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Everything posted by deadlyp99

  1. First of all I love the layout. There is a lot of whitespace that could be used. Mostly on the left column to bring in a little more content and reduce scrolling. The page fails xhtml validation on w3c, and the third css file failed as well. The first two were good. The code looks pretty ship shape. The google search looks a bit lonely over there on the right with all the space. Maybe you should make it bigger? Thats my opinion though. Oh and if your trying to teach people make sure to use proper syntax. All the "<p>" tags need to be closed on the tutorials. And finally, you have too many google ads on the page. I can tell you from personal experience that seeding a page with anything more than 2 google ad strips will considerably lower your CPM. Google counts each ad loaded within a page as individual page loads. So with 3/4 ads each page load it counts a click as 1 per every 3 page loads, that is, if someone clicks a link each time they load the page. Google will lower your earnings per click when they see that you only recieve rare clicks. So if clicking is normal rate, having more than one google ad strip makes it look like multiple page loads without a click. See what I am getting at? If you really must have all those ads, I highly recommend using more than one payed ad sites. And... rule #1 about monetizing a site is never try to do it before the site is already a success, with good traffic. You need to create logging systems to see what areas are clicked the most, and place ads that blend accordingly. With that... the ad strip below the navigation threw me offguard because I thought it was links for your site. It's like tricking the user, but not necessarily. Finally... dont use adsense, they have a habit of screwing people over. 7/10
  2. Header css method noted. Thanks for that tip, it makes enough sense. But what happens if someone on a small, or larger resolution? Won't the image on a low resolution monitor be all squashed, where a high resolution monitor will show a really wide skinny banner... 0.0 Sidenote - I coded the site taking turns in FF and IE, and the only differences I came across were the custom div scroll colors dont work in FF (which I knew, but i'm not even going to use it). But other than that the colors in Firefox were darker than in IE... Which is above all the most annoying. To my knowledge notepad+ does NOT have code completion, though its got syntax highlighting for many languages. I really like the button idea, and I will definitely adopt that practice. It was a concern of mine with dynamic content, and extra content period. Because I do know it takes time to fetch the image, and I could preload all extra content like I did on this project, but then you have an increased filesize load when no all uses will be using all the extra pre-loaded content. lol... http://www.joshr.info/rpg/rotate_test/index.php press "W" or "S" http://www.joshr.info/rpg/v_0_0_1/rotate_test/index.php press "A" or "D" I found a layout online I really like that i'm gonna try mimic. I'll post a new thread whenever I get it up. The hard part about this is I'm trying to design a fps-geared sight, and not a lot of sites that I find have anything other than media images from the site and/or only a forum.
  3. Oh yeah -.- How do I use the files? lol... they are all ".cs" and I do not know what to do with them. :-\
  4. Hell i'm about to make everything white with no design here in a minute. I used to use dreamweaver 4 before I learned html. Then I used 2004 in school, but didnt use it because it took twice as long to make anything decent as it did via code. School projects... mind you. Umm... is there any way I can learn to use color schemes... better? Like I use online tools but I still manage to have everyone tell me they dont match at all.
  5. Yeah I know what you mean. But from using dream weaver back in the day I've found everything but syntax highlighting to be annoying. Thats just me. Anyways what do you think of the layout design? Should I even bother cutting it up and doing the code for it?
  6. I like it a lot, but there is a huge "missing link" between why the site looks all hip and 21st century while the image on the right depicts a NES style game.
  7. I threw my css through a validator and it came up with errors for things such as "parse error". Though i'm assuming the sources I got a few things were hack jobs, i'm not to worried about it. It's close in 3.0, and far in 2.1. I tend to worry about those things after its done. I spent 4 hours today in school making a design for a layout. I'm not very good at art but I pieced together some techniques I found online. http://fgc.joshr.info/images/Layout.png I was excited to learn how that stupid 2px horizontal line was done, and I nearly blinded myself playing with stripes on banners. I think striped banners are a good eye hazard... In my gut I do not like it. But I can't think of any other direction to go right now. And the day I NEED anything more than a basic text editor to improve my coding is the day I stop programming. I've done it four years this way and i'm perfectly fine with it. I tried notepad+ at once point and found I don't care for it much. The only thing I liked about it was the brackets an parenthesis would turn red. But... since then I learned how to code in an organized manner.
  8. Yeah my hosting decided to fluke out on me shortly after I posted this. :-\ I made 2 designs after this one that were completely horrendous. I'm tinkering with a banner/navigation style idea I found, but other than that i'm not sure what to do... And yes, I use plain old notepad. I comment my code well, and so finding anything is pretty much a breeze. I dont need syntax highlight or anything of the like. I've done just fine without. i'll put the banner i'm making up when I finish it to get opinions.
  9. Oh I see the problem. Since you have a top border it creates an area you cant place text as far as I know. Think of it as a watermelon skin, you cant place the fruit there, but within the melon. right... Instead of having the property having a border, create 1 div that has a background property and is 10px tall with your text, then another div under it that is 100px tall.
  10. I use fireftp to save room in my task bar. Other than that I use whatever file manager (explorer on windows), to do my file transactions via a drag-drop annoyance. I would like to find a portable text editor that allows me to edit files directly on a server... but not much luck so far find one that works.
  11. Also people with a widescrean monitor will see it differently despite the percentages. You can use javascript to detect the browser and resolution/width/height, and load up a different style sheet tailored for them. For instance I find that %20 margins are nice on my 19" wide screen, but leave people with square monitors with a very slim area of content, so I do that to make margins for them about... half of my wide screen.
  12. install the g++ package You dont NEED and IDE. Ok? The faster you learn that the better. When I was learning c++ I coded a simple ide in python. So I had a text editor that had a "compile" button basically. Took a very short time to make, and I ended up just using gedit. On suse, just use kedit (if your running kde which you probably are). Command line for c++ is going to be "g++ -wal file.c -o output.bin" Syntax may be a bit off, but just use "man g++" and you'll figure it out.
  13. If you plan using a public script, especially joomla keep a few sites that release exploits(milw0rm.com for example) on an rss feed. It will give you time to cripple an exploit untill an official patch is released (if they even do). But of course dont do that if nobody is ever going to see the site. Sorry if the site I posted breaks any rules on the forum. I dont agree with the ethic there, but its a good resource....
  14. ...... I use a text editor, or edit from command line. Depends if i'm editing on-server or locally.
  15. I stopped using templates after I lost internet access for a year as well as my computer. So I hid at night with a 300mhz laptop running debian and learned several programming languages including learning html... though thats easy... I learned css just recently, and i've been doing php for near two years. Lol... anyways moral: I am stuck with the mentality that doing it yourself is the only way for it to be any measure of skill. Had I posted a few months back that page would have had only tables. :-] I've come far in my design skills, but i'm not about to take the easy way out. I don't feel as though I've made a website if 99% of it is left to a google search and a download. Consider me a "do it right, use notepad", guy.
  16. That is ok mate. I bring in the critique. My art skills are crap. And my color scheming has always been bad. But I dont know what to do. I even went as far as to utilize a color scheme tool online and I still failed at it. -.- I'm not keen on the "web 2.0" look, though ajax is nice. I need some suggestions, because if I re-do the site i'm going to be posting another ugly site up here. I dont mind a re-do all that much, but I don't want to sit here and make a pile garbage into a re-arranged pile of garbage. ^^
  17. I'm working on a site design for a fps I like to play, and this is what I have so far. I'm more of a "under the hood" kind of guy, meaning I have always prefered the coding side to art. I like art, and i've done a lot of work in several different areas, but I am not great at it. Anyways this is what I have so far, its a work in progress. So if anything is specifically horrendous or could use some fine tuning let me know. Thanks. http://fgc.joshr.info/
  18. I validated it againsted xhtml 1.0 strict. Figures Thanks again
  19. Interesting... I used a html validator and it suggested putting that in for the javascript, so I did without even thinking about it. I've never run into problems before... Thanks. I knew it was a simple solution. And I knew the code was commented, I did that because errors were still being raised... guess it was the cdata -.-
  20. Oh my bad, I didnt explain the problem -.- take a gander at: http://flgc.joshr.info/ I created a simple page and I have some css buttons. I plan to have the buttons "depress" and change to a darker color when the mouse is over. Once I figure out why that isnt working, I can get it to revert. As it stands I just get get "object expected" in IE on each link. OH! onmouseover="alert('lal')" works perfectly fine
  21. so I'm not terribly new to js, been using it a few years. while trying to create some simple rollover buttons I am running into an error and after an hour of tinkering I cant find the problem. It's a simple answer, I know it has to be! It is bugging me. Help appreciated. <script type="text/javascript"> <![CDATA[ function over(id) { document.getElementById(id).style.backgroundColor="#487bb6"; document.getElementById(id).style.border="2px inset #3e72ad"; } ]]> </script> <!--// Main Links //--> <div id="links"> <div class="main_links" id="home" onmouseover="over('home');">Home</div> <div class="main_links" id="forum" onmouseover="over('forum');">Forum</div> <div class="main_links" id="register" onmouseover="over('register');">Sign Up</div> <div class="main_links" id="login" onmouseover="over('login');">Login</div> <div class="main_links" id="sigs" onmouseover="over('sigs');">Get a Sig</div> </div> <!--// End Main Links //-->
  22. Thanks. Thats the only thing I hate about javascript, case sensitive in a weird way. Thanks for the "this" tip. I knew about it, but I couldn't remember the syntax for it, and didn't want to chance causing even more problems with the code.
  23. Learn CSS layering, Find some drag and drop scripts, and you should be good to go. Create a function on a website, to open a "in-browser browser", and have it like a mini browser in the browser. Not sure how you can modify html documents with vb, though that would make things easier. HOWEVER! Its totally pointless to do this in my personal opinion. You would be better off creating a dynamic tab browser in vb. I've done it before. It isn't easy, but I can tell you that it can be done. Good luck!
  24. IF you wanted to do this you would need to look at captchas on many sites and see how they work, and replicate that. You'd need to use php and a graphics library such as GD.
  25. Why wont the following code work? I'm trying to get the image to change on a mouse over, and it simply is not changing The div is returning the mouseover event, so I know that works. I tested with a simple alert. But why it wont change images... I dont know. Thanks for any help. <?php echo " <div id=\"linkbox1\" style=\"position:relative;top:60px;background-image:url('./include/images/link.gif');height:20px;width:50px;\" onmouseover=\"document.getElementById('linkbox1').style.BackgroundImage='url(./include/images/link_over.gif)';\">words</div> "; ?>
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