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Everything posted by sasori

  1. i figured out the error now... daemn!, am so dumb, it took me 2 days to figure this out. it was with the include path of my php.ini here's the correct path include_path = ".;c:\wamp\bin\php\php5.2.5\PEAR" i didn't notice the "\php" between \bin and \php5.2.5 in the firstplace
  2. i have a script running now..but still it has a few errors <?php include('Date/TimeZone.php'); $foo = new DateTime(); echo "the class is/are ". nl2br(print_r(get_class($foo),true)); echo "<br/>"; echo "the methods are ". nl2br(print_r(get_class_methods($foo),true)); ?> what should i do now?
  3. but sir, there's a TimeZone.php inside the Date package of pear
  4. ill change my question sir, i browse the documentation of the Date Package from pear website and it says and so I run another test script in order to output a class include('TimeZone.php'); $foo = new Date(); echo "the classes are ".get_class($foo)."<br/>"; and it says
  5. first i installed pear in wamp and was able to do so. then i installed the Date package then i tried to configure my php.ini then i tried to run my simple test script to get the classes available include('TimeZone.php'); $foo = new DateTime(); echo "the classes are ".get_class($foo)."<br/>"; and then error appears on my browser what you think guys is the problem? i need help..im just doing self study so i need guides in here. :?:
  6. sir, am not the root mysql account of the live database of the host. how am i gonna flash the privileges? ???
  7. am having a problem loading a sample data to my live mysql database here's the screenshot as you can see in the command prompt from the screenshot, i won't be able to describe the table if am not connected right? and also the ip of the computer that am using is already added in the cpanel's remote mysql add host. what you guys think is my problem? ???
  8. where did that c, and i and io came from? i got confused with your way of query am just new to mysql..yours looks so advance ???
  9. let's say i have these 3 tables containing these data customer table `cust_id`, `fname`, `lname`, `street`, `city`, `state`, `zip`, `phone`, `fax`, `email`) (1, 'jason', 'vorjis', 'elm street', 'angels', 'CA', '20562', '000-000-0000', 'none', 'jvorjis@killer.'), (2, 'freddy', 'kruger', 'elm street', 'angels', 'CA', '20204', '000-000-000', '', '[email protected]'), (3, 'albert', 'einstein', 'geek street', 'carlson', 'MA', '23251', '000-000-000', '', 'aeinstein@test.'), (4, 'jena', 'malone', 'sexy street', ' lake tahoe', 'NV', '223523', ' 123-456', '7890', ''), (5, 'britney', 'bitch', NULL, 'indianapolis', NULL, NULL, '845-155-815', '1-800-800-188', NULL), (6, 'meredith', 'brooks', 'bitch street', 'angels', 'TX', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (7, 'tom', 'jones', 'oldman street', 'pines', 'TX', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); item table (`order_id`, `item_id`, `color`, `size`, `price`) (1, 1, 'blue', 'medium', '15.00'), (2, 2, 'red', 'large', '14.75'); item_order table (`cust_id`, `order_id`, `date`) (5, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); how am i gonna print the output in the screen using the "UNION" if i want the cust_id,fname,lame,order_id,color,size,price and date all at once ? ???
  10. i found another way and it worked just fine LOAD DATA INFILE 'c:/wamp/www/webapp/customer.txt' INTO TABLE customer FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n'; thanks for the help
  11. i have 3 tables - customer - order - orderitem inside customer table it has these columns -cust_id -fname -lname -street -city -state -zip -phone -fax -email then i created a customer.txt file and has contents like ,freddy,kruger,elm street,angels,CA,20204,000-000-000,,[email protected],,, ,albert,einstein,geek street,carlson,MA,23251,000-000-000,,[email protected],,, i placed this customer .txt file in my c:\wamp\www\webapp\ directory then i tried the command in my mysql console LOAD DATA INFILE "c\wamp\www\webapp\customer.txt" INTO TABLE "customer"; but it doesn't work at all, what should i to ? ??? i even tried to replace the double quotation mark with back ticks or replace the backslash into forward slash..and still it won't work.
  12. thanks sir
  13. i got a problem doing a manual alteration of a column, whenever i tried to set a default value of 0 to a column which was presently set to NULL(e.g the cust_id primary key), it doesn't affect the column at all, aren't there any other way to set the default value to 0 manually? coz just like what i said it doesn't affect it manually, ???
  14. sir i got another question about that null thing.. should i set primary keys as NULL or NOT NULL ?
  15. thanks for the tips sir.. but what about the YYYY-MM-DD and HH:MM:SS thing goes ?
  16. im practicing to build a database, i was building a customerorderinfo database with 3 tables - customer table - item table - item_order table but am having problem creating a datetime in the item_order table here's my supposed to be syntax in item_order table CREATE TABLE item_order ( cust_id BIGINT, item_order SERIAL, date <--- this is the part i don't know what to place LOL ???
  17. how bout without having to type select, insert, update, delete ? is there any short cut? because as we all know, if i will type Grant All privileges , not just the data privileges alone will be given.but including the structure and administration privileges will be included.
  18. let's say i want to grant a user with all of the data privileges except the structure and administration in one blow? how am gonna command that? because if am gonna do this thing GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* to 'dummy'@'localhost' identified by 'pass'; with MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 0; the user will be able to have administration and structure privileges
  19. i've spent more than 2 hours hunting for answer and solution on the net,..none of the instructions worked to save my root account..i've had enough of it..so i just reinstall the wamp server so i can continue studying.. thanks for the tips anyway.
  20. i accidentally deleted all the users including the root account of my mysql in my wamp running at localhost what should i do now in order to bring it back? help please ???
  21. each time i fire up the mysql console, it always asks for the default root password. then i just learned how to add new users a few hours ago. the problem now is, how am i gonna make my wamp mysql console to ask for username and password? so that i can test my newly added user accounts. ???
  22. i have it working now..what i did was, i went to the directory of msyql of wamp c:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.0.45\ then i typed mysql.exe -h my.domain.com -umyusername -pmypassword note: yeah , i removed the spaces between the -u and my username and also the space between -p and mypassword and it realy worked. lesson learned: never use wamp mysql console when trying to connect to a live webhosting mysql account and don't forget to add your own ip in the cpanel
  23. im just started reading about mysql a few hours ago sir.. i want to learn how to connect manually using that wamp console for mysql. i will plunge in connecting to it using php scripts ???
  24. it doesn't work either -h 192.my.ip.something -u mypass -p mypassword
  25. i added my ip ..but still this thing -h test.test.org -u myuser -p mypassword; doesn't work ???
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