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Posts posted by dannyb785

  1. File Input Accepted



    The impact of this vulnerability

    User may upload malicious files to server.

    How to fix this vulnerability

    Check if the script inputs are properly validated from uploading .exe/.js and .php extensions



    can you tell me where file input was accepted? or do you mean that there was a folder found with permissions that allow an upload?

  2. You can insert multiple records using this syntax (faster than multiple single inserts)

    INSERT INTO table (x, y, z) 
    ($a, $b, $c),
    ($d, $e, $f),
    ($g, $h, $i),
    ($j, $k, $l)


    whooooooooooooooooooooooooaaa!! are you serious?? thats awesome!!

  3. ^ haha, well someone out there has voted a few thousand times.



    And can someone tell me how they're masking their ip? In my ip-tracking column, sometimes there's "<script>blahblah</script>" among other interesting stuff, but it's a field that the user had no control of(atleast I thought)

  4. 1.Ok I said earlier that it's not that big of a deal on this site, but is for others.


    2.In my first post in this thread I said stop the cross site scripting...so yeah...


    3.You said 'allowed javascript'...


    4.htmlentities with the ENT_QUOTES parameter stops cross site scripting with no loss of user input when displayed as text. Period.


    But like I said, I don't want to argue with you, just want to give the OP another option.


    I went ahead and did the ENT_QUOTES parameter for my htmlentities function. thank you for it, I wasn't aware of it.

  5. danny are you using strip_tags on calendar.php?  because my scanner is still picking up cross site scripting on it. ;)


    to be more specific you can inject javascript into the year variable ;)


    Also just a suggestion but the poll goes away after voting is there a way you could display the results? ;)


    I did htmlentities bc I thought that by doing it, it erased any chance of using js/html. Do I need to use both?


    And I know what you mean about displaying results... that's been me being lazy. I'll get to it by tomorrow night

  6. Full path disclosure: Fatal error: Call to undefined function html_entities() in /home2/xausfco/public_html/calendar.php on line 9

    Also, not really a hack, but can you try to correct the javascript so it's unobtrusive? The slideshows don't work without JS. Try using an image in noscript tags.



    Now playing: Rage Against The Machine - Tire Me

    via FoxyTunes


    Thank you for catching those 2! I got them both fixed. Very helpful :)

  7. I understand your suggestion about validation, but at the moment, I have it setup so my client can create the form themself(my system does most of the work for them) so they basically just create the field title and if it's required or not. But it's all just submitted to a database for my client to read and look over so validation isn't required, but more just suggested. So I use simple js to validate a blank field bc the typical user who is filling out the form isn't going to try and hack around it to keep the field blank.


    He is just taking keys like H A C and K, and alerting them on the screen.







    This isn't a hack, just to test if its XSS proof, which it obviously isnt.


    Use stip_tags, or htmlentities();


    Would just htmlentities do the job? I read somewhere that strip_tags doesnt completely remove all possible malicious input

  9. Basic Stuff


    "Warning: do not refresh this page as it will resubmit the information"


    You should probably make the email form a little less vulnerable to spamming. Right now I'm too lazy and I don't dislike you or anything, so I didn't write a script to continually bomb this page.


    Not Basic Stuff

    XSS! :o



    Pretty Dangerous...




    would adding htmlentities help this problem? I'm scared to run the script to see what it does!

  10. There is very little validation in the 'contact' form, <> tags, etc...


    I'd suggest sanatizing the input for those fields a little more.


    I can't find any other noticeable security flaws, but I tested it without software.



    do you mean js validation? Or server-side filtering? And how can you tell because once something is submitted, it's never repeated back to the user nor made public

  11. Hello all, this is a client of mine's page. The only parts that even allow user input are on the contacts page(typing info to be emailed), the polls that you vote on, and the search field. So there shouldn't be any main security vulnerability, however there is a behind-the-scenes area to log into and edit things so I suppose just make a sure someone couldn't accidently stumble into it(it requires the user to be logged in even if they did know the address of the page).



  12. nevermind I figured it out


    using $sql="SELECT * from `users` WHERE `username`='".$_GET['username']."'";


    Thanks alot guys!


    sorry, had I been to the site earlier, I would've expound on my post by explaining what you figured out. But I feel it's better that you figured it out since we won't be here all the time.. I learned by hours of troubleshooting

  13. I'm not sure if that first name was a joke or not but a quick typo I noticed:


    		alert('You must enter a name!');


    first line has urnmae and the 4th is urname



    but regardless, it's not going to work because you're calling a string into the function and it's not gonna do what you need. You need to replace "Name" with 'this.value'(without the single quotes) and make sure there are no quotes in the function in the input field



    You should learn to read what forums are what. This should be in testing not in critiquing. You don't want people trying to hack your site... It's just going to get defaced like that....


    Beta Test Your Stuff!

    Post a link to your work with inputs and expected outputs for people to test.


    A mod can move it if it's a problem.

  15. It's the way the template is setup. It's a separate image, so you need to hover for about 2 seconds. I need a way to preload the hover images so that this doesn't happen. I havent tried anything yet, but I think maybe just loading them and giving them a position of like position:absolute; top: -1000px. You think that'd do it?

  16. I don't have(or know) the exact code, but it should be something like this:


    -read file A line by line

    -write each line to file B, as long as it's not blank(or long as it's not whatever line you want to not be printed), so you'd do a conditional[ if($data != "whatever") fprintf(something); ] or something to that effect. Look up fopen, fprintf, and similar functions, then you'll gert an idea of how to write the code for it.



    that's pretty much it.

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