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Posts posted by dannyb785

  1. I have one that I do for a friend of mine(at http://www.jazzedart.com/guestbook). It contains a simple catpcha,(which can be changed if you'd like) for spam attempts, and sends the admin an email where the admin can view the entry in their email, and click a link to approve or deny the entry. And it wont show an entry until it's approved or denied. Message me if you'd like it.



    btw, don't try submitting something on the site unless it's relevant to the site. As I said, she monitors all entries before they are shown.

  2. Yes, your original script should be fine. Just make sure the emails are separated by, I believe, a comma. I would think it's better to do it that way than do a loop and use the mail() function over and over(but I dont know for sure)

  3. You should learn to code css by yourself, without any framework first. Then once you know css inside and out, then work on doing it with a framework. That way if you need to change/modify something, you'll know how to do it without much trouble

  4. not wrong to put what after the function? And it's not a function, it's best to not call it that. I'd call it a tag modifier, even though it modifies more than just tags(I know it has an official name, I forgot it). But anyway, what you have posted there will only change the color of the links.


    Think of what you're saying in that style code. You're saying that everything within a p tag that has a class of redstuff(or whitestuff) that is within an a tag will have the "color" color. So it literally, and flat out wotag modifier

  5. no, because when you don't specify a tag(i.e. not having the a, or a h1, or anything after the class/id name), the color property applies to the text color only(links are not affected). But when you have the a after the class/id name, the color property affects only all thinks within and <a> tag.

  6. No matter how easy it is, you're saying "Here is how to build a guitar" before you say "here is how you learn guitar".


    Remember, not everyone may learn php quicker than you guys. They also may be using it just for fun to test it out, without any intentions on having massive traffic come to their site. Is that really worth $50-100 a month?

  7. Ah ha. the problem may be...


    you're starting your insert from "//public_html... and so on. In my upload script, I have the target set to start from my current directory


    So if my file is a jpeg, and I want it to go into "images" and it be named "image1234.jpg", I'd make the $target variable: "images/image1234.jpg" and thats it. I'm pretty sure that's where your problem is.



    Also, I think you might need to specify the max file size(but it might not be important)


    <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="10000000000">


    But the server may have limitations that are lower than the values specified.


    Also, how big is the file you're trying to upload?

  8. I keep hearing for dummies books are good and others say they are horrible. Hmm, is it personal preference or are they really horrible?


    It is likely personal preference, but to me, they all seam far too basic. they are truly aimed at dummies. That being siad, Ive never read one, just skimmed through a few in the bookshops.


    That wiki I linked too is now this book. While the 'in a nutshell' books usually assume some experience, they also usually provide a good introduction to a language. Ive never looked at that book, but if its anything like the wiki I would say its a great place to start with php.


    A dummy is different to different people. To a php expert, a dummy is someone who doesn't understand complex php OOD and functions, handling big arrays, and doing complex mysql queries. Dummies is just a funny way to describe someone who needs a starter. An easy-to-read starter with pictures, lots of examples, that doesn't feel like a school textbook when reading. The authors usually incorporate a little humor and stuff to keep the reader from getting bored.

  9. Which value are you trying to change to done? Do you mean a value inserted into the database? Or just the words "done" printed on the screen?



    EDIT. I see where your mistake might be. Your first query is inserting a row into the database. But your second query is assigning the current values to every row in the database. You need to have it like "UPDATE table set blahblahblah WHERE something='$id' " or whatever. you have to have a WHERE in an UPDATE or else it'll apply the values to everything.


    And if that still doesnt set whatever you want to done, then you need to halt the script before it gets to the query, and echo out all the values you're trying to insert into a row.

  10. I'm pretty sure when you use the $_FILE variable, you have to have " enctype="multipart/form-data"  " in the form tag. Give that a try. Otherwise, the file upload script looks to be correct

  11. test to make sure the mysql query is getting what it needs to. If you have phpmyadmin, run that querty, and insert As where you have $string2 and see if any rows pop up. It could be the format of your data in the database.



    Fake edit: I see your problem. You're saying "Look in my database where the column name is 'song' and find 'As'. And then when you're trying to get the variable after mysql_fetch_array, you're telling it "give me the array variable where the column name is 'Song'. That capital S and lowercase s is the difference maker. Check which case your 'song' column is and make them identical

  12. Yes, books are great for when you're on the john, somewhere like school where you might not be near internet(or a computer), something to read while waiting for something(I read mind while waiting at the laundromat), or if you're about to go to bed and don't care to stare into a screen.


    As I said in another thread, get php/mysql for dummies(provided you have little or no experience with php/mysql). I guarantee you won't regret it. It gives just enough to get you going so that more advanced techniques aren't as hard to grasp.

  13. "Are you gonna go out and buy a $3,000 guitar as a starter?"



    Cept for PHP is free....


    I guess what you really meant was...  Why bother putting the effort in to learn how the PHP engine works and how Apache works if you just abandon PHP?  I guess I didn't look at it that way.  I was assuming that the drive to learn PHP was strong enough to survive a small challenge.


    you're right... php is free. But is a dedicated server(or vps?)? helllll no. I'm not comparing php to a $3,000 guitar. I'm comparing paying $50-$100 a month on something you don't even know to a $3,000 guitar. Of course the money is much more, but you're still paying a high, an unnecessary, premium just to learn something. Lesson learned: buy cheap webspace, learn php in an out, then when you have a succesfull idea for a website(or perhaps can afford to shell out more money), THEN you upgrade the server. How about you learn how to ride a bike before you learn how to build one(weird example, but you should get the idea)

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