying to accomplish. What variables are you trying to change? please post the varibale along with the relevant code thanks
  12. let php store the values in an array and then at the end of your loop do: echo "<script language='javascript'>"; for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($myarray); $i++){ echo "var num" . $myarray[$i] . "=" . $myarray[$i] .";"; } echo "</srcipt>"; now javascript has global vars named like num1, num2 etc.. which holds the values you got from you DB
  13. if it isn't an object-try this <?php $doc = domxml_new_doc("1.0"); $node = $doc->create_element("Category"); $node->set_attribute("align", "left"); $parnode = $doc->append_child($node); ?>
  14. try this it should echo an object $doc = domxml_new_doc("1.0"); $node = $doc->create_element("Category"); var_dump($node); $parnode = $doc->append_child($node);
  15. to be on the safe side just put your header right after <?php make sure theres nothing before <?php like whitespace or html tags
  16. as far as line 9 and 36 error: i'd echo out and find what the value is before passing it Warning: Cannot modify header information Clear any whitespace in your closing ?> tag currently its like this: $xmlfile = $doc->dump_mem(jgj); echo $xmlfile; ?> needs to be: $xmlfile = $doc->dump_mem(jgj); echo $xmlfile; ?>
  17. header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); you can review it at php.net
  18. it grabs the $username and thats all. the problem is here. There is no $_SESSION['rank'] so none of that code is ever executed. Maybe in your DB you can store the username along with who that person is ie: admin,friend then you grab that value and store it in a variable such as $who then we can do: if($who == "friend") { echo include "friendpanel.php"; } if($who == "admin") { echo include "admincontrol.php"; }
  19. That why most of us are here to research, to learn.
  20. TextPad for me, changes color if I forget to close a string. but after reading this I'll try the others and see if I like them better.
  21. yeah just add the resize code. all of the images will be resized in a blink, but not before they're uploaded, but before the next page is fully rendered.
  22. you have a session started. somewhere $_SESSION['rank'] needs to be set from some form input or from a check of the database to see their relationship to the user.
  23. How about this: function changeAction(ins) {var form1 = document.getElementById('buttons'); if(ins==0) form1.action = "broad_prev.php"; if(ins==1) form1.action = "broad_send.php"; if(ins==2) form1.action = "broad.php" ; if(ins==3){ window.location="http://www.yourdomain.com/yourpage.php"; return; //exits function doesnt allow form1.submit() to get executed } form1.submit(); }
  24. I dont see where $_SESSION['rank'] is getting set
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